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viernes, 8 de junio de 2018

Summer Movies Quiz: Answers and Winners! by PW Fun & Learning

Summer Movies Quiz: Answers and Winners! by PW Fun & Learning

Good job on the quiz, friends! Now raise your hands if you’re ready for a road trip or a weekend at the beach. (Minus the angry shark, of course.)

Here are the stats, answers, and winners.


1,631 people took the quiz.
527 people scored 100%!
The question most people (about 99%) got right was…#9!
The question most people missed (only 54% got it right) was…#11.


In “Weekend at Bernie’s,” who played the two young executives invited to Bernie’s place?
• John Cusack and Corey Feldman
Jonathan Silverman and Andrew McCarthy
• Keanu Reeves and Alex Winter
• Judd Nelson and Emilio Estevez

What is the name of the town terrorized by a shark in “Jaws?”
Amity Island
• Cutthroat Island
• Enmity Island
• Amelia Island

What kind of shark is “Jaws?”
• Killer whale
• Tiger Shark
Great White
• Bull Shark

In the movie “Stand By Me,” four young friends go on a hike to search for _______.
a dead body
• someone to sell them a gun
• their friend’s father
• a lost bike

In the movie “Dirty Dancing,” what is Baby’s real name?
• Myrtle
• Edith
• Blanche

What is Baby’s father’s profession?
• Lawyer
• Professor
• Accountant

“National Lampoon’s Vacation” stars Chevy Chase as the head of this family.
• The Jeffersons
• The Bradys
The Griswolds
• The Reynolds

In the movie above, Chevy Chase takes his family on a road trip to this California amusement park.
Walley World
• Disneyland
• Pacific Park
• Wild America

In the same movie, what is the name of the car Chevy Chase is stuck buying?
• Family Wagon
• Wagon Wheel
Family Truckster
• Truckin’ Truckster

In this movie, John Candy and Dan Ackroyd clash while vacationing at a lake resort.
• Camp Nowhere
• Summer Rental
• Couples Retreat
The Great Outdoors

In “The Sandlot,” what did the boys call the dog next door?
• Cujo
• Killer
• Spike

Who plays the neighbor who owns the dog in “The Sandlot?”
James Earl Jones
• Laurence Fishburne
• Danny Glover
• Morgan Freeman

The movie “Meatballs” takes place _______.
• In a diner
• On a bus
In a camp
• On a train

This movie features four high school graduates spending their last night of summer cruising together around a California town.
• The California Kid
American Graffiti
• I Know What You Did Last Summer
• The Graduate

This actress played the twin girls Annie and Hallie in the 1998 movie “The Parent Trap.”
Lindsay Lohan
• Mary-Kate Olsen
• Hilary Duff
• Amanda Seyfried

In the 1996 movie “Flipper,” where does Sandy Ricks spend his summer and meet Flipper?
• California
• Rhode Island
• Hawaii

In the movie “Caddyshack,” Bill Murray’s nemesis was a _______.
• squirrel
• possum
• beaver

In “I Know What You Did Last Summer,” what did they actually do last summer?
Run over someone
• Steal a car
• Rob a bank
• Run away from home

In “Little Miss Sunshine,” the Hoover family travel to California in a _______.
• Yellow cab
Volkswagen bus
• Escalade
• Winnebago

Which of the following movies is NOT about baseball?
• The Natural
• Field of Dreams
• Angels in the Outfield
Kings of Summer


The first place winner is…Taylor L. from Virginia!
The second place winner is…Rebecca C. from Georgia!
The third place winner is…Melinda B. from Utah!

Congratulations, winners! Contact prizes@thepioneerwoman.com to claim your prizes!


FSTVL de MS Mode, la colección más bohemia para este verano

FSTVL de MS Mode, la colección más bohemia para este verano

Llega el verano, ¡llegan los estilismos bohemios a nuestro armario! Tejidos vaporosos, crochet, mucho blanco y a la vez detalles coloridos en nuestra ropa… Los meses más cálidos le aportan a nuestro estilo ese toque folclórico y boho típico de los años 70. La colección FSTVL de MS Mode es un claro ejemplo de ello. Y es que esta línea, inspirada en el estilo de vida bohemio, reúne las últimas tendencias en vestidos, pantalones cortos, blusas y tops de telas ligeras que simbolizan el espíritu libre del verano.

FSTVL de Ms Mode

Además de por este marcado estilo, todas sus propuestas se caracterizan porque son fáciles de combinar. Con ellas se pueden crear diferentes capas, algo que es muy típico del estilo boho, y que también es perfecto para las mujeres con curvas.

¿Pero qué podemos encontrar exactamente bajo el título FSTVL de MS Mode? Piezas muy cómodas, fresquitas y con mucho estilo. Bermudas y shorts vaqueros típicos de esta época, camisas y vestidos vaporosos, tops de crochet… En nuestra galería te mostramos algunas de las prendas de esta línea. ¡Te encantarán!


Más sobre MS Mode

Hace poco te hablamos de esta firma, pionera en moda curvy. Hoy te contamos un poquito más para que su filosofía.  MS Mode ha diseñado esta colección (FSTVL) y sus dos nuevas marcas bajo su revolucionaria filosofía Free the beauty, con la que luchan por liberar a las mujeres de los estándares de belleza y ayudarlas a sentirse orgullosas de sus curvas. Así lo explicó hace unos días Inge Wolterboer, Directora de Marketing y E-commerce de MS Mode: “Free the Beauty nace de una pregunta muy sencilla: ¿por qué tenemos que tomarnos la belleza tan en serio? Tal como lo entendemos, la belleza es un juego y viene en todas las formas y medidas. Y es un juego donde solo hay una regla: ser tú mismo. Desde MS Mode, queremos alentar a las mujeres a probar cosas nuevas, sonreír, reír y nunca dejar de jugar”. ¡Nos encanta!

FSTVL de Ms Mode

The post FSTVL de MS Mode, la colección más bohemia para este verano appeared first on StyleLovely.

https://ift.tt/2M79CWY June 08, 2018 at 07:00AM

jueves, 7 de junio de 2018

Los vas a querer todos (y lo sabes): 17 vestidos de la nueva colección de Zara

Los vas a querer todos (y lo sabes): 17 vestidos de la nueva colección de Zara

Look11 Look11 St

Como si de una canción pegadiza se tratara, nuestra mente tan solo puede tararear un estribillo mítico durante esta época del año: el verano ya está aquí. A pesar de que cada año nos advertimos de lo mismo, la época de sol y calor nos acaba pillando por sorpresa y nuestro armario pide a gritos vestidos molones que nos acompañen las 24/7. Zara saca a relucir todo parte de su arsenal y nos muestra distintos diseños que te van a enamorar por completo (no quieras negarlo). ¿Tomas nota?

Femenina con muy poco

4886080251 1 1 1

  • Vestido en mezcla de lino con cuello redondo y mangas abullonadas por pliegues, 29,95 euros.

Hasta el infinito y más allá

0021004050 1 1 1

  • Vestido largo de punto con escote redondo y manga sisa, 39,95 euros.

9598012608 1 1 1

  • Vestido de escote pico acabado con contraste y tirante fino, 79,95 euros.

5802010330 1 1 1

  • Vestido de punto trabajado con escote redondo y manga larga, 39,95 euros.

Fresco, oversize y diferente

4786079080 2 4 1

  • Vestido midi de tirantes con elástico tipo nido de abeja en pecho, 39,95 euros.

El satén vuelve con fuerza

3206760621 1 1 1

  • Vestido con escote recto fluido y tirantes, 39,95 euros.

Originalidad extrema

0021013330 1 1 1

  • Vestido de crochet con cuello redondo desbocado y manga con largo por el codo, 49,95 euros.

Deslumbra con tu sola presencia

7581560250 1 1 1

  • Vestido blazer de cuello y solapas de manga fruncida por debajo del codo, 59,95 euros.

Con detalles que marcan la diferencia

5580069104 1 1 1

De color blanco (nuclear) y completamente transparente

2878167712 2 1 1

  • Vestido de encaje con escote en pico y manga sisa, 29,95 euros.

3633013251 1 1 1

0858009712 1 1 1

  • Vestido largo semitransparente de cuello redondo y manga corta, 25,95 euros.

2878315251 1 1 1

Las flores que no dan alergia

2492008600 2 1 1

  • Vestido corto fluido de escote pico con solapa, 25,95 euros.

9006152600 1 1 1

  • Vestido corto fluido de escote pico con detalle de lazo anudado, 29,95 euros.

El estampado estrella de esta temporada

5580067250 1 1 1

  • Vestido de escote halter y espalda al aire, 22,95 euros.

Larga vida al escote Bardot

7605780401 2 1 1

  • Vestido corto de escote elástico con volante y hombros descubiertos, 29,95 euros.

En Trendencias | Zara TRF nos presenta un lookbook para pasar un verano en la ciudad derrochando mucho (muchísimo) estilo

https://ift.tt/2HsibZ7 June 07, 2018 at 06:01PM

¿Cómo elegir la mejor crema facial?

¿Cómo elegir la mejor crema facial?

Cada vez más personas dedican una mayor cantidad de tiempo y dinero a cuidar su aspecto. Conocer las necesidades de cada tipo de piel es a veces complicado, pues en función del clima, la edad o el tipo de piel, se necesitará una crema facial u otra.

Es importante elegir una crema adecuada al tipo de piel que se tenga, pues esta ayudará a aportar la hidratación que se necesite, a protegerla frente a los agentes externos como el frío, la humedad o el calor, e internos como las hormonas, el estrés o la genética. Por todo esto es conveniente conocer qué es lo que necesita la piel y buscar cremas que se lo aporten par así mantenerla fresca e hidratada.

Consejos a tener en cuenta

Encontrar la mejor crema facial del mercado es complicado, aunque aquí se puede encontrar mucha información: carmennieto.es. Aún así daremos una serie de consejos antes de lanzarse a comprar una crema hidratante facial:

¿Qué tipo de piel se tiene?

Hay que saber qué tipo de piel se tiene:

  • Piel seca: es áspera al tacto, mate y con aspecto agrietado. Se presenta irritada con pico y avece escozor.
  • Piel grasa: Los poros se hacen visibles y se caracteriza por la presencia de brillos debido a la producción de sebo.
  • Piel mixta: es una mezcla entre ambos tipos de piel. Hay zonas que se encuentran deshidratadas y otras en las que abunda la grasa.

¿Piel normal o sensible?

Las pieles normales son más resistentes y fuertes, es por eso que están más protegidas frente a la penetración de alérgenos. Por el contrario las pieles sensibles se encuentran constantemente expuestas a irritaciones y su abanico de cremas se reduce debido a que muchos componentes les causan irritación y rojeces.

La edad

No es lo mismo una piel joven que una madura. Sus necesidades irán cambiando con el paso de los años:

  • Hasta los 25, se recomiendan tratamientos hidratantes diarios.
  • Entre los 25 y 40 años, se deberá usar tratamiento preventivo, para tratar las primeras líneas de expresión.
  • A partir de los 40 tratamientos para combatir las arrugas, estos deben ser más específicos.

Control dermatológico

No importa el tipo de piel que se tenga, es importante comprobar que las cremas que se vayan a usar hayan sido testadas por dermatólogos. De esta forma se sabrá que tolerancia tiene el producto sobre la piel. Los cosméticos que hayan pasado por este proceso serán mucho más seguros para la piel.


The post ¿Cómo elegir la mejor crema facial? appeared first on StyleLovely.

https://ift.tt/2JpkOMM June 07, 2018 at 12:01PM

Breakfast Pizza by Erica

Do you know which two food groups I could eat any time of day? Pizza and breakfast. I could eat pizza for breakfast, and breakfast for supper. So why not combine them into one amazing meal!

Breakfast Pizza

This is basically the pizza version of biscuits and gravy. It’s got a gravy for the sauce, and breakfast sausage for the meat. And since it’s pizza, of course you need to have some cheese. I used Swiss and cheddar, both of which are delicious. I threw in some mushrooms and arugula so the veggies don’t feel left out. And of course you know I had to put an egg on it!

Breakfast Pizza

First things first, you want to roll out your pizza dough. I used half of my einkorn pizza dough recipe, and rolled it out really thin.

Breakfast Pizza

Next, brush the edges of the crust with melted butter. Oh yes.

Breakfast Pizza

Spread the “gravy sauce” evenly over the pizza. You don’t want to go too heavy in the middle, otherwise the crust will have a hard time cooking all the way through.

Breakfast Pizza

Sprinkle the cheese over the crust. You’re going to think that it’s way too much cheese for one pizza. Just trust me.

You also want to start making four little “nests” for the eggs to sit in. If you don’t do this, the eggs will tend to slide all over the crust.

Breakfast Pizza

Sprinkle the sausage and mushrooms on top of the cheese, making sure to reinforce the little nests. You can even make your own sausage if you like!

Breakfast Pizza

Bake the pizza for about 8 minutes. Then take it out and crack the eggs into the middle of the nests. Return to the oven and bake for another 8–10 minutes, or until the eggs are done to your liking.

Breakfast Pizza

Remove the pizza from the oven and sprinkle the arugula on top. Don’t you feel so healthy now?

Breakfast Pizza

Serve once the pizza is cool enough to not burn your mouth. Be careful of the egg running onto your chin! Which, in my book, is a glorious thing…

Breakfast Pizza


  • You can switch up the toppings if you like: use bacon instead of sausage, peppers instead of mushrooms, spinach instead of arugula, etc. Experiment and make this breakfast pizza your own!
  • The eggs will set a tiny bit more after the pizza is out of the oven.
  • Getting the eggs cooked to just the right doneness can be a little tricky. If you don’t want to fuss with that, you can scramble the eggs instead and sprinkle them on top once the pizza is done cooking. Or fry them in a pan separately.


Breakfast Pizza by Erica

Breakfast Pizza by Erica

Do you know which two food groups I could eat any time of day? Pizza and breakfast. I could eat pizza for breakfast, and breakfast for supper. So why not combine them into one amazing meal!

Breakfast Pizza

This is basically the pizza version of biscuits and gravy. It’s got a gravy for the sauce, and breakfast sausage for the meat. And since it’s pizza, of course you need to have some cheese. I used Swiss and cheddar, both of which are delicious. I threw in some mushrooms and arugula so the veggies don’t feel left out. And of course you know I had to put an egg on it!

Breakfast Pizza

First things first, you want to roll out your pizza dough. I used half of my einkorn pizza dough recipe, and rolled it out really thin.

Breakfast Pizza

Next, brush the edges of the crust with melted butter. Oh yes.

Breakfast Pizza

Spread the “gravy sauce” evenly over the pizza. You don’t want to go too heavy in the middle, otherwise the crust will have a hard time cooking all the way through.

Breakfast Pizza

Sprinkle the cheese over the crust. You’re going to think that it’s way too much cheese for one pizza. Just trust me.

You also want to start making four little “nests” for the eggs to sit in. If you don’t do this, the eggs will tend to slide all over the crust.

Breakfast Pizza

Sprinkle the sausage and mushrooms on top of the cheese, making sure to reinforce the little nests. You can even make your own sausage if you like!

Breakfast Pizza

Bake the pizza for about 8 minutes. Then take it out and crack the eggs into the middle of the nests. Return to the oven and bake for another 8–10 minutes, or until the eggs are done to your liking.

Breakfast Pizza

Remove the pizza from the oven and sprinkle the arugula on top. Don’t you feel so healthy now?

Breakfast Pizza

Serve once the pizza is cool enough to not burn your mouth. Be careful of the egg running onto your chin! Which, in my book, is a glorious thing…

Breakfast Pizza


  • You can switch up the toppings if you like: use bacon instead of sausage, peppers instead of mushrooms, spinach instead of arugula, etc. Experiment and make this breakfast pizza your own!
  • The eggs will set a tiny bit more after the pizza is out of the oven.
  • Getting the eggs cooked to just the right doneness can be a little tricky. If you don’t want to fuss with that, you can scramble the eggs instead and sprinkle them on top once the pizza is done cooking. Or fry them in a pan separately.



15 frases icónicas de Sexo en Nueva York

15 frases icónicas de Sexo en Nueva York

La película que rompió los esquemas y fue pura inspiración para toda una generación cumple, nada más y nada menos, que 20 años. Sexo en Nueva York nos enseñó a cuatro amigas que disfrutaban de su vida y hablaban de relaciones sin pelos en la lengua, pero también fue todo un modelo a seguir en cuanto a tendencias de moda. Todas las reflexiones y frases de estas amigas nos marcaron y siguen acompañándonos a día de hoy, por eso os dejamos una recopilación de las mejores frases.


Carrie Bradshaw

“Quizás tengas que dejar ir a quien eras y convertirte en quien serás”

“La cosa más importante de la vida es la familia. Hay días que les quieres y otros que no, pero al final, son la gente a la que siempre acudes”

“Dicen que nada dura para siempre: los sueños cambian, las tendencias van y vienen. Pero la amistad nunca pasa de moda”

“Nunca puedes tener demasiados pares de zapatos”

“No tengo un plan, tengo un vestido”

“Al final, la relación más emocionante, difícil y significativa de todas es la que tienes contigo misma. Y si encuentras a alguien que te ame como tú quieres… Bueno, ¡eso ya es fabuloso!”

“No deberíamos esperar que un hombre nos lo diera todo, sino aprender que cada persona nos ofrece algo distinto”

“A veces compraba Vogue en vez de algo para cenar. Sentía que me alimentaba más”

Samantha Jones

“Te quiero, pero me quiero más a mí”

“Cariño, no puedes escuchar cada puta voz que se te pase por la cabeza. Te volverás loca”

“Escuchadme, el hombre perfecto es una ilusión. Empezad a vivir vuestras vidas”

“No soy esa clase de mujer que se sienta en casa todo el día esperando a un hombre”

Miranda Hobbes

“Quiero disfrutar de mi éxito, no pedir perdón por él”

Charlotte York

“Los orgasmos no envían tarjetas románticas ni te cogen de la mano durante una película triste”

“Quizás podemos ser almas gemelas entre nosotras. Y entonces dejar que los hombres solamente sean esos chicos fantásticos con los que divertirnos”

The post 15 frases icónicas de Sexo en Nueva York appeared first on StyleLovely.

https://ift.tt/2HpsVHy June 07, 2018 at 08:41AM

miércoles, 6 de junio de 2018

UT KAWS x Barrio Sésamo

UT KAWS x Barrio Sésamo

UNIQLO lanza una colección inspirada en la mítica serie televisiva de dibujos animados Barrio Sésamo.

Prendas que nacen de los valores japoneses de simplicidad, calidad y longevidad, diseñadas para ser de este tiempo y también para perdurar. UT selecciona elementos culturales, de todas partes del mundo, para crear contenidos a partir de ellos y representar diferentes visiones a modo de obras de arte en una camiseta. 

UT KAWS x Barrio Sésamo

La colección ha sido diseñada por KAWS, un artista polifacético cuya obra se extiende, no sólo al arte y al diseño más tradicional, sino que incluye pintura, murales, esculturas, arte urbano y diseño gráfico y de producto.

UT KAWS x Barrio Sésamo

Apto para todo tipo de públicos, estos diseños que serán puestos a la venta a partir del 29 de junio, conquistarán tanto a los más mayores como a los pequeños de la familia.

UT KAWS x Barrio Sésamo

Si te has enamorado y cuentas los días para hacerte con ellas, ¡ya queda menos! Tras su lanzamiento, podrás conseguirlas en las tiendas de UNIQLO o UNIQLO.com

The post UT KAWS x Barrio Sésamo appeared first on StyleLovely.

https://ift.tt/2xOzROM June 06, 2018 at 07:56AM

martes, 5 de junio de 2018

Creamy Spinach and Red Pepper Chicken by The Pioneer Woman

Creamy Spinach and Red Pepper Chicken by The Pioneer Woman

I had the darnedest time figuring out what to call this recipe. I thought of “Creamed Spinach-Stuffed Chicken” but didn’t really like that I had to have a hyphen in the title. I thought of “Creamed Spinach Chicken” but that only told part of the story since there are also roasted red peppers and tomatoes in the sauce. I thought of “Red Pepper and Spinach Stuffed Chicken” but that totally denies the beautiful creaminess of this delightful dish. I thought of switching around the structure and doing “Chicken Breasts Stuffed with Creamed Spinach and Red Peppers” but that was way too literal. I do so much better when I can just keep a recipe title simple—like “Cauliflower Pizza” (not “Roasted Cauliflower Crust Pizza with Manchego, Fried Oregano and a Balsamic Rosemary Reduction. Though dang, that sounds good.)

Anyway, I did my best with the title. But just know that it bugs me!

And anyway…the title doesn’t matter one bit. This is a lovely creamy chicken recipe that may be a tad indulgent on the creamy side of things…but that’s also pretty low on carbs (relatively speaking.)

Dive in! The water’s just fine.

Start with some butter and olive oil in an iron skillet (or heck, any skillet) over medium-high heat.

Add diced onion and sliced garlic. Or, if you prefer, sliced onion and diced garlic. Or, if you are feeling rebellious, chopped onion and minced garlic.

Just some combination of onions and garlic would be peachy.

I talk too much.

Stir them around and get them started cooking…

Then add about a cup of sliced roasted red peppers. Now, I usually have jars of roasted red peppers in my pantry that are not sliced. In that case, I do something that may surprise you.

I slice them myself.

Always innovating here, always innovating!

Stir and cook everything together for 2 to 3 minutes.

Then throw in more spinach than you think makes sense, because it will shrink and wilt like there’s no tomorrow. (I actually added more than this before it was all said and done!)

Stir the spinach a bit, then add a bunch of diced fresh tomatoes (reserving a little of the tomatoes for garnish at the end.) Lower the heat to medium at this point.

(By the way, you could also add artichokes, mushrooms, lots of other yummy things to this sauce!)

Season this delightful mixture with plenty of salt and pepper…

Then, when the spinach has wilted, add some heavy cream…

And grated Parmesan. Tasty vittles!

Stir and let the cream thicken a bit…

Then grab a little softened cream cheese…

And add it in in chunks. Stir until it’s all melted…

Then remove about a cup of the mixture to a separate bowl and let it cool. Turn off the heat under the creamed spinach and set it aside.

Time to cut pouches in chicken breasts if you haven’t already! These are boneless, skinless breasts and I used a little paring knife to cut the pouch. If possible, you want the opening to be a little smaller than the area you cut inside. So once the knife is in there, just carefully move it from one side to the next…

Until you have a little pocket!

Lightly sprinkle the inside of the pouch with salt and pepper, then fill the pouch with the slightly cooled creamed spinach mixture.

Use toothpicks to securely close the pouch (if it’s too full to close, you’ll need to remove a little bit of filling. Don’t ask me how I know this.)

Keep going until you have all the chicken breasts stuffed and secured! Preheat the oven to 400 degrees.

In another skillet over medium-high heat, melt some butter with olive oil. Add the chicken breasts top/smooth side down (because I just think they look prettier when you cook the top side first)…

Brown them on the first side for 4 minutes, moving them around to ensure even browning. Turn them over…

Then place the skillet in the oven for 8 to 10 minutes, or until the chicken is fully cooked through and the filling is hot.

They smell so good!

Warm up the creamed spinach mixture (and this would be a great time to check the seasonings; you want it to be adequately seasoned!) and place a generous amount on a plate.

Add one of the pieces of chicken…

Then use a spoon to retrieve some of the juices/drippings from the chicken pan and drizzle those over the chicken. The combination of the drippings and the creamed spinach is just splendid!

Sprinkle on those reserved diced tomatoes…

Then chiffonade some basil…

And sprinkle it over.

End with some Parmesan shavings. Divine!

Mmmmm. Super good. Look at that filling.

Oh, and here’s a little tip: You can pack up individual portions for a make-ahead dinner!

Enjoy this, friends.



Creamy Spinach and Red Pepper Chicken by The Pioneer Woman

I had the darnedest time figuring out what to call this recipe. I thought of “Creamed Spinach-Stuffed Chicken” but didn’t really like that I had to have a hyphen in the title. I thought of “Creamed Spinach Chicken” but that only told part of the story since there are also roasted red peppers and tomatoes in the sauce. I thought of “Red Pepper and Spinach Stuffed Chicken” but that totally denies the beautiful creaminess of this delightful dish. I thought of switching around the structure and doing “Chicken Breasts Stuffed with Creamed Spinach and Red Peppers” but that was way too literal. I do so much better when I can just keep a recipe title simple—like “Cauliflower Pizza” (not “Roasted Cauliflower Crust Pizza with Manchego, Fried Oregano and a Balsamic Rosemary Reduction. Though dang, that sounds good.)

Anyway, I did my best with the title. But just know that it bugs me!

And anyway…the title doesn’t matter one bit. This is a lovely creamy chicken recipe that may be a tad indulgent on the creamy side of things…but that’s also pretty low on carbs (relatively speaking.)

Dive in! The water’s just fine.

Start with some butter and olive oil in an iron skillet (or heck, any skillet) over medium-high heat.

Add diced onion and sliced garlic. Or, if you prefer, sliced onion and diced garlic. Or, if you are feeling rebellious, chopped onion and minced garlic.

Just some combination of onions and garlic would be peachy.

I talk too much.

Stir them around and get them started cooking…

Then add about a cup of sliced roasted red peppers. Now, I usually have jars of roasted red peppers in my pantry that are not sliced. In that case, I do something that may surprise you.

I slice them myself.

Always innovating here, always innovating!

Stir and cook everything together for 2 to 3 minutes.

Then throw in more spinach than you think makes sense, because it will shrink and wilt like there’s no tomorrow. (I actually added more than this before it was all said and done!)

Stir the spinach a bit, then add a bunch of diced fresh tomatoes (reserving a little of the tomatoes for garnish at the end.) Lower the heat to medium at this point.

(By the way, you could also add artichokes, mushrooms, lots of other yummy things to this sauce!)

Season this delightful mixture with plenty of salt and pepper…

Then, when the spinach has wilted, add some heavy cream…

And grated Parmesan. Tasty vittles!

Stir and let the cream thicken a bit…

Then grab a little softened cream cheese…

And add it in in chunks. Stir until it’s all melted…

Then remove about a cup of the mixture to a separate bowl and let it cool. Turn off the heat under the creamed spinach and set it aside.

Time to cut pouches in chicken breasts if you haven’t already! These are boneless, skinless breasts and I used a little paring knife to cut the pouch. If possible, you want the opening to be a little smaller than the area you cut inside. So once the knife is in there, just carefully move it from one side to the next…

Until you have a little pocket!

Lightly sprinkle the inside of the pouch with salt and pepper, then fill the pouch with the slightly cooled creamed spinach mixture.

Use toothpicks to securely close the pouch (if it’s too full to close, you’ll need to remove a little bit of filling. Don’t ask me how I know this.)

Keep going until you have all the chicken breasts stuffed and secured! Preheat the oven to 400 degrees.

In another skillet over medium-high heat, melt some butter with olive oil. Add the chicken breasts top/smooth side down (because I just think they look prettier when you cook the top side first)…

Brown them on the first side for 4 minutes, moving them around to ensure even browning. Turn them over…

Then place the skillet in the oven for 8 to 10 minutes, or until the chicken is fully cooked through and the filling is hot.

They smell so good!

Warm up the creamed spinach mixture (and this would be a great time to check the seasonings; you want it to be adequately seasoned!) and place a generous amount on a plate.

Add one of the pieces of chicken…

Then use a spoon to retrieve some of the juices/drippings from the chicken pan and drizzle those over the chicken. The combination of the drippings and the creamed spinach is just splendid!

Sprinkle on those reserved diced tomatoes…

Then chiffonade some basil…

And sprinkle it over.

End with some Parmesan shavings. Divine!

Mmmmm. Super good. Look at that filling.

Oh, and here’s a little tip: You can pack up individual portions for a make-ahead dinner!

Enjoy this, friends.