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viernes, 11 de enero de 2019

Happy New Year! by The Pioneer Woman

I would love to say that wishing you Happy New Year on January eleventh is some kind of fluke, or an uncharacteristic time delay for me…but it is actually consistent with my whole vibe these days. But better late than never: HAPPY NEW YEAR, FRIENDS! I know it has been a long time since I’ve posted here, but now that the new year is (well) underway, I hope to get back into the blogging routine again. It seems that with the boys’ sports and working on my new cookbook and The Merc and cooking for the family, my efforts to be a good, consistent blogger always seem to give way to life.

But yesterday I realized that blogging is about chronicling life. So if life interrupts blogging, the universe will somehow be out of balance.

Or is it the other way around? Ha.

Anyway, thank you for loving me through the ebbs and flows.

We had a wonderful Christmas. The kids were all home, which made everything feel complete. It was a low-key Christmas, with not a lot of hustle, bustle, and rushing, and we all just dug in and enjoyed the downtime together.

I was Mrs. Incredible and Ladd was Spider Man on Christmas Eve. You’ll just have to take my word for it.

This is Fred. He’s another story for another time.

After Christmas, I got to spend some quality time at The Merc.

It was so much fun; I got to chat with visitors about how their Christmases were.

Whenever I take a photo with members of a family, I sometimes joke that this should be their Christmas card pics next year. Then when they leave a few minutes later, I always worry that they thought I was serious—and that I expect them to turn our photo into their Christmas card. Then I start to get flushed in my cheeks followed by the inevitable sweat attack that I often have when I feel like I have overstepped or said the wrong thing.

But then I compose myself, move on…and say the exact same thing a few families later. I have a nervous condition!

So if we have ever had our picture taken together and I have ever commented that it should be our Christmas card photo next year, please know that I am a middle child and would never expect to be on my own family’s Christmas card photo, let alone yours.

Whew, I feel better.

Moving later into December: Ladd and I decided to host a New Year’s Eve party in town. This is notable because first, to my recollection we have never hosted a New Year’s Eve party in the 22 years we’ve been married (unless you count having a couple of friends over for appetizers back in 2002. And they left at 9:45 and we were in bed before midnight. And unless you count the occasional ice cream slumber party with the kids.) Anyway, my point is that this was a real party-party…

And that meant I needed some balloons.

Okay, so I might have gone a little overboard with the balloons. But as I said, I had stored up much New Year’s Eve enthusiasm over the years.

We had the party at P-Town Pizza and threw balloons on anything that sat still. It was so much fun! It was just a fun mix of folks from town, and let me just say that doing karaoke with your veterinarian is something you should try sometime in your life.

(Hi, Dr. Jan! You’re a wild thing. And you make my heart sing.)

And now we’re into January. My birthday was coming up, and whenever Ladd would mention it was coming, I always just kind of waved my hand and said things like “We’re just going to let it blow by this year” and “Let’s just pretend nothing is happening” and “I’m just going to skate past it” and so forth. And Ladd would laugh.

And then he threw me a surprise birthday party. My sister was there from Seattle, my childhood friends were there, my high school friends were there, and I’ve never been happier that Ladd decided not to listen to me.

It’s hard to see the details, but Ladd had worked with Kurtess, our manager at The Merc, and the bakers and cooks made all the food from scratch. I can’t begin to describe the deliciousness of not just the desserts, but also all the little appetizers they whipped up.

Food is definitely one of my love languages.

And I felt the love.

In addition to the food made by the Merc staff, Ladd also arranged for a sushi chef to come from the city and make sushi all night.

I repeat: I’m glad the little booger decided not to listen to me.

People were there that I’ve literally known my whole life.

People who knew me when I was four. Even younger than that.

(And that’s Pastor Ken in the background!)

It’s one thing to plan a get-together with old friends and gear up for it and look forward to it.

But for it to be a surprise when you think you’re just going out to dinner with your spouse…well, it was the best kind of surprise.

Paige and the boys were there, too.

You won’t see a photo of the boys, though. They were avoiding the camera. Or eating pizza. Or both.

At the end of the night, we were gathered around the fire pit and laughing so hard, it hurt.

That’s the best kind of laughter.

“Thank you, Honey, for not listening to me!” This is what I told him on our drive home that night. Because we had stayed up late for our New Year’s Eve party a few nights before, we were actually in bed by about eleven. We’re old! And the last thing I told Ladd before we went to sleep was that what he did made me feel so loved. I know that’s what he was trying to express by pulling off this surprise, and I wanted him to know that it had worked.

I think I’ll keep him.

Also, his birthday is in about ten days. Let me know if you have any ideas for a Wrangler-wearing cowboy who is quiet and probably isn’t the surprise party subject-type.

Happy New Year again, friends. It’s nice to be back here, and I’ll see you some more next week!

P-Diddle Diddle

Happy New Year! by The Pioneer Woman

Happy New Year! by The Pioneer Woman

I would love to say that wishing you Happy New Year on January eleventh is some kind of fluke, or an uncharacteristic time delay for me…but it is actually consistent with my whole vibe these days. But better late than never: HAPPY NEW YEAR, FRIENDS! I know it has been a long time since I’ve posted here, but now that the new year is (well) underway, I hope to get back into the blogging routine again. It seems that with the boys’ sports and working on my new cookbook and The Merc and cooking for the family, my efforts to be a good, consistent blogger always seem to give way to life.

But yesterday I realized that blogging is about chronicling life. So if life interrupts blogging, the universe will somehow be out of balance.

Or is it the other way around? Ha.

Anyway, thank you for loving me through the ebbs and flows.

We had a wonderful Christmas. The kids were all home, which made everything feel complete. It was a low-key Christmas, with not a lot of hustle, bustle, and rushing, and we all just dug in and enjoyed the downtime together.

I was Mrs. Incredible and Ladd was Spider Man on Christmas Eve. You’ll just have to take my word for it.

This is Fred. He’s another story for another time.

After Christmas, I got to spend some quality time at The Merc.

It was so much fun; I got to chat with visitors about how their Christmases were.

Whenever I take a photo with members of a family, I sometimes joke that this should be their Christmas card pics next year. Then when they leave a few minutes later, I always worry that they thought I was serious—and that I expect them to turn our photo into their Christmas card. Then I start to get flushed in my cheeks followed by the inevitable sweat attack that I often have when I feel like I have overstepped or said the wrong thing.

But then I compose myself, move on…and say the exact same thing a few families later. I have a nervous condition!

So if we have ever had our picture taken together and I have ever commented that it should be our Christmas card photo next year, please know that I am a middle child and would never expect to be on my own family’s Christmas card photo, let alone yours.

Whew, I feel better.

Moving later into December: Ladd and I decided to host a New Year’s Eve party in town. This is notable because first, to my recollection we have never hosted a New Year’s Eve party in the 22 years we’ve been married (unless you count having a couple of friends over for appetizers back in 2002. And they left at 9:45 and we were in bed before midnight. And unless you count the occasional ice cream slumber party with the kids.) Anyway, my point is that this was a real party-party…

And that meant I needed some balloons.

Okay, so I might have gone a little overboard with the balloons. But as I said, I had stored up much New Year’s Eve enthusiasm over the years.

We had the party at P-Town Pizza and threw balloons on anything that sat still. It was so much fun! It was just a fun mix of folks from town, and let me just say that doing karaoke with your veterinarian is something you should try sometime in your life.

(Hi, Dr. Jan! You’re a wild thing. And you make my heart sing.)

And now we’re into January. My birthday was coming up, and whenever Ladd would mention it was coming, I always just kind of waved my hand and said things like “We’re just going to let it blow by this year” and “Let’s just pretend nothing is happening” and “I’m just going to skate past it” and so forth. And Ladd would laugh.

And then he threw me a surprise birthday party. My sister was there from Seattle, my childhood friends were there, my high school friends were there, and I’ve never been happier that Ladd decided not to listen to me.

It’s hard to see the details, but Ladd had worked with Kurtess, our manager at The Merc, and the bakers and cooks made all the food from scratch. I can’t begin to describe the deliciousness of not just the desserts, but also all the little appetizers they whipped up.

Food is definitely one of my love languages.

And I felt the love.

In addition to the food made by the Merc staff, Ladd also arranged for a sushi chef to come from the city and make sushi all night.

I repeat: I’m glad the little booger decided not to listen to me.

People were there that I’ve literally known my whole life.

People who knew me when I was four. Even younger than that.

(And that’s Pastor Ken in the background!)

It’s one thing to plan a get-together with old friends and gear up for it and look forward to it.

But for it to be a surprise when you think you’re just going out to dinner with your spouse…well, it was the best kind of surprise.

Paige and the boys were there, too.

You won’t see a photo of the boys, though. They were avoiding the camera. Or eating pizza. Or both.

At the end of the night, we were gathered around the fire pit and laughing so hard, it hurt.

That’s the best kind of laughter.

“Thank you, Honey, for not listening to me!” This is what I told him on our drive home that night. Because we had stayed up late for our New Year’s Eve party a few nights before, we were actually in bed by about eleven. We’re old! And the last thing I told Ladd before we went to sleep was that what he did made me feel so loved. I know that’s what he was trying to express by pulling off this surprise, and I wanted him to know that it had worked.

I think I’ll keep him.

Also, his birthday is in about ten days. Let me know if you have any ideas for a Wrangler-wearing cowboy who is quiet and probably isn’t the surprise party subject-type.

Happy New Year again, friends. It’s nice to be back here, and I’ll see you some more next week!

P-Diddle Diddle


jueves, 10 de enero de 2019

Olga Pérez Albert: “Cada pequeño logro es una gran celebración”

miércoles, 9 de enero de 2019

Benefit Magical Brow Stars, el kit ideal para unas cejas 10

Benefit Magical Brow Stars, el kit ideal para unas cejas 10

Hace unos años solía referirme a las cejas como esa parte del rostro que no acostumbra a recibir atención alguna por nuestra parte más allá de la depilación, pero poco a poco esa tendencia ha ido cambiando hasta convertirse en una parte importantísima de la rutina de maquillaje. Y es que unas cejas perfectas y tupidas enmarcan la mirada y dan más expresividad al rostro.

Sigue leyendo... http://bit.ly/2CakIGw January 09, 2019 at 07:45PM

martes, 8 de enero de 2019

El look de Emma Stone en los Globos de Oro 2019 paso a paso

El look de Emma Stone en los Globos de Oro 2019 paso a paso

El pasado domingo tuvo lugar el primer sarao cinematográfico del año, los Globos de Oro. Mientras Bohemian Rhapsody, Roma y Green Book se repartían los principales premios, yo tomaba nota de la alfombra roja y la verdad es que me ha sorprendido que muchas actrices han arriesgado con sus looks, que últimamente eran bastante sosos.

Sigue leyendo... http://bit.ly/2FhRN6B January 08, 2019 at 08:11PM

lunes, 7 de enero de 2019

30 vestidos por menos de 30 euros que ya están de rebajas y merecen la pena

30 vestidos por menos de 30 euros que ya están de rebajas y merecen la pena

30 vestidos por menos de 30 euros que ya están de rebajas y merecen la pena

En invierno muchas de nosotras preferimos llevar pantalones, pero los vestidos son ideales para lucirlos a todas horas. Los podemos combinar o llevar con unas medias gruesas, unos leggings a modo de jersey, con unas botas altas... Seleccionamos treinta vestidos que ya están de rebajas y que cuestan menos de 30 euros (y te solucionarán todo lo que queda de invierno).

Vestido Cuadros
  • Vestido de corte amplio con estampado de cuadros en azul marino y verde con canesú con smocks y manga volante. Llévalo con un jersey de cuello alto debajo y unas mallas en azul marino. De La Redoute Collections, por 32,99 euros 19,79 euros.
Little Black Dress
  • Vestido de fiesta de corte recto en color negro con escote corazón y canesú de tul transparente con detalle festoneado. De Only en La Redoute, por 29,99 euros 19,49 euros.
Vestido Sudadera
  • Vestido de estilo sporty en color lila pastel con diseño recto, capucha y mangas abullonadas. De La Redoute Collections, por 42,99 euros 19,34 euros.
Vestido Cuadros Sporty
  • Vestido corto de estilo retro deportivo con estampado de cuadros, cuello redondo y manga francesa. Lleva detalles de goma bicolor en puños y cintura. De La Redoute Collections, por 32,99 euros 16,49 euros.
Vestido Evase Negro
  • Little black dress con forma evasé, sin mangas y bolsillos delanteros. Lo puedes llevar tal cual o con un jersey debajo. De La Redoute Collections, por 59,99 euros 20,99 euros.
Vestido Lunares
  • Vestido de fiesta negro en tejido de jacquard de lunares metalizados, escote palabra de honor, falda con vuelo y cinturón con lazada. De Mademoiselle R en La Redoute, por 69,99 euros 24,49 euros.
Pichi Vaquero
  • Vestido estilo pichi en tejido denim medio con bolsillo grande en el delantero y bolsillos laterales. De Mademoiselle R en La Redoute, por 49,99 euros 24,99 euros.
Vestido Fruncido
  • Vestido de manga larga con diseño cruzado, detalles fruncidos y largo midi en color chocolate. De La Redoute Collections, por 62,99 euros 25,19 euros.
Vestido Azul Marino
  • Vestido en color azul marino con manga larga, volante a la cintura y detalle de cintas metalizadas. Lleva escote fruncido con cierre de borlas. De La Redoute Collections, por 47,99 euros 28,79 euros.
Vestido Mostaza
  • Vestido de estilo retro en color amarillo mostaza con cuello subido con mini volante y manga francesa con volante. De Mademoiselle R en La Redoute, por 49,99 euros 24,99 euros.
Vestido Negro
  • Vestido básico con largo tobillero en color negro con cuello subido, manga corta y aberturas a los lados. De Selected Femme en Asos, por 40,99 euros 28,49 euros.
Vestido Flores
  • Vestido confeccionado en gasa con estampado floral de colores, diseño cruzado, detalle de volantes y manga francesa. De Vero Moda en El Corte Inglés, por 34,99 euros 14,99 euros.
Vestido Sfera Dorado
  • Minivestido de fiesta en tejido metalizado de color dorado con manga fruncida con volumen. De Sfera en El Corte Inglés, por 25,99 euros 19,99 euros.
Vestido Camisero
  • Vestido de estilo camisero con estampado de flores rojas y blancas con fondo negro y ribetes de color rojos. De Amichi en El Corte Inglés, por 35,99 euros 21,99 euros.
Vestido Camuflaje
  • Vestido de fiesta en color negro con estampado de camuflaje en color dorado metalizado. Lleva cuello subido, manga larga y bajo asimétrico. De Find en Amazon Moda, por 32 euros 16 euros.
Vestido Kaki
  • Vestido de estilo minimalista en color verde kaki con escote en pico y paneles con aberturas laterales y en el bajo. De Find en Amazon Moda, por 35 euros 10,50 euros.
Vestido Lencero Brillos
  • Vestido con largo midi y estilo slip dress confeccionado en hilo metalizado de color plateado, con corte recto y tirantes finos. De Find en Amazon Moda, por 30 euros 15 euros.
Vestido Cuadros Botones
  • Vestido midi con estampado de cuadros, escote en pico cruzado con detalles de botones, manga larga y cinturón a juego. De Mango, por 39,99 euros 25,99 euros.


Vestido Flores Cruzado
  • Vestido corto de gasa con estampado floral en color rojo y negro. Lleva diseño cruzado, manga campana y escote en pico. De Mango, por 39,99 euros 25,99 euros.
Vestido Topos
  • Elegante vestido midi en color negro con estampado de lunares en blanco. Con cuello en pico, detalles de botones en blanco y manga larga abullonada. De Mango, por 49,99 euros 29,99 euros.
Vestido Botones
  • Vestido corto en tejido de viscosa de color azul con escote en pico y botones delanteros. También lleva un cinturón a juego y mangas largas. De H&M, por 29,99 euros 20,99 euros.
Vestido Punto Burdeos
  • Vestido estilo jersey en punto de canalé en color burdeos con manga larga y cuello redondo. De Asos Design, por 35,99 euros 24,99 euros.
Vestido Terciopelo
  • Minivestido confeccionado en terciopelo de color negro con mangas abullonadas con mucho volumen y detalle de de nudos en la parte delantera. De Collusion en Asos, por 24,99 euros 16,99 euros.
Vestido Volantes Flores
  • Vestido midi en color negro con un bonito estampado floral. Lleva bajo asimétrico con volante, manga larga y parte posterior abierta con lazada. De Boohoo en Asos, por 37,99 euros 14,99 euros.
Vestido Punto Hym
  • Vestido de estilo minimalista confeccionado en punto suave con lana en color negro. Lleva manga larga, aberturas laterales y cuello redondo. De H&M, por 34,99 euros 23,99 euros.
Vestido Corto Lentejuelas
  • Vestido corto de fiesta con tirantes finos y escote en pico con lentejuelas multicolor. De Pimkie en Asos, por 26,99 euros 18,49 euros.
Vestido Rosa
  • Maxi vestido de fiesta de gasa en color rosa con escote en pico y diseño de volantes. Lleva manga corta y escote abierto en la espalda. De Asos Design, por 66,99 euros 29,99 euros.
Vestido Mezcla Topos
  • Vestido midi con diseño que mezcla dos tipos de estampados con lunares. Con detalle cruzado fruncido en la parte delantera y manga corta. De Asos Design, por 48,99 euros 23,99 euros.
Vestido Rayas
  • Vestido midi en tejido vaporoso con estampado de rayas de colores. Detalle de pliegues en la parte delantera y manga corta acampanada. De Y.A.S en Asos, por 75,99 euros 29,99 euros.
Vestido Deportivo
  • Vestido de estilo deportivo en color rojo con manga larga y bajo asimétrico con volantes. También lleva capucha con cordones en contraste. De Noisy May en Asos, por 41,99 euros 16,49 euros.

Fotos | @bartabacmode, La Redoute, El Corte Inglés, Amazon Moda, Mango, H&M, Asos

http://bit.ly/2GXjmEN January 07, 2019 at 07:01PM

Los 10 posts más leídos de 2018

Los 10 posts más leídos de 2018

Ayer os decía en Instagram que para mi el año empieza después de Reyes porque aunque vuelves al trabajo por unos días aún te queda esa sensación de que quedan cosas por celebrar, pero una vez que sus Majestades vuelven a Oriente, es hora de retomar la rutina y en mi caso, entre otras cosas, empezar a pensar en los siguientes posts.

Sigue leyendo... http://bit.ly/2AxV2nm January 07, 2019 at 03:35PM

How to Make Stovetop Potpourri by Bridget

Stovetop potpourri seems to spread fragrance better than any candle or air freshener can. Making it is easy, too. Grab some things that smell nice, throw them in a pot, add liquid (usually water), and heat on low. Ahhhhh, big inhale.

My mom used to buy containers of mulling spices and instead of combining them with wine or apple cider, she’d just simmer them with water on the stove. I think of her every time I see or smell mulling spices. I thought I’d share some of my favorite combinations with you. (Side note: raise your hand if this is putting you in the mood for Ree’s Mulled Apple Cider.)

Quantities don’t matter here. As long as you have enough liquid in the pot so that things don’t burn, you’re good to go. If the liquid starts to get low, just add more. Stovetop potpourri should be heated just below a simmer. Bring it to a simmer, then lower the heat. On that note, don’t leave the house with a stovetop potpourri going. They’re perfect for days when you’re hosting a house full of company or you’re hanging out at home.


You don’t even need to make stovetop potpourri on the stovetop. Use your slow cooker. If you go that route, heat with the lid on until warm and steamy, then remove the lid and heat on low. Note: Don’t leave the house with the lid off.


Orange, Cranberry, and Clove

This combination is just a classic. Here’s a good use for that bag of cranberries you’ve had frozen for a year and aren’t sure you want to use in baking.


Simply combine cranberries, sliced oranges, and several cloves. Add water and heat.


Apple Cider

If you love the scent of apples baking in fall, this potpourri is for you. Heat sliced apples with cinnamon sticks, ground or whole cardamom, star anise, and vanilla with a bottle of apple cider.


For the vanilla, I always have a sad, dried out vanilla bean hanging around and this is the perfect place to use it. No vanilla bean? No problem. Add a bit of vanilla extract or leave it out altogether.


Rosemary and Lemon

Want a clean scent rather than cozy? Make your potpourri with lemon slices, rosemary, and a few peppercorns.


It’s a fresh, almost piney scent.


Gingerbread Cookie

This one is my favorite. Is that any surprise? To a pot of water, add a bit of molasses (no need to add a lot, maybe 1/4-1/2 cup depending on how much water you use), sliced fresh ginger, a whole nutmeg that’s been grated a bit, cinnamon sticks, whole cloves, and whole allspice. This smells exactly like my favorite gingerbread cookie recipe.

A note on the nutmeg: I use freshly grated nutmeg in my baking, so I pop one of the used ones in my potpourri. If you use ground nutmeg, just shake a bit of that in instead.


I love using real ingredients to fragrance our home. (Don’t get me wrong, I still LOVE a good candle.) There’s just something old-fashioned and cozy about stovetop potpourri. Do you ever make them?


How to Make Stovetop Potpourri by Bridget

How to Make Stovetop Potpourri by Bridget

Stovetop potpourri seems to spread fragrance better than any candle or air freshener can. Making it is easy, too. Grab some things that smell nice, throw them in a pot, add liquid (usually water), and heat on low. Ahhhhh, big inhale.

My mom used to buy containers of mulling spices and instead of combining them with wine or apple cider, she’d just simmer them with water on the stove. I think of her every time I see or smell mulling spices. I thought I’d share some of my favorite combinations with you. (Side note: raise your hand if this is putting you in the mood for Ree’s Mulled Apple Cider.)

Quantities don’t matter here. As long as you have enough liquid in the pot so that things don’t burn, you’re good to go. If the liquid starts to get low, just add more. Stovetop potpourri should be heated just below a simmer. Bring it to a simmer, then lower the heat. On that note, don’t leave the house with a stovetop potpourri going. They’re perfect for days when you’re hosting a house full of company or you’re hanging out at home.


You don’t even need to make stovetop potpourri on the stovetop. Use your slow cooker. If you go that route, heat with the lid on until warm and steamy, then remove the lid and heat on low. Note: Don’t leave the house with the lid off.


Orange, Cranberry, and Clove

This combination is just a classic. Here’s a good use for that bag of cranberries you’ve had frozen for a year and aren’t sure you want to use in baking.


Simply combine cranberries, sliced oranges, and several cloves. Add water and heat.


Apple Cider

If you love the scent of apples baking in fall, this potpourri is for you. Heat sliced apples with cinnamon sticks, ground or whole cardamom, star anise, and vanilla with a bottle of apple cider.


For the vanilla, I always have a sad, dried out vanilla bean hanging around and this is the perfect place to use it. No vanilla bean? No problem. Add a bit of vanilla extract or leave it out altogether.


Rosemary and Lemon

Want a clean scent rather than cozy? Make your potpourri with lemon slices, rosemary, and a few peppercorns.


It’s a fresh, almost piney scent.


Gingerbread Cookie

This one is my favorite. Is that any surprise? To a pot of water, add a bit of molasses (no need to add a lot, maybe 1/4-1/2 cup depending on how much water you use), sliced fresh ginger, a whole nutmeg that’s been grated a bit, cinnamon sticks, whole cloves, and whole allspice. This smells exactly like my favorite gingerbread cookie recipe.

A note on the nutmeg: I use freshly grated nutmeg in my baking, so I pop one of the used ones in my potpourri. If you use ground nutmeg, just shake a bit of that in instead.


I love using real ingredients to fragrance our home. (Don’t get me wrong, I still LOVE a good candle.) There’s just something old-fashioned and cozy about stovetop potpourri. Do you ever make them?

