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sábado, 1 de septiembre de 2018

viernes, 31 de agosto de 2018

Food Network and Cookbook Update! by The Pioneer Woman

I’ve been handling Paige’s departure to college pretty well! After the initial weeping, wailing, and gnashing of teeth, I basically just set up camp in my kitchen and have hardly left. It’s my safe zone. My haven. My happy place. Unless the sink is full of dishes, then I want to sell the house.

Oh, and I’m going to see Paige for her birthday today. I think once-a-week visits are a great gameplan! I’m sure Paige would agree with me if she would ever call me back. Ha.

Happy Birthday, Paigie!!!


There is a wacky rumor circulating around Facebook that I have decided to quit my Food Network show and devote my life to selling facial cream. The source of the rumor is an unscrupulous company trying to trick people into buying (you guessed it) facial cream. I have nothing to do with this facial cream (please don’t buy it!), and more importantly: I am not quitting my Food Network show! On the contrary: I’m just getting warmed up, man! The past seven years have just been one gigantic dress rehearsal!

You want recipes, cookbooks, pretty plates, pans, and Basset Hound cookie jars? Head my way!

You want facial cream? Head to Walmart, Ulta, Sephora, or a department store. Don’t head to Pioneer Woman. I get my facial cream at Walmart, Ulta, Sephora, and department stores! (Which is to say I rotate a lot. I think it’s healthier for the skin. Hey, maybe I should sell facial cream! Just kidding.)

All this to say, it’s going to be a great fall on my Food Network show, which I ain’t even close to quittin’! From now until the end of the year, you’ll see a brand spanking new episode every Saturday morning at 10 am Eastern/9 am Central. (I think one exception to this is Thanksgiving weekend, but that’s the only break in new episodes.) I’m having so much fun with the new shows these days, and hope you’re loving the recipes!

Recipe: Ranch Pork Chop Sheet Pan Supper

Between filming, planning my cookbook (more on this below!), the boys’ football schedule, and a few other things I have going on this fall, that hasn’t left much time for me to post step-by-step recipes here on my blog. I still love food-blogging and once I clear a few things off my plate in the next few weeks, I hope I can climb back in the saddle with my fancy boots on.

So to speak.

Recipe: Teriyaki Shrimp and Pineapple Parcels

There’s lots I want to share, including the step-by-step recipe for this gloriously easy cake!

Recipe: 11-Carton Cake

 I’m making this on the show tomorrow morning! It’s called “To the Nth” because everything in the show is just beyond ridonkulous.

Sneak Peek Recipe: Grilled French Toast

(Enter at your own risk.)


On the cookbook front, I wanted to thank you SO DARN MUCH for all of your helpful input and suggestions for my next cookbook! As I explained in this post, I really want this next cookbook to go to the next level in terms of being a cookbook you (yes, you!) want to use. And while I already had a sense of a direction or two I wanted to take it, having your specific preferences in mind is really so helpful. Thank you for weighing in.

I love ya!


Food Network and Cookbook Update! by The Pioneer Woman

Food Network and Cookbook Update! by The Pioneer Woman

I’ve been handling Paige’s departure to college pretty well! After the initial weeping, wailing, and gnashing of teeth, I basically just set up camp in my kitchen and have hardly left. It’s my safe zone. My haven. My happy place. Unless the sink is full of dishes, then I want to sell the house.

Oh, and I’m going to see Paige for her birthday today. I think once-a-week visits are a great gameplan! I’m sure Paige would agree with me if she would ever call me back. Ha.

Happy Birthday, Paigie!!!


There is a wacky rumor circulating around Facebook that I have decided to quit my Food Network show and devote my life to selling facial cream. The source of the rumor is an unscrupulous company trying to trick people into buying (you guessed it) facial cream. I have nothing to do with this facial cream (please don’t buy it!), and more importantly: I am not quitting my Food Network show! On the contrary: I’m just getting warmed up, man! The past seven years have just been one gigantic dress rehearsal!

You want recipes, cookbooks, pretty plates, pans, and Basset Hound cookie jars? Head my way!

You want facial cream? Head to Walmart, Ulta, Sephora, or a department store. Don’t head to Pioneer Woman. I get my facial cream at Walmart, Ulta, Sephora, and department stores! (Which is to say I rotate a lot. I think it’s healthier for the skin. Hey, maybe I should sell facial cream! Just kidding.)

All this to say, it’s going to be a great fall on my Food Network show, which I ain’t even close to quittin’! From now until the end of the year, you’ll see a brand spanking new episode every Saturday morning at 10 am Eastern/9 am Central. (I think one exception to this is Thanksgiving weekend, but that’s the only break in new episodes.) I’m having so much fun with the new shows these days, and hope you’re loving the recipes!

Recipe: Ranch Pork Chop Sheet Pan Supper

Between filming, planning my cookbook (more on this below!), the boys’ football schedule, and a few other things I have going on this fall, that hasn’t left much time for me to post step-by-step recipes here on my blog. I still love food-blogging and once I clear a few things off my plate in the next few weeks, I hope I can climb back in the saddle with my fancy boots on.

So to speak.

Recipe: Teriyaki Shrimp and Pineapple Parcels

There’s lots I want to share, including the step-by-step recipe for this gloriously easy cake!

Recipe: 11-Carton Cake

 I’m making this on the show tomorrow morning! It’s called “To the Nth” because everything in the show is just beyond ridonkulous.

Sneak Peek Recipe: Grilled French Toast

(Enter at your own risk.)


On the cookbook front, I wanted to thank you SO DARN MUCH for all of your helpful input and suggestions for my next cookbook! As I explained in this post, I really want this next cookbook to go to the next level in terms of being a cookbook you (yes, you!) want to use. And while I already had a sense of a direction or two I wanted to take it, having your specific preferences in mind is really so helpful. Thank you for weighing in.

I love ya!



jueves, 30 de agosto de 2018

Friends Quiz: Answers and Winners! by PW Fun & Learning

Great job with the quiz, everyone! Raise your hand if Friends taught you not to mix powder with lotion when dealing with leather pants. Or that being trapped in an ATM vestibule isn’t always necessarily a bad thing. Ah, that show. Thank goodness for reruns!
Here are the stats, answers, and winners.


2,030 people took the quiz.
1,004 people scored 100%!
The question most people (about 98%) got right was…#13!
The question most people missed (69% got it right) was…#3.


According to Ross, what is the state of total awareness that prepares you for possible danger?
• umami
• chirashi
• hibachi
What is Joey’s favorite line?
• Hey there!
How you doin’?
• Hey, sweetness.
• Oh. My. God.
What were Ross, Rachel and Chandler carrying up the stairs when Ross kept yelling, “Pivot!”
• large screen tv
• bed
• table
Who played Monica’s older boyfriend Richard?
Tom Selleck
• Pierce Brosnan
• Harrison Ford
• Bruce Willis
What is the name of Phoebe’s identical twin?
• Regina
• Phyllis
• Lily
What is the name of the coffee shop where the friends hang out?
Central Perk
• Coffee Haus
• Java Juice
• Corner Brew
What is Ross’ profession?
• psychiatrist
• accountant
• actor
Phoebe wrote a song about a _______ .
• sleepy squirrel
smelly cat
• fluffy pig
• noisy raccoon
Who is the neat freak?
• Ross
• Rachel
• Chandler
What did they call the man who lived across the street from Monica?
• Cute Hunky Guy
• Big Hairy Dude
Ugly Naked Guy
• Weird Tall Guy
What is the title of the show’s theme song?
I’ll Be There for You
• That’s What Friends Are For
• You’ve Got a Friend
• Shiny Happy People
What is the name of Ross and Rachel’s daughter?
• Grace
• Erica
• Bianca
What is Joey’s main profession?
• singer
• server
• driver
What is Chandler’s last name?
• Green
• Dean
• Hall
Marcel was Ross’ _______ .
pet monkey
• high school friend
• arch enemy
• co-worker
What is the name of the coffee shop worker who is in love with Rachel?
• Mike
• Mr. Heckles
• Pete
Who got married in Las Vegas?
• Monica and Chandler
Ross and Rachel
• Phoebe and Mike
• Ross and Emily
In the final episode, Rachel was leaving to work in _______ .
• Milan
• Los Angeles
• London
Who was Chandler’s ex-girlfriend with the annoying laugh?
• Kathy
• Joanna
• Melanie
How many times has Ross been married?
• 1
• 2
• 4


The first place winner is…Sophia Sim…!
The second place winner is…Amy Fra…!
The third place winner is…Emilie Pet…!

Congratulations, winners! Contact prizes@thepioneerwoman.com to claim your prizes!


Friends Quiz: Answers and Winners! by PW Fun & Learning

Friends Quiz: Answers and Winners! by PW Fun & Learning

Great job with the quiz, everyone! Raise your hand if Friends taught you not to mix powder with lotion when dealing with leather pants. Or that being trapped in an ATM vestibule isn’t always necessarily a bad thing. Ah, that show. Thank goodness for reruns!
Here are the stats, answers, and winners.


2,030 people took the quiz.
1,004 people scored 100%!
The question most people (about 98%) got right was…#13!
The question most people missed (69% got it right) was…#3.


According to Ross, what is the state of total awareness that prepares you for possible danger?
• umami
• chirashi
• hibachi
What is Joey’s favorite line?
• Hey there!
How you doin’?
• Hey, sweetness.
• Oh. My. God.
What were Ross, Rachel and Chandler carrying up the stairs when Ross kept yelling, “Pivot!”
• large screen tv
• bed
• table
Who played Monica’s older boyfriend Richard?
Tom Selleck
• Pierce Brosnan
• Harrison Ford
• Bruce Willis
What is the name of Phoebe’s identical twin?
• Regina
• Phyllis
• Lily
What is the name of the coffee shop where the friends hang out?
Central Perk
• Coffee Haus
• Java Juice
• Corner Brew
What is Ross’ profession?
• psychiatrist
• accountant
• actor
Phoebe wrote a song about a _______ .
• sleepy squirrel
smelly cat
• fluffy pig
• noisy raccoon
Who is the neat freak?
• Ross
• Rachel
• Chandler
What did they call the man who lived across the street from Monica?
• Cute Hunky Guy
• Big Hairy Dude
Ugly Naked Guy
• Weird Tall Guy
What is the title of the show’s theme song?
I’ll Be There for You
• That’s What Friends Are For
• You’ve Got a Friend
• Shiny Happy People
What is the name of Ross and Rachel’s daughter?
• Grace
• Erica
• Bianca
What is Joey’s main profession?
• singer
• server
• driver
What is Chandler’s last name?
• Green
• Dean
• Hall
Marcel was Ross’ _______ .
pet monkey
• high school friend
• arch enemy
• co-worker
What is the name of the coffee shop worker who is in love with Rachel?
• Mike
• Mr. Heckles
• Pete
Who got married in Las Vegas?
• Monica and Chandler
Ross and Rachel
• Phoebe and Mike
• Ross and Emily
In the final episode, Rachel was leaving to work in _______ .
• Milan
• Los Angeles
• London
Who was Chandler’s ex-girlfriend with the annoying laugh?
• Kathy
• Joanna
• Melanie
How many times has Ross been married?
• 1
• 2
• 4


The first place winner is…Sophia Sim…!
The second place winner is…Amy Fra…!
The third place winner is…Emilie Pet…!

Congratulations, winners! Contact prizes@thepioneerwoman.com to claim your prizes!



miércoles, 29 de agosto de 2018

Por qué elegir un vestido de novia a medida

martes, 28 de agosto de 2018

Todo lo que necesitas saber para acabar con las estrías

Todo lo que necesitas saber para acabar con las estrías

Las estrías son esos surcos que salen en diferentes zonas del cuerpo por diversos motivos como cambios de peso o un embarazo. Pese a que es algo de lo más natural, muchas veces nos resultan molestas de ver. Por eso, ¡te contamos algunos trucos para acabar con las estrías!

Si algo hay que tener claro desde el principio es que las estrías no pueden eliminarse así como así, utilizando productos o remedios puedes conseguir atenuarlas, pero para decirles adiós definitivamente la solución es el láser. Otra cosa es que hablemos de prevenirlas, en ese caso ¡estás de suerte! El mercado está lleno de tratamientos que te ayudarán a evitarlas.

Remedios naturales para acabar con las estrías (todo lo posible)

Antes de hablar de cremas, rutinas u otros tratamientos, empecemos por lo más natural. Es una alternativa a tener en cuenta si tienes pocas estrías, o no muy visibles, que pueden ayudarte sin tener que optar por otros productos más elaborados.

  • Aceite de rosa mosqueta. Son mundialmente conocidos los tremendos beneficios de este aceite en cuanto a cicatrices. Por eso te recomendamos que pruebes a aplicarlo sobre la zona en cuestión, o puedes añadir unas gotas a tu hidratante corporal.
  • Aceite de almendras dulces. Gracias a su alto contenido en vitamina E aporta gran elasticidad a la piel. Es perfecto para prevenir estrías e incluso para atenuarlas en caso de que ya existan.
  • Aloe vera. Puede que hubieras oído hablar de sus beneficios para las quemaduras, pero te descubrimos un nuevo uso: ¡es ideal para tratar y prevenir las estrías!
  • Azúcar blanco. ¡Un exfoliante natural! Si lo mezclas con aceite de almendras y unas gotas de limón y lo repites durante un mes, notarás los resultados.

La alimentación sí importa

Al igual que para todos los temas de la piel, el tipo de alimentación que lleves te ayudará a prevenir su aparición. Te contamos 3 trucos a tener en cuenta:

  1. Beber mucho agua. Si, estás cansada de oír esto, ¡pero es que es la verdad absoluta! Cuanto más hidratado esté tu cuerpo, más lo estará tu piel. De esta forma será más elástica y no se agrietará tan fácilmente.
  2. Pon vitamina A en tus ensaladas. Lo que hará será favorecer la creación de nuevas células para la regeneración de tu piel y además tiene grandes poderes antioxidantes.
  3. ¡Come fruta rica en vitamina C! Naranja, papaya, kiwi, fresas… Tienes multitud de opciones. ¿Qué conseguirás? Un aporte extra de colágeno para tu piel.

¿Existen las cremas milagrosas?

Seguramente ya te esperas la respuesta y es que no existe una crema que haga milagros contra las estrías. Como ya hemos dicho antes, para poder acabar con las estrías hay que recurrir a tratamientos más elaborados que se llevan a cabo en clínicas. De todas formas, ¡no pierdas la esperanza! Sí que es cierto que hay muchos productos en el mercado que consiguen difuminar bastante su apariencia y otros que te ayudan a prevenirlas en caso de no tenerlas aún. ¿Quieres saber más? No te pierdas nuestra galería de productos y tratamientos.

The post Todo lo que necesitas saber para acabar con las estrías appeared first on StyleLovely.

https://ift.tt/2LzZCnN August 29, 2018 at 04:20AM

La mejor protección solar para niños y pieles sensibles

La mejor protección solar para niños y pieles sensibles

En el post de ayer os hablaba de las últimas novedades en protección solar que he estado probando este verano y este se lo dedico a los más pequeños de la casa, pero que también es perfecto para quienes tienen la piel sensible. Estoy super emocionada porque el año que viene seré tía y aún antes de nacer, ya le estoy dando la turra a mi hermana con el tema de la protección solar, así que para ser una tía molona tengo que estar puestísima en cosas infantiles y eso incluye el sector cosmético, que es todo un mundo :-)

Sigue leyendo... https://ift.tt/2ohf4Ml August 28, 2018 at 07:00AM

lunes, 27 de agosto de 2018

The Three Musketeers by The Pioneer Woman

The Three Musketeers by The Pioneer Woman

I haven’t given you an update about Presley in awhile! The sweet fella is doing great. He had been suffering from the effects of an autoimmune issue (one that can often affect German Shepherds), but he turned a corner and is doing so much better.

Yay, Presley!

Have you ever had a German Shepherd? Wow. They are such a different breed than the floppy, lazy, laid back dogs I’ve always owned. But oh…do I love this pup.

Unlike the other dogs, whose daily schedules involve anything from chasing rabbits to finding the sunniest napping spot, to barking at the cat, to exploring the ranch, Presley has one and only one daily goal: To stand post on the porch and make sure that his humans are taken care of.

Note that this is not why we got Presley. We did not have “guard dog” in mind. And we did not train him to be a guard dog, as some German Shepherd owners do. And I should point out that Presley is not a guard dog in the sense that he is threatening or menacing. It’s just that he is 100% focused on his people at all times. When I take walks down the road, the labs and Bassets typically run out in the pasture to chase rabbits or butterflies, or go jump in the pond for a swim and catch up with me later. But not Presley. He is by my side the entire time, just in case I ever need him.

It really causes a crazy special bond to form. That love and devotion runs deep in both directions!

And then there’s Henry.

I rarely call him Henry. I call him Schlumpers most of the time, and Henrietta another part of the time.

Ladd calls him Henry of course, but he slipped the other day and called him Schlumpers and I laughed and laughed.

Henry has the head tilt mastered.

It is quite pronounced!

And then there’s Walter, who’s just happy to be here. (Caught you Henry!) Henry likes to lick Walter’s face. Walter doesn’t seem to mind.

I just wanted to share the charm of these three musketeers. They are usually around the house (unless Walter is overseeing Lodge tours) while the labs, YoYo, and the rest of Josh’s dogs have unpredictable schedules and loyalties.

It’s nice to have this little trio around whenever I need a laugh or a smile. (Or a lick. Ha.)


Friends Quiz: Wednesday Night! by PW Fun & Learning

Friends Quiz: Wednesday Night! by PW Fun & Learning

Do you know that we know you know we know? If that totally made sense to you, join us for a big ol’ Friends Quiz! All questions will be about the tv show Friends, and you have now until Wednesday evening to watch the hilarious reruns and brush up. (It’s a tough job.) It’ll be fun, and prizes will be shiny and new. And fun. Yes, we said “fun” again. Because really, could it BE any more fun?

Here are the details:

WHAT: Friends Quiz
WHEN: Wednesday, August 29, 8:00 pm Eastern/5:00 pm Pacific
WHERE: Here! (The Fun & Learning section.)
WHY: Because we were on a break!

See you Wednesday!



Cuida tu piel con lo último en protección solar

Cuida tu piel con lo último en protección solar

Este año me ha pillado un poquito el toro con los posts de solares. Ya sabéis que siempre me gusta enseñaros las novedades e intento traerme de vacaciones lo último de lo último para probarlo y poder contaros mis impresiones. Un resfriado me ha tenido fuera de juego durante casi la mitad de mis vacaciones y sin poder ir a la playa teniéndola al lado, así que esta semana que ya me encuentro mejor, pienso aprovecharla a tope porque ¡es la última!

Sigue leyendo... https://ift.tt/2LwvPMw August 27, 2018 at 05:53PM

The Three Musketeers by The Pioneer Woman

I haven’t given you an update about Presley in awhile! The sweet fella is doing great. He had been suffering from the effects of an autoimmune issue (one that can often affect German Shepherds), but he turned a corner and is doing so much better.

Yay, Presley!

Have you ever had a German Shepherd? Wow. They are such a different breed than the floppy, lazy, laid back dogs I’ve always owned. But oh…do I love this pup.

Unlike the other dogs, whose daily schedules involve anything from chasing rabbits to finding the sunniest napping spot, to barking at the cat, to exploring the ranch, Presley has one and only one daily goal: To stand post on the porch and make sure that his humans are taken care of.

Note that this is not why we got Presley. We did not have “guard dog” in mind. And we did not train him to be a guard dog, as some German Shepherd owners do. And I should point out that Presley is not a guard dog in the sense that he is threatening or menacing. It’s just that he is 100% focused on his people at all times. When I take walks down the road, the labs and Bassets typically run out in the pasture to chase rabbits or butterflies, or go jump in the pond for a swim and catch up with me later. But not Presley. He is by my side the entire time, just in case I ever need him.

It really causes a crazy special bond to form. That love and devotion runs deep in both directions!

And then there’s Henry.

I rarely call him Henry. I call him Schlumpers most of the time, and Henrietta another part of the time.

Ladd calls him Henry of course, but he slipped the other day and called him Schlumpers and I laughed and laughed.

Henry has the head tilt mastered.

It is quite pronounced!

And then there’s Walter, who’s just happy to be here. (Caught you Henry!) Henry likes to lick Walter’s face. Walter doesn’t seem to mind.

I just wanted to share the charm of these three musketeers. They are usually around the house (unless Walter is overseeing Lodge tours) while the labs, YoYo, and the rest of Josh’s dogs have unpredictable schedules and loyalties.

It’s nice to have this little trio around whenever I need a laugh or a smile. (Or a lick. Ha.)

Friends Quiz: Wednesday Night! by PW Fun & Learning

Do you know that we know you know we know? If that totally made sense to you, join us for a big ol’ Friends Quiz! All questions will be about the tv show Friends, and you have now until Wednesday evening to watch the hilarious reruns and brush up. (It’s a tough job.) It’ll be fun, and prizes will be shiny and new. And fun. Yes, we said “fun” again. Because really, could it BE any more fun?

Here are the details:

WHAT: Friends Quiz
WHEN: Wednesday, August 29, 8:00 pm Eastern/5:00 pm Pacific
WHERE: Here! (The Fun & Learning section.)
WHY: Because we were on a break!

See you Wednesday!


Le Creuset Giveaway! by The Pioneer Woman

Today, because I love ya, I’m giving away three of these 5 1/2 quart Le Creuset Dutch Ovens. This pot will take you far in life!


To enter, fill in and submit the giveaway box below.

Three winners will be randomly selected and announced Wednesday morning!

Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Le Creuset Giveaway! by The Pioneer Woman

Le Creuset Giveaway! by The Pioneer Woman

Today, because I love ya, I’m giving away three of these 5 1/2 quart Le Creuset Dutch Ovens. This pot will take you far in life!


To enter, fill in and submit the giveaway box below.

Three winners will be randomly selected and announced Wednesday morning!

Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Caramel Macchiato Cupcakes by Julie

Are cupcakes still popular? Because they’re still wildly popular with me—chocolate, vanilla, I’ll take them all. I love, love folding back that cupcake liner paper and digging in. Of course, each bite has to have some frosting. I even know some people like to have more frosting than cake so they really pile it on.


These Caramel Macchiato Cupcakes are inspired by a coffee drink from a popular coffee shop. Only the cupcakes are chocolate—the buttercream is an espresso buttercream that is downright addictive.

And you know I had to drizzle caramel on top!


When I embarked on my mission to make espresso buttercream, I first tried making it with coffee. But there wasn’t enough coffee flavor in the buttercream.

Then I discovered coffee extract—and it’s a beautiful thing! I brought these cupcakes over to the vet tech for my dog Charley (he gets laser therapy at least twice a week) and she keeps asking me for the recipe for this buttercream.


It’s totally your call whether to make the buttercream frosting while the cupcakes are in the oven or to make them ahead before you begin the cupcakes. I actually like to make the buttercream the day before. It feels like a lot less work that way!

I like to use both unsalted and salted butter for my buttercream. I took cake decorating classes years ago and that was how my teacher taught me to make buttercream. It’s the best!


Mix the butter together and then the coffee extract.

See how smooth it looks?


You want to be careful adding the powdered sugar. Do it in 2 to 3 batches. Add a third of the bag and then mix. Then add some more. If you add the entire bag in at once, you will have a mess. I won’t tell you how I know. Ha!


I love making homemade buttercream. It’s really a lot easier than you think!


For the cupcakes, first line all your cupcake tin with cupcake liners.


Put all of the ingredients for the cupcakes into a large mixing bowl. I use an electric mixer to mix the ingredients together. Don’t over-mix it though!


I use a cookie scoop to portion out the cake batter.


Makes it so simple!


See how easy and less messy that is?


I also know that each cupcake will be about the same size.


After the cupcakes have baked, transfer them onto a cooling rack. After they have cooled, you can frost them.

I put a sheet of parchment paper down under the cupcakes so I have less cleanup.


Take your favorite tip and put it into a decorator bag. (In case you need a reminder, I showed you how to frost cupcakes a while back.)


I transfer the frosting with an angled spatula.


As always, you have other options: you can use a piping bag and tip to frost them or use a simpler technique (e.g. scooping or slathering on) if preferred.


Then drizzle some caramel on top! I showed you how to make caramel sauce here on Food & Friends, or you can use store-bought caramel.


These cupcakes are amazing. My friends raved about them and I know your family and friends will, too!


Caramel Macchiato Cupcakes by Julie

Caramel Macchiato Cupcakes by Julie

Are cupcakes still popular? Because they’re still wildly popular with me—chocolate, vanilla, I’ll take them all. I love, love folding back that cupcake liner paper and digging in. Of course, each bite has to have some frosting. I even know some people like to have more frosting than cake so they really pile it on.


These Caramel Macchiato Cupcakes are inspired by a coffee drink from a popular coffee shop. Only the cupcakes are chocolate—the buttercream is an espresso buttercream that is downright addictive.

And you know I had to drizzle caramel on top!


When I embarked on my mission to make espresso buttercream, I first tried making it with coffee. But there wasn’t enough coffee flavor in the buttercream.

Then I discovered coffee extract—and it’s a beautiful thing! I brought these cupcakes over to the vet tech for my dog Charley (he gets laser therapy at least twice a week) and she keeps asking me for the recipe for this buttercream.


It’s totally your call whether to make the buttercream frosting while the cupcakes are in the oven or to make them ahead before you begin the cupcakes. I actually like to make the buttercream the day before. It feels like a lot less work that way!

I like to use both unsalted and salted butter for my buttercream. I took cake decorating classes years ago and that was how my teacher taught me to make buttercream. It’s the best!


Mix the butter together and then the coffee extract.

See how smooth it looks?


You want to be careful adding the powdered sugar. Do it in 2 to 3 batches. Add a third of the bag and then mix. Then add some more. If you add the entire bag in at once, you will have a mess. I won’t tell you how I know. Ha!


I love making homemade buttercream. It’s really a lot easier than you think!


For the cupcakes, first line all your cupcake tin with cupcake liners.


Put all of the ingredients for the cupcakes into a large mixing bowl. I use an electric mixer to mix the ingredients together. Don’t over-mix it though!


I use a cookie scoop to portion out the cake batter.


Makes it so simple!


See how easy and less messy that is?


I also know that each cupcake will be about the same size.


After the cupcakes have baked, transfer them onto a cooling rack. After they have cooled, you can frost them.

I put a sheet of parchment paper down under the cupcakes so I have less cleanup.


Take your favorite tip and put it into a decorator bag. (In case you need a reminder, I showed you how to frost cupcakes a while back.)


I transfer the frosting with an angled spatula.


As always, you have other options: you can use a piping bag and tip to frost them or use a simpler technique (e.g. scooping or slathering on) if preferred.


Then drizzle some caramel on top! I showed you how to make caramel sauce here on Food & Friends, or you can use store-bought caramel.


These cupcakes are amazing. My friends raved about them and I know your family and friends will, too!

