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jueves, 15 de noviembre de 2018

Los beneficios del frío para tu piel que no conocías

Los beneficios del frío para tu piel que no conocías

Siempre que se habla de temperaturas bajas con respecto a la piel se señalan los problemas y complicaciones que causan en el cutis, pero no todo son malas noticias. Y es que te sorprenderá saber todos los beneficios del frío para la piel (que quizás no conocías).

1. Limpia los poros

Seguramente esto te sorprenderá, ya que nunca lo habríamos imaginado. Las temperaturas bajas actúan como astringente reduciendo la grasa de tu piel y minimizando la visibilidad de los poros. Para favorecer esto lávate bien la cara cada mañana y aplica una hidratante.

2. Di adiós a la inflamación

Es muy común que por las mañanas la zona del contorno de ojos se vea más inflamada de lo normal. ¿Cuántas veces has escuchado que apliques frío en la zona? ¡Pues en invierno esto no será necesario! De manera natural la hinchazón bajará gracias al frío del ambiente.

3. Menos maquillaje, más rostro natural

Si hay un producto beauty que todas aplicamos es el colorete. El toque de color en las mejillas da un aspecto más jugoso y saludable al rostro, pero con el frío podrás renunciar a él. Tu rostro se sonroja de manera natural y tu piel se verá más fresca.

beneficios del frío

4. Acción rejuvenecedora

Existen infinitos cosméticos para conseguir resultados anti-edad, en los que invertimos tiempo y dinero. Pero a veces solo es necesario hacer más uso de lo natural. Las bajas temperaturas mantienen la piel más tersa y firme, dando un aspecto más joven.

5. Duermes mejor

¿Y esto qué tiene que ver? Estarás pensando, ¡pues mucho más de lo que imaginas! Uno de los tips de belleza por excelencia es un buen descanso. Por muchos productos que se usen, si no le damos al rostro las horas de sueño adecuadas esto se verá reflejado. Y en los meses de invierno es mucho más sencillo conciliar el sueño, ¡todo está relacionado!

6. Favorece la circulación

La microcirculación cutánea favorece el tono de la piel, viéndose este más natural y unificado. Además esto también ayuda la acción rejuvenecedora y la antiinflamatoria.

Ahora que ya conoces el lado positivo (para tu piel) de los meses de frío, toma nota de los productos que necesitas para que tu piel se mantenga perfecta con estas temperaturas.

The post Los beneficios del frío para tu piel que no conocías appeared first on StyleLovely.

https://ift.tt/2DkLRsF November 16, 2018 at 05:00AM

The Stan Lee Quiz: Answers and Winners by PW Fun & Learning

Thank you for joining us in honoring the great and inimitable Stan Lee. He will be missed. Stan Lee truly loved his fans, which means he loved YOU.


Here are the stats, answers, and winners.


1,020 people took the quiz.
219 people scored 100%!
The question just about EVERYONE got right (99%!) was…#3!
The question most people missed (only 53% got it right) was…#16.


The _______ Hulk
• Amazing
• Mighty
• Invincible
Who is Thor’s father?
• Heimdall
• Mjolnir
• Ultron
Who is Matt Murdock?
• Flash
• Green Lantern
• Vision
Which of the following villains is S.H.I.E.L.D.’s most persistent enemy?
• Magneto
• Loki
• Thanos
In an Iron Man cameo, Tony Starks mistakes Stan Lee for _______ .
Hugh Hefner
• Richard Nixon
• Christopher Walken
• Michael Caine
Which of the following is NOT the secret identity of a Stan Lee character?
• Scott Lang
• Natasha Romanoff
Steve Austin
• Clint Barton
Who is the father of Quicksilver?
• Flash
• Nick Fury
• Hawkeye
Who of the following is NOT a member of the Fantastic Four?
• Reed Richards
• Johnny Storm
• Ben Grimm
Jean Gray
True or False: Before becoming Doctor Strange, Stephen Strange was, in fact, a medical doctor.
• False
What is Hawkeye’s main superpower or skill?
• x-ray vision
• laser eyes
• flight
What is Stan Lee’s catchphrase?
• Imagine.
• Believe.
• Carpe diem!
In a Captain America: Civil War cameo, Stan is delivering a FedEx package to Iron Man. What does he say Tony’s last name is?
• Spanx
• Sphinx
• Sparks
What precious metal is native to the kingdom of Wakanda?
• adamantium
• carbonadium
• valorium
What newspaper did Peter Parker work for?
• The Daily Planet
• The Daily Globe
• The Daily Herald
The Daily Bugle
Which of the following characters is primarily a villain?
Green Goblin
• Thing
• Groot
• Beast
True or false: Keeping the Silver Surfer away from water for a prolonged period of time makes him weaker.
• True
What is the Black Panther’s catchphrase?
• Long live Wakanda!
• Justice for all!
Wakanda forever!
• Upward and onward!
Where does Thor come from?
• Galactus
• Thanagar
• Xandar
What is the name of Spiderman’s aunt?
• Mary
• Jane
• Angel
Groot mostly says only one line. What does it sound like?
• “Groot.”
“I am Groot.”
• “See Groot.”
• “I be Groot.”
How did the Hulk get his powers?
• he’s part robot
• he was bitten by a radioactive insect
• his parents are mutants
gamma radiation
Who is Captain America’s best friend?
Bucky Barnes
• Iron Man
• Colonel James Rhodes
• Wade Wilson
True or False: Mister Fantastic and Invisible Girl are siblings.
• True


The first winner is…Thomas McD…!
The second winner is…Justin Wal…!
The third winner is…Meagan Hal…!

Congratulations, winners! Contact prizes@thepioneerwoman.com to claim your AirPods.


The Stan Lee Quiz: Answers and Winners by PW Fun & Learning

The Stan Lee Quiz: Answers and Winners by PW Fun & Learning

Thank you for joining us in honoring the great and inimitable Stan Lee. He will be missed. Stan Lee truly loved his fans, which means he loved YOU.


Here are the stats, answers, and winners.


1,020 people took the quiz.
219 people scored 100%!
The question just about EVERYONE got right (99%!) was…#3!
The question most people missed (only 53% got it right) was…#16.


The _______ Hulk
• Amazing
• Mighty
• Invincible
Who is Thor’s father?
• Heimdall
• Mjolnir
• Ultron
Who is Matt Murdock?
• Flash
• Green Lantern
• Vision
Which of the following villains is S.H.I.E.L.D.’s most persistent enemy?
• Magneto
• Loki
• Thanos
In an Iron Man cameo, Tony Starks mistakes Stan Lee for _______ .
Hugh Hefner
• Richard Nixon
• Christopher Walken
• Michael Caine
Which of the following is NOT the secret identity of a Stan Lee character?
• Scott Lang
• Natasha Romanoff
Steve Austin
• Clint Barton
Who is the father of Quicksilver?
• Flash
• Nick Fury
• Hawkeye
Who of the following is NOT a member of the Fantastic Four?
• Reed Richards
• Johnny Storm
• Ben Grimm
Jean Gray
True or False: Before becoming Doctor Strange, Stephen Strange was, in fact, a medical doctor.
• False
What is Hawkeye’s main superpower or skill?
• x-ray vision
• laser eyes
• flight
What is Stan Lee’s catchphrase?
• Imagine.
• Believe.
• Carpe diem!
In a Captain America: Civil War cameo, Stan is delivering a FedEx package to Iron Man. What does he say Tony’s last name is?
• Spanx
• Sphinx
• Sparks
What precious metal is native to the kingdom of Wakanda?
• adamantium
• carbonadium
• valorium
What newspaper did Peter Parker work for?
• The Daily Planet
• The Daily Globe
• The Daily Herald
The Daily Bugle
Which of the following characters is primarily a villain?
Green Goblin
• Thing
• Groot
• Beast
True or false: Keeping the Silver Surfer away from water for a prolonged period of time makes him weaker.
• True
What is the Black Panther’s catchphrase?
• Long live Wakanda!
• Justice for all!
Wakanda forever!
• Upward and onward!
Where does Thor come from?
• Galactus
• Thanagar
• Xandar
What is the name of Spiderman’s aunt?
• Mary
• Jane
• Angel
Groot mostly says only one line. What does it sound like?
• “Groot.”
“I am Groot.”
• “See Groot.”
• “I be Groot.”
How did the Hulk get his powers?
• he’s part robot
• he was bitten by a radioactive insect
• his parents are mutants
gamma radiation
Who is Captain America’s best friend?
Bucky Barnes
• Iron Man
• Colonel James Rhodes
• Wade Wilson
True or False: Mister Fantastic and Invisible Girl are siblings.
• True


The first winner is…Thomas McD…!
The second winner is…Justin Wal…!
The third winner is…Meagan Hal…!

Congratulations, winners! Contact prizes@thepioneerwoman.com to claim your AirPods.



Oh My Gosh, My Golly by The Pioneer Woman

(Photo by Debbie Formby.)

Hi, friends! My gosh, it’s been awhile since I’ve been able to post here on Confessions. We have had a lot of football activity. Made it to the playoffs, lost our first game, we’re ready for next year!

I filmed a block of shows (finished up last Friday).

We’ve been getting The Merc ready for Christmas! I know it’s early, but last year we waiting until after Thanksgiving and it seemed like the next time we turned around, we had to take it down. I want Christmas to last a long time this year. I’m in the mood. Ho ho ho.

Also, I’ve been planning my Thanksgiving menu. We are having it at our house this year, and it will just be our family and my brother-in-law Tim’s family. My father-in-law is out of town, and I’m looking forward to the holiday with a little sadness because it will be our first one without Nan. I know all families who have lost a loved one have to face that first holiday—the one where the absence will really be felt. Nan was such a darn good cook and loved Thanksgiving. Uh oh…my nose is stinging.

I’ve also been completely catering to all the needs of my dogs. Since two of my children are now out of the house, I have replaced the energy I devoted toward them with dog energy. They run my life, I bought insulated dog houses for our porch, and Ladd thinks I am losing it.

He is right.

I have also been shooting my cookbook. I’m making sure it’s yummy!

And exercising on this rowing machine…

While watching crime documentaries on Netflix.

You know…normal stuff.

A new season of Christmas Cookie Challenge has started on Food Network, and it’s a fun one! It airs every Monday night, and it’s contributing to my Christmas spirit in a big way.

Love you, friends!

Oh My Gosh, My Golly by The Pioneer Woman

Oh My Gosh, My Golly by The Pioneer Woman

(Photo by Debbie Formby.)

Hi, friends! My gosh, it’s been awhile since I’ve been able to post here on Confessions. We have had a lot of football activity. Made it to the playoffs, lost our first game, we’re ready for next year!

I filmed a block of shows (finished up last Friday).

We’ve been getting The Merc ready for Christmas! I know it’s early, but last year we waiting until after Thanksgiving and it seemed like the next time we turned around, we had to take it down. I want Christmas to last a long time this year. I’m in the mood. Ho ho ho.

Also, I’ve been planning my Thanksgiving menu. We are having it at our house this year, and it will just be our family and my brother-in-law Tim’s family. My father-in-law is out of town, and I’m looking forward to the holiday with a little sadness because it will be our first one without Nan. I know all families who have lost a loved one have to face that first holiday—the one where the absence will really be felt. Nan was such a darn good cook and loved Thanksgiving. Uh oh…my nose is stinging.

I’ve also been completely catering to all the needs of my dogs. Since two of my children are now out of the house, I have replaced the energy I devoted toward them with dog energy. They run my life, I bought insulated dog houses for our porch, and Ladd thinks I am losing it.

He is right.

I have also been shooting my cookbook. I’m making sure it’s yummy!

And exercising on this rowing machine…

While watching crime documentaries on Netflix.

You know…normal stuff.

A new season of Christmas Cookie Challenge has started on Food Network, and it’s a fun one! It airs every Monday night, and it’s contributing to my Christmas spirit in a big way.

Love you, friends!


What A Woman llega a Madrid

El cinturón, el accesorio que nunca pasa de moda

El cinturón, el accesorio que nunca pasa de moda

Son muchos los hombres que subestiman la importancia del cinturón, uno de los accesorios clásicos del atuendo masculino. Su uso cumple una función tanto práctica como sujeción como estética, siendo el elemento que añade elegancia a tu look final siempre en coordinación con los zapatos. Un cinturón puede mejorar o perjudicar tu imagen,  no siendo así en el caso de las mujeres, que pueden prescindir de su uso según la ropa que se pongan.

Influyen muchos aspectos a la hora de elegir el modelo o los modelos adecuados. Para coger ideas, puedes ver previamente una selección de cinturones para hombre hecha por profesionales, fijarte en tus guías de estilo favoritas (revistas, blogs, influencers) o seguir los consejos que te damos a continuación.


Elegir la talla correcta y el grosor exacto

La fase previa a la compra de un cinturón es importante. Fijarte en el tamaño de tu cintura ayudará a evitar errores de talla; para ello puedes mirar la etiqueta del pantalón para ver la talla o medirte la cintura, por encima del vientre, con una cinta métrica. A la medida final, agrégale 2 cm. más para obtener la talla exacta del cinturón. En cuanto al grosor, dependerá de los pantalones con que quieras usarlos: para los vaqueros lo mejor son los anchos y para los trajes o pantalones de sastre, los finos encajan mucho mejor.

¿Deberías usar un cinturón con tu traje?

Cuando hablamos de trajes y cinturones, son muchos los hombres que omiten la presencia del cinturón cuando visten de traje, un error garrafal cuando se trata de vestir bien. El cinturón evita que el pantalón se caiga cuando caminas, permite mantener el traje impoluto y le agrega un toque de estilo. Otros prefieren los tirantes, pero estos no siempre están a juego con la camisa y pueden resultar un poco incómodos; el cinturón ciñe tu outfit a la cintura y evita cualquier arruga en la ropa.



Combínalo con tus zapatos

Combinarlo con los zapatos es esencial para lograr un atuendo perfecto, pulido y elegante. La regla es sencilla: que el color de ambas prendas sea el mismo o esté en la misma gama de color. Esto lo saben famosos como Zidane o Ryan Gosling, reyes del estilo y el buen vestir masculino.

Ten en cuenta tu fisionomía

Los colores desempeñan un papel fundamental a la hora de vernos mejor, favoreciendo los puntos más destacables de nuestro cuerpo y disimulando aquellas partes que nos gustan menos. En el caso de los cinturones, es recomendable tener en cuenta tu fisionomía y si eres corpulento lo mejor es utilizar un color parecido al del pantalón. En el caso de que seas demasiado delgado, lo mejor es crear contraste entre el cinturón y el resto de las prendas.

Fíjate en los materiales

 La suma de materiales es fundamental para elegir el cinturón perfecto y en esto también influyen los zapatos. Si tu calzado es de cuero, el cinturón también debe ser de cuero, y en el caso de calzado más deportivo, el cinturón debe ser de un material más ligero para que no desentone con el resto del outfit.


Después de leer todo lo anterior, ¡ya estás listo para combinar tu cinturón a la perfección!

The post El cinturón, el accesorio que nunca pasa de moda appeared first on StyleLovely.

https://ift.tt/2RTFu3u November 15, 2018 at 10:36AM

Butternut Squash, Sausage, and Tortelloni Soup by Erica

Butternut Squash, Sausage, and Tortelloni Soup by Erica

I’m not sure how the idea to put tortelloni in butternut squash soup came to me. But I thought it sounded rather nice. So I roasted up a squash, pureed it, and added some sausage and cheese tortelloni. Spoiler alert: it was really good.


To make this soup, start by prepping your butternut squash. You want to start this at least an hour and a half before you plan to eat. I never promised that this recipe was instant. But it’s so worth it.

Scrape out the seeds and stringy bits of the squash.


Pour some olive oil into the cavity.


Grab two bulbs of garlic and chop off their heads.


Place them upside-down in the oiled squash cavity. This conversation is getting weird…


Put the squash, cut side up, in a roasting pan. Add about a cup or two of water to the pan. Roast in a hot oven for about 60–75 minutes, or until it’s completely tender.


While the squash is roasting, brown up your Italian sausage. I like hot Italian sausage in this soup. The heat is a nice contrast to the sweetness of the squash. My kids don’t like it when I use spicy sausage, though. So I switch up which kind I use to keep them happy.


As the time gets close for the squash to be done roasting, cook your tortelloni according to the package instructions. I like to under-cook them slightly so that they don’t get mushy when you add them to the hot soup.

By the way, you could totally use tortellini instead of tortelloni. Whichever you prefer!


When the squash is fork tender, take it out of the oven and let it cool for a bit. Remove the garlic heads and scoop out the flesh of the squash, being careful not to get chunks of the skin.


Put the roasted squash in a big soup pot. I like to use the same pot for browning the meat and cooking the final soup. It dirties up less dishes, and you don’t waste any of the sausage bits left in the pot.


Squeeze all the garlic cloves out of the heads of garlic and into the pot.


Sprinkle in the herbs.


Pour in some chicken broth as well.


It’s about to get good!

Heat up the contents of the pot until nice and warm.


Using a stick blender, puree the soup until completely smooth. You could use a regular blender for this as well, but it makes more of a mess.


Bring the soup almost to a boil and add the spinach. Cover and cook for 2 minutes.


Pour in the heavy cream…


The cooked sausage…


And the cooked tortelloni!


Give it a good stir. Taste and add salt and pepper if needed.


Serve with grated or sliced Parmesan cheese. DO NOT skip the Parmesan cheese!


This butternut squash soup is creamy, flavorful, and satisfying. Perfect for chilly fall and winter days. Or any time of the year—I won’t judge!


I’m curious: would you use mild or spicy sausage in this soup? Let me know in the comments!



Butternut Squash, Sausage, and Tortelloni Soup by Erica

I’m not sure how the idea to put tortelloni in butternut squash soup came to me. But I thought it sounded rather nice. So I roasted up a squash, pureed it, and added some sausage and cheese tortelloni. Spoiler alert: it was really good.


To make this soup, start by prepping your butternut squash. You want to start this at least an hour and a half before you plan to eat. I never promised that this recipe was instant. But it’s so worth it.

Scrape out the seeds and stringy bits of the squash.


Pour some olive oil into the cavity.


Grab two bulbs of garlic and chop off their heads.


Place them upside-down in the oiled squash cavity. This conversation is getting weird…


Put the squash, cut side up, in a roasting pan. Add about a cup or two of water to the pan. Roast in a hot oven for about 60–75 minutes, or until it’s completely tender.


While the squash is roasting, brown up your Italian sausage. I like hot Italian sausage in this soup. The heat is a nice contrast to the sweetness of the squash. My kids don’t like it when I use spicy sausage, though. So I switch up which kind I use to keep them happy.


As the time gets close for the squash to be done roasting, cook your tortelloni according to the package instructions. I like to under-cook them slightly so that they don’t get mushy when you add them to the hot soup.

By the way, you could totally use tortellini instead of tortelloni. Whichever you prefer!


When the squash is fork tender, take it out of the oven and let it cool for a bit. Remove the garlic heads and scoop out the flesh of the squash, being careful not to get chunks of the skin.


Put the roasted squash in a big soup pot. I like to use the same pot for browning the meat and cooking the final soup. It dirties up less dishes, and you don’t waste any of the sausage bits left in the pot.


Squeeze all the garlic cloves out of the heads of garlic and into the pot.


Sprinkle in the herbs.


Pour in some chicken broth as well.


It’s about to get good!

Heat up the contents of the pot until nice and warm.


Using a stick blender, puree the soup until completely smooth. You could use a regular blender for this as well, but it makes more of a mess.


Bring the soup almost to a boil and add the spinach. Cover and cook for 2 minutes.


Pour in the heavy cream…


The cooked sausage…


And the cooked tortelloni!


Give it a good stir. Taste and add salt and pepper if needed.


Serve with grated or sliced Parmesan cheese. DO NOT skip the Parmesan cheese!


This butternut squash soup is creamy, flavorful, and satisfying. Perfect for chilly fall and winter days. Or any time of the year—I won’t judge!


I’m curious: would you use mild or spicy sausage in this soup? Let me know in the comments!


miércoles, 14 de noviembre de 2018

Las plumas están de vuelta e invaden los looks de fiesta más especiales de la temporada

Las plumas están de vuelta e invaden los looks de fiesta más especiales de la temporada

Las plumas están de vuelta e invaden los looks de fiesta más especiales de la temporada

Las plumas, junto las lentejuelas, es un tejido que desprende un carácter festivo sin igual. Su sola presencia es capaz de ensalzar un outfit a lo más alto, y ahora vuelven para invadir los looks navideños. Ya sea en forma de vestido, top o chaqueta, las plumas se convertirán en tu mejor aliado si lo que buscas es marcar la diferencia con glamour y originalidad. Será mejor que le eches una ojeada a estas propuestas, el mundo de las RRSS ya se ha hecho eco de esta "tendencia".

Las RRSS son el mejor escaparate para mostrar delicados vestidos

Las redes sociales han hablado y las prescriptoras de la moda han coincidido en una cosa: los vestidos forrados de plumas son el must de la temporada. Emulando a la mismísima Gallina Caponata, firmas de lujo como Attico o Magda Butrym se animan a presentar una colección invadida por este tejido.

Opta por otras prendas

Tops, blusas, chaquetas... Hay miles de formas de seguir esta tendencia sin necesidad de que acaparen todo el protagonismo y estas propuestas son un ejemplo. Ya sea con estilismos monocolor o apostando por crear parejas extrañas (los vaqueros demuestran, una vez más, que casan con todo), la sola presencia de las plumas elevará el resultado final a la cumbre del éxito.

Las plumas son perfectas para Navidad (u otros eventos)

0627200620 1 1 1
  • Top confeccionado en una delicada seda de Uterqüe, 69 euros.
Asos Vestido Plumas
  • Vestido midi ajustado con lentejuelas y bajo con plumas de Asos Design, 96,99 euros.
1034400712 2 1 1
  • Jersey de punto acanalado y manga con plumas de Uterqüe, 99 euros.

Fotos | Instagram @chiaraferragni

https://ift.tt/2PWah2h November 14, 2018 at 07:00PM