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viernes, 22 de junio de 2018

¡Ya tenemos hobby para las tardes de la jornada continua!

¡Ya tenemos hobby para las tardes de la jornada continua!

Para las tardes de la jornada continua o para las vacaciones de verano. El caso es que ya tenemos nuevo hobby para nuestros ratos libres. Y es que, We Are Knitters ha lanzado una serie de petit point inspirada en Florida y no puede ser más bonita. Y nosotras, como apasionadas de la belleza y del mundo DIY, hemos caído rendidas ante ella.

Miami, sus hoteles, sus palmeras, sus colores… son los protagonistas de estos kits que componen la serie Florida. Unos maravillosos, divertidos y refrescantes sets de petit point que hacen las delicias de cualquier amante del DIY.

Pero, ¿qué podemos encontrar en ellos? Todo lo necesario para crear nuestra pequeña obra de arte: miniovillos de algodón Pima, agujita lanera y el cañamazo (además de su correspondiente guía para hacerlo).  ¿Lo mejor de todo? Es que hay kits para todos los niveles: desde los más fáciles para los principiantes, hasta otros de mayor dificultad para los grandes expertos. ¿Tú de qué equipo eres? Sea cual sea tu respuesta, lo que tenemos claro es que este verano no te vas a separar de la aguja.

The post ¡Ya tenemos hobby para las tardes de la jornada continua! appeared first on StyleLovely.

https://ift.tt/2tsrqTW June 22, 2018 at 07:27AM

jueves, 21 de junio de 2018

Las toallas y pareos más cool para el verano

Las toallas y pareos más cool para el verano

Las altas temperaturas ya se han asentado ¡al fin! Parecía que nunca llegarían pero por fin podemos darle la bienvenida al buen tiempo y, por ende, ¡a los días de playa y piscina! Esto quiere decir, además de que nos esperan unos meses de lo más apetecibles, que hay que ir pensando en los accesorios playeros. Y no, no hablamos del capazo o el traje de baño, hay más complementos en los que pensar como las toallas y los pareos. Y en Donurmy tienen los más ideales.

Para nosotras y para ellos. Para los pequeños de la casa y para los grandes. Tienen una gran variedad de propuestas perfectas para todos. Y es que, la suya, es una de las mayores colecciones de toallas y pareos que encontrarás en el mercado. Una gran cantidad de diseños bonitos, originales y, además, a buen precio. ¿Se puede pedir más? Te mostramos varias de sus piezas para este verano. Aunque avisamos, son todas tan maravillosas que te va a costar decidirte (pero merecerá la pena).

Toallas divertidas

El verano es sin duda una época en la que estamos más alegres. El calorcito, tantas horas de sol, las vacaciones… Todo esto junto produce en nosotros en estado de alegría permanente. Por eso, nuestra ropa y complementos se vuelve mucho más colorida y divertida. En Donurmy lo saben y sus propuestas no pueden serlo más. Originales, fresquitas, positivas… ¡Lo tienen todo! A continuación os dejamos algunas de su sinfín de toallas. No nos equivocamos cuando decimos que son lo más, ¿verdad?

Pareos con estilo

Los hay que no pueden vivir sin una toalla. Pero también los hay que sin pareo no van a ningún lado. ¿De qué equipo eres? Si tu respuesta es del segundo bando, ¡esto te interesa! En Donurmy tienen los pareos con más estilo y personalidad que puedas encontrar. Elegantes sin pecar de clásicos, atrevidos pero sin ser exagerados… Son sin duda, perfectos para todos los gustos. Además, son geniales porque no solo podrás usarlo a modo de toalla, sino que también podrás atarlos a la cintura. ¿Opciones? En cuadrado y redondo, en tamaño normal o en versión maxi. ¿Con cuál te quedas?

The post Las toallas y pareos más cool para el verano appeared first on StyleLovely.

https://ift.tt/2K7H8Lr June 21, 2018 at 10:28AM

Chicken Waldorf Salad by Erica

Chicken Waldorf Salad by Erica

I first heard of Chicken Waldorf Salad as a teen. Tea parties were in vogue in our homeschool circle, so we were always on the lookout for new tea-ish recipes to try. I can’t recall if a sister or a friend first made Waldorf salad for a tea party, but I do remember that we girls liked it, and some of the boys hated it. It’s a polarizing dish, obviously!


Waldorf salad is a favorite of mine because it’s a wonderful blend: creamy yet fresh, savory yet sweet. There’s so many textures and flavors going on. You’d think it would be a jumbled mess, but somehow it just works.

Let me share my take on this classic American salad!


There are many different variations of this salad, but I only included my favorite ingredients: apple, lemon, celery, pecans, chicken, and grapes. Some people like to add onions or raisins, but raw onions give me a stomach ache, and let’s just say that raisins and I have a complicated relationship (I’ve disliked them since I was a kid). Walnuts are more traditional than pecans, but 9 times out of 10, I prefer pecans. Walnuts are perfect in banana bread and brownies, but pecans are better in salads in my opinion.

Now, you might hate celery and love onions. Or you might love raisins and despise apples, or prefer almonds to pecans. If that’s the case, feel free to make any substitutions you wish!


I like to use a combination of mayo and sour cream in my Chicken Waldorf Salad. The sour cream adds a bright, tangy flavor.


This salad is really difficult to make.


Just throw all of the ingredients into a big bowl (mine should have been bigger)…


And stir it all together! Taste and add salt and pepper if needed. Depending on how salty your mayo is and how aggressively the chicken was seasoned, you might not need any salt. And if your mayo is already quite acidic, a small squeeze of lemon juice might do the trick. Make sure to taste first!



1. My Waldorf salad recipe is pretty creamy, which is just how I like it. If you prefer a drier salad, cut back on the mayo or sour cream.

2. If you make this ahead of time, I highly recommend keeping the pecans separate and stirring them in at the last minute so they don’t go soggy.

3. I used my soaked pecans in this recipe, but you can just toast up raw pecans if you’re pressed for time.

4. If you’re serving this at a picnic or potluck, make sure to keep it in the cooler or refrigerator until ready to serve since it contains mayo. And put any leftovers back into the cooler as soon as possible!

5. I used boneless, skinless chicken breasts, but feel free to use leftover chicken instead.

6. You can serve this on a bed of lettuce if you like, or just straight up!


Have you ever had Chicken Waldorf Salad before? Did you love it or hate it? Would you be willing to give it another try?



Chicken Waldorf Salad by Erica

I first heard of Chicken Waldorf Salad as a teen. Tea parties were in vogue in our homeschool circle, so we were always on the lookout for new tea-ish recipes to try. I can’t recall if a sister or a friend first made Waldorf salad for a tea party, but I do remember that we girls liked it, and some of the boys hated it. It’s a polarizing dish, obviously!


Waldorf salad is a favorite of mine because it’s a wonderful blend: creamy yet fresh, savory yet sweet. There’s so many textures and flavors going on. You’d think it would be a jumbled mess, but somehow it just works.

Let me share my take on this classic American salad!


There are many different variations of this salad, but I only included my favorite ingredients: apple, lemon, celery, pecans, chicken, and grapes. Some people like to add onions or raisins, but raw onions give me a stomach ache, and let’s just say that raisins and I have a complicated relationship (I’ve disliked them since I was a kid). Walnuts are more traditional than pecans, but 9 times out of 10, I prefer pecans. Walnuts are perfect in banana bread and brownies, but pecans are better in salads in my opinion.

Now, you might hate celery and love onions. Or you might love raisins and despise apples, or prefer almonds to pecans. If that’s the case, feel free to make any substitutions you wish!


I like to use a combination of mayo and sour cream in my Chicken Waldorf Salad. The sour cream adds a bright, tangy flavor.


This salad is really difficult to make.


Just throw all of the ingredients into a big bowl (mine should have been bigger)…


And stir it all together! Taste and add salt and pepper if needed. Depending on how salty your mayo is and how aggressively the chicken was seasoned, you might not need any salt. And if your mayo is already quite acidic, a small squeeze of lemon juice might do the trick. Make sure to taste first!



1. My Waldorf salad recipe is pretty creamy, which is just how I like it. If you prefer a drier salad, cut back on the mayo or sour cream.

2. If you make this ahead of time, I highly recommend keeping the pecans separate and stirring them in at the last minute so they don’t go soggy.

3. I used my soaked pecans in this recipe, but you can just toast up raw pecans if you’re pressed for time.

4. If you’re serving this at a picnic or potluck, make sure to keep it in the cooler or refrigerator until ready to serve since it contains mayo. And put any leftovers back into the cooler as soon as possible!

5. I used boneless, skinless chicken breasts, but feel free to use leftover chicken instead.

6. You can serve this on a bed of lettuce if you like, or just straight up!


Have you ever had Chicken Waldorf Salad before? Did you love it or hate it? Would you be willing to give it another try?


Karl Ikonik, lo nuevo de Karl Lagerfeld

Karl Ikonik, lo nuevo de Karl Lagerfeld

Karl Lagerfeld presenta, de nuevo, la colección de Karl Ikonik para este próximo FW18. El icono de la moda, y mundialmente reconocido, es vanguardista y aspiracional en sus diseños.

En esta colección no solo encontramos prendas y accesorios únicos, sino que además incluye una selección de imprescindibles para viajar. Desde fundas para el pasaporte y etiquetas para la maleta, hasta una manta y un antifaz para dormir. Porque, ¿quién no quiere ir a la última hasta en los viajes más largos?

Karl Lagerfeld

Unos diseños caracterizados por los divertidos gráficos de Karl Lagerfeld en las prendas de la firma: gafas de sol, mitones y una blazer de esmoquin. ¡Pero esto no es todo! La colección cuenta con la aparición especial del felino más famoso del mundo: Choupette, la gata del diseñador.

Los productos lifestyle se complementan con una amplia gama de sudaderas y camisetas, una nueva sudadera con cremallera que estiliza la figura, y una sudadera en la que se mezclan tejidos. Los accesorios incluyen bolsos, bandoleras, maletas de fin de semana, una riñonera, una mochila, billeteras, bolsas, estuches de maquillaje, guantes, gorros y sombreros.

Karl Lagerfeld

Karl Lagerfeld Company Profile

Bajo su dirección creativa, la marca presenta un ADN de un lujo accesible y cool. Su estética exclusiva combina clásicos atemporales con un toque moderno y rock-chic. Además, incluye ready to wear para hombre y mujer, ropa de niños, bolsos y artículos en piel. Adicionalmente incluye colecciones de relojes, gafas de sol, calzado, perfumes, velas y joyería.

En 2016 la marca lanzó joyería para novia y Karl Lagerfeld Paris, que lleva la inspiración parisina a América del Norte.

Karl Lagerfeld

Su expansión es tan grande que tiene alrededor de 95 tiendas propias en el mundo, además de tiendas multimarca premium en Europa, Oriente Medio y Asia.

La nueva colección está disponible en las tiendas de Karl Lagerfeld, online  en karl.com y en exclusivas tiendas multimarca.

The post Karl Ikonik, lo nuevo de Karl Lagerfeld appeared first on StyleLovely.

https://ift.tt/2JVVQZR June 21, 2018 at 04:23AM

martes, 19 de junio de 2018

Big, Bad Spelling Showdown: Thursday Night! by PW Fun & Learning

Big, Bad Spelling Showdown: Thursday Night! by PW Fun & Learning
Big, Bad Spelling Showdown

Let the battle begin! Join us Thursday for a Big, Bad Spelling Showdown. We’re pitting one word against the other, and you determine which one is spelled correctly. It’ll be exciting, tricky, and crazy-fun. And prizes will be shiny and new!

Here are the details:

WHAT: Big, Bad Spelling Showdown!
WHEN: Thursday, June 21, 8:00 pm Eastern/5:00 pm Pacific
WHERE: Here! (The Fun & Learning section.)
WHY: Because spelling makes the world go ’round.

See you Thursday!



Big, Bad Spelling Showdown: Thursday Night! by PW Fun & Learning

Big, Bad Spelling Showdown

Let the battle begin! Join us Thursday for a Big, Bad Spelling Showdown. We’re pitting one word against the other, and you determine which one is spelled correctly. It’ll be exciting, tricky, and crazy-fun. And prizes will be shiny and new!

Here are the details:

WHAT: Big, Bad Spelling Showdown!
WHEN: Thursday, June 21, 8:00 pm Eastern/5:00 pm Pacific
WHERE: Here! (The Fun & Learning section.)
WHY: Because spelling makes the world go ’round.

See you Thursday!


Matoaka, de Inés Martín Alcalde Collection

Matoaka, de Inés Martín Alcalde Collection

Las que nos conocéis lo sabéis, Inés Martín Alcalde nos vuelve locas, ¡todo lo que hace es maravilloso! Y como no podía ser de otra forma, Matoaka, su última colección, nos ha cautivado.

Para poneros en situación, Matoaka supone una vuelta al origen, un reflejo de la personalidad libre, noble y luchadora de Inés Martín Alcalde. De ese espíritu, y del personaje de Matoaka (Pocahontas), surge esta pequeña colección limitada que está protagonizada por sus clásicos estampados étnicos.

La literatura y el cine han hecho de Pocahontas un personaje universalmente célebre: la princesa india que se revela contra su tribu para defender sus ideales. ¿Una leyenda? ¡Pues no! Pocahontas existió y en la realidad se llamaba Matoaka.

Ese espíritu supone el punto de partida de la colección cápsula que lanza Inés Martín Alcalde Collection para este verano. Estampados étnicos, sedas rústicas y tejidos naturales componen esta colección, de líneas básicas y muy femeninas, que juegan con esa elegancia desenfadada que tanto caracteriza a la firma.

Esta temporada, seguimos encontrando dos de los modelos básicos de Inés Martín Alcalde Collection – vestido cerrado y falda pareo con camisa- e introducen varias novedades como el vestido con vuelo y escote en pico, el Kaftán, el vestido camisero y el conjunto de top con botones y falda recta.

Colores mostaza, azules y malvas son los protagonistas de esta colección que es un homenaje a todas las mujeres con una personalidad libre, elegante y luchadora.


Inés Martín Alcalde Collection

Tras haberse convertido en un referente como diseñadora de trajes de novia, Inés Martín Alcalde, de la mano de su socia Leticia Colás, y su hermana Lucía lanzan en 2017 la línea Inés Martín Alcalde Collection, su primera colección Prêt- à -porter para invitadas.

Sinónimo de buen gusto y estilo, esta colección nace del corazón del estudio de la propia diseñadora, donde, junto a un maravilloso equipo de modistas y patronistas, crean prendas de líneas sencillas y versátiles con un toque muy especial: originales estampados diseñados por Inés que convierten sus trajes en únicos e irrepetibles.

“Buscamos satisfacer las necesidades de nuestras clientas: mujeres entre 20 y 50 años que quieren ir vestidas de una forma sencilla, elegante y diferente para una ocasión especial.” La filosofía de Inés Martín Alcalde Collection se resume en cuatro conceptos básicos; diseño de los estampados, patrones muy estudiados y versátiles, tejidos 100% naturales y trato cercano con sus clientas.

Sus trajes pueden adquirirse, con cita previa, en su estudio de Madrid en la calle Claudio Coello 32, ¡una opción perfecta para los eventos que tengas este verano!

The post Matoaka, de Inés Martín Alcalde Collection appeared first on StyleLovely.

https://ift.tt/2I1iDOh June 19, 2018 at 04:33AM

lunes, 18 de junio de 2018

How to Assemble Perfect Poke Bowls by Sommer

How to Assemble Perfect Poke Bowls by Sommer

Poke bowls are popping up all over the place. Have you noticed? Over the last few months, I’ve seen them on menus at mall food courts, at fancy restaurants, and everywhere in between.


“What the heck is poke?” you might ask.

It’s a sushi-like raw seafood salad created in the Hawaiian Islands. In fact, poke is so popular in Hawaii, you’ll often find poke counters at local grocery stores, right next to the deli counter.

Poke is made with all sorts of fresh-caught fish and seafood. Yet the most popular kinds are made with ahi tuna or octopus. Some poke variations are even grilled, for those that don’t like the texture of raw fish.


Poke is becoming more and more popular on the mainland because it’s a great source of protein, it’s easy to make, and you can turn it into a complete meal with just a few add-ins. But even if you live in a town that hasn’t jumped on the poke bandwagon yet, you can still make this light and healthy meal at home.

Poke bowls are easy to assemble and adjust to your dietary needs. If you are on a low carb, gluten-free, or even grain-free diet, no worries.

Mix things up on this week’s dinner menu and give poke bowls a try! Here are the basic steps to assembling the perfect poke bowl.


Make the poke

No real recipe is required for this.

First, cut sushi-grade fish into ¼ inch cubes and place in a bowl.

Next, add chopped onions. Poke is traditionally made with Maui onions. If you can’t find them, add some chopped Vidalia onions, shallots, or scallions.

Then add some soy sauce and sesame oil, just enough to coat the fish.

Now add some spice. This usually comes in the form of a dollop of wasabi paste, some Sriracha sauce, or crushed red pepper.


Stir and refrigerate until ready to serve.

Note: There are so many varieties of poke so feel free to play with the ingredients. Sesame seeds and seaweed are common toppings.


Choose a starch

Poke bowls are most often made with cooked sushi rice. However, if you are allergic to rice or are on a low carb or grain-free diet, cauliflower rice is a good choice. You can also find poke bowls served with poi, and Hawaiian porridge, or sometimes served over fried plantains.

Choose your starch and place it in individual serving bowls.


Add the poke.

Place a generous scoop of poke next to the starch.


Add something preserved

Most commonly, poke bowls are served with a side of kimchi. However, you can also add pickled vegetables. The sharp salty flavor of fermented or pickled ingredients adds a bold punch to the poke bowl.


Add something cold and crunchy

Raw vegetables are a benchmark of a good poke bowl. Try adding shredded carrots, mung bean sprouts, cucumber, or sliced radishes.


Add something soft

The final step is to add something soft and creamy to the top of the poke bowl. Avocado is a popular choice. You can also try ripe mango or papaya!


That’s it! Poke bowls are bold, beautiful, and packed with tasty goodness. Give them a try.

If you’ve made poke bowls at home, we’d love to hear about your favorite combination in the comments below!



How to Assemble Perfect Poke Bowls by Sommer

Poke bowls are popping up all over the place. Have you noticed? Over the last few months, I’ve seen them on menus at mall food courts, at fancy restaurants, and everywhere in between.


“What the heck is poke?” you might ask.

It’s a sushi-like raw seafood salad created in the Hawaiian Islands. In fact, poke is so popular in Hawaii, you’ll often find poke counters at local grocery stores, right next to the deli counter.

Poke is made with all sorts of fresh-caught fish and seafood. Yet the most popular kinds are made with ahi tuna or octopus. Some poke variations are even grilled, for those that don’t like the texture of raw fish.


Poke is becoming more and more popular on the mainland because it’s a great source of protein, it’s easy to make, and you can turn it into a complete meal with just a few add-ins. But even if you live in a town that hasn’t jumped on the poke bandwagon yet, you can still make this light and healthy meal at home.

Poke bowls are easy to assemble and adjust to your dietary needs. If you are on a low carb, gluten-free, or even grain-free diet, no worries.

Mix things up on this week’s dinner menu and give poke bowls a try! Here are the basic steps to assembling the perfect poke bowl.


Make the poke

No real recipe is required for this.

First, cut sushi-grade fish into ¼ inch cubes and place in a bowl.

Next, add chopped onions. Poke is traditionally made with Maui onions. If you can’t find them, add some chopped Vidalia onions, shallots, or scallions.

Then add some soy sauce and sesame oil, just enough to coat the fish.

Now add some spice. This usually comes in the form of a dollop of wasabi paste, some Sriracha sauce, or crushed red pepper.


Stir and refrigerate until ready to serve.

Note: There are so many varieties of poke so feel free to play with the ingredients. Sesame seeds and seaweed are common toppings.


Choose a starch

Poke bowls are most often made with cooked sushi rice. However, if you are allergic to rice or are on a low carb or grain-free diet, cauliflower rice is a good choice. You can also find poke bowls served with poi, and Hawaiian porridge, or sometimes served over fried plantains.

Choose your starch and place it in individual serving bowls.


Add the poke.

Place a generous scoop of poke next to the starch.


Add something preserved

Most commonly, poke bowls are served with a side of kimchi. However, you can also add pickled vegetables. The sharp salty flavor of fermented or pickled ingredients adds a bold punch to the poke bowl.


Add something cold and crunchy

Raw vegetables are a benchmark of a good poke bowl. Try adding shredded carrots, mung bean sprouts, cucumber, or sliced radishes.


Add something soft

The final step is to add something soft and creamy to the top of the poke bowl. Avocado is a popular choice. You can also try ripe mango or papaya!


That’s it! Poke bowls are bold, beautiful, and packed with tasty goodness. Give them a try.

If you’ve made poke bowls at home, we’d love to hear about your favorite combination in the comments below!