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viernes, 25 de enero de 2019

Because I Love Ya by The Pioneer Woman

Today, because it’s Friday, and because I love ya, I’m giving away three (3!) of these gorgeous silver/stainless KitchenAid stand mixers.

This mixer will take you far in life! Well…in the kitchen.

To enter, just fill out and submit the giveaway box below.

Three winners will be randomly selected and announced Saturday night.

Good luck, and happy weekend!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Giveaway sponsored by P-Dub.

Because I Love Ya by The Pioneer Woman

Because I Love Ya by The Pioneer Woman

Today, because it’s Friday, and because I love ya, I’m giving away three (3!) of these gorgeous silver/stainless KitchenAid stand mixers.

This mixer will take you far in life! Well…in the kitchen.

To enter, just fill out and submit the giveaway box below.

Three winners will be randomly selected and announced Saturday night.

Good luck, and happy weekend!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Giveaway sponsored by P-Dub.


martes, 22 de enero de 2019

Cowboy, Husband, Father, Son by The Pioneer Woman

Today is Ladd’s birthday, and I was thinking about all the hats he wears.

He wears a cowboy hat. Quite literally, yes, but also figuratively. He runs his own ranch and is constantly considering his livestock, the care of his land, the markets, and the many other factors that go into an agricultural operation. This alone makes me tired to think about. It ain’t easy.

He wears the hat of husband and helper—which, in our relationship, is no small feat. I guess I require a lot of help? Ha. And he’s so good at it—not just helping me, but also knowing when I need the help before I ever have to ask. I don’t know how he manages to know. But he just seems to be there, helping, before I have the conscious thought that I need it. And it’s in every possible category—there are too many to name.

He wears the hat of father. I listen to him as he talks to Alex and Paige, whether they’re home visiting or calling from school. When I’m with the girls, or talking on the phone to the girls, it’s sometimes frivolous, newsy, and scattered. Or we watch pimple popping videos on YouTube or something. But to Ladd, it’s like he recognizes that conversations shouldn’t be squandered. He talks to them about the whats and the whys and the what-ifs. He smiles brighter when they’re around. He loves those girls.

With the boys, it’s a little different. He loves them and all, but his time with them is relatively abundant, day in and day out. So it’s less about diving into deep conversations and more about giving of his time to facilitate their sports and interests and all that he knows is important to two boys growing up on a ranch, because he was one once. During the times I want to throw up my hands and declare a ban on all sports because of the time commitment and transportation challenges, Ladd is quietly, steadily making sure they get to everything on time.

“Can’t we all just stay home and pop popcorn in our pajamas and watch a movie?”

“Sure, honey. As soon as their practice is over.”

“But can’t they just skip practice?”

“Sure, honey. As soon as their practice is over.”

He wears the hat of son. My father-in-law experienced an illness after my mother-in-law died, and it required an aggressive treatment. (He’s fine now!) Ladd sat with him, visited with him, watched football games with him, made sure he wasn’t facing the days alone. And now that PaPa is home and getting better, Ladd still goes to see him, sit with him, visit with him, watch football games with him. He takes the time. He’s a good son.

There are other hats my husband wears on any given day, but those are the ones that I see most clearly. The ones that make me realize how lucky we are to have him.

Happy birthday, honey! I love your chaps.

Cowboy, Husband, Father, Son by The Pioneer Woman

Cowboy, Husband, Father, Son by The Pioneer Woman

Today is Ladd’s birthday, and I was thinking about all the hats he wears.

He wears a cowboy hat. Quite literally, yes, but also figuratively. He runs his own ranch and is constantly considering his livestock, the care of his land, the markets, and the many other factors that go into an agricultural operation. This alone makes me tired to think about. It ain’t easy.

He wears the hat of husband and helper—which, in our relationship, is no small feat. I guess I require a lot of help? Ha. And he’s so good at it—not just helping me, but also knowing when I need the help before I ever have to ask. I don’t know how he manages to know. But he just seems to be there, helping, before I have the conscious thought that I need it. And it’s in every possible category—there are too many to name.

He wears the hat of father. I listen to him as he talks to Alex and Paige, whether they’re home visiting or calling from school. When I’m with the girls, or talking on the phone to the girls, it’s sometimes frivolous, newsy, and scattered. Or we watch pimple popping videos on YouTube or something. But to Ladd, it’s like he recognizes that conversations shouldn’t be squandered. He talks to them about the whats and the whys and the what-ifs. He smiles brighter when they’re around. He loves those girls.

With the boys, it’s a little different. He loves them and all, but his time with them is relatively abundant, day in and day out. So it’s less about diving into deep conversations and more about giving of his time to facilitate their sports and interests and all that he knows is important to two boys growing up on a ranch, because he was one once. During the times I want to throw up my hands and declare a ban on all sports because of the time commitment and transportation challenges, Ladd is quietly, steadily making sure they get to everything on time.

“Can’t we all just stay home and pop popcorn in our pajamas and watch a movie?”

“Sure, honey. As soon as their practice is over.”

“But can’t they just skip practice?”

“Sure, honey. As soon as their practice is over.”

He wears the hat of son. My father-in-law experienced an illness after my mother-in-law died, and it required an aggressive treatment. (He’s fine now!) Ladd sat with him, visited with him, watched football games with him, made sure he wasn’t facing the days alone. And now that PaPa is home and getting better, Ladd still goes to see him, sit with him, visit with him, watch football games with him. He takes the time. He’s a good son.

There are other hats my husband wears on any given day, but those are the ones that I see most clearly. The ones that make me realize how lucky we are to have him.

Happy birthday, honey! I love your chaps.


lunes, 21 de enero de 2019

Barey es la firma de aire andaluz que visten las it girls en sus bodas de invierno (y no pasa de 250 euros)

Barey es la firma de aire andaluz que visten las it girls en sus bodas de invierno (y no pasa de 250 euros)

Barey es la firma de aire andaluz que visten las it girls en sus bodas de invierno (y no pasa de 250 euros)

Que una influencer lance su propia firma de ropa no es ninguna novedad. Pero los diseños de invitada de Lucía Bárcena sí que lo son, con una fusión perfecta de inspiración gallega y andaluza. Olvídate de tendencias imposibles y de pasar frío en tus eventos invernales, porque manga larga y estampado de lunares es todo lo que encontrarás aquí. Se llama Barey y ha conquistado a todas las it girls españolas. Con estos diseños, no es para menos.

barey collection lucia barcena vestidos invitada invierno
barey collection lucia barcena vestidos invitada invierno
barey collection lucia barcena vestidos invitada invierno

Hay eventos especiales a los que no basta con ir moderna y marcando estilo. Hay que ir elegante y sofisticada, como requiere el dresscode. En eso Zara puede ayudarnos, pero seguro que hay siete personas más con el mismo vestido que tú. Por eso hemos puesto las miras en Barey Collection. Sus diseños con manga abullonada, cuello alto y ajustados en la cintura son totalmente atemporales, mientras que su print de lunares le da un toque divertido, trendy y más desenfadado.

barey collection lucia barcena vestidos invitada invierno
barey collection lucia barcena vestidos invitada invierno
barey collection lucia barcena vestidos invitada invierno

Este look andaluz al estilo Feria de Abril es la joya de la corona, pero hay mucho más. La línea también cuenta con faldas de corte sirena para combinar en looks más relajados; vestidos levita y hasta conjuntos cruzados en satén blanco, para todo aquello que no sean bodas. Los precios rondan entre los 90 y los 240 euros. ¿Lo mejor? Sus propuestas no tienen edad alguna y son maravillosas para lucir con 20 años o con 60 (y todo lo que hay en medio).

barey collection lucia barcena vestidos invitada invierno
barey collection lucia barcena vestidos invitada invierno
barey collection lucia barcena vestidos invitada invierno

Fotos | Barey Collection.

http://bit.ly/2CxNpNT January 21, 2019 at 12:00PM

Cheese Straws by Bridget

Cheese Straws by Bridget

Although my mom was a great cook, she never made cheese straws. She bought them—at Steinmart! Because of this, I always thought making cheese straws would be difficult. Not so! (Also, I think that’s why my stomach growls every time I shop at Steinmart.)


Cheese straws are similar to homemade cheese crackers, but a bit lighter, thanks to a bit of baking powder. They’re obviously shaped a little differently, too. They’re heaven with a glass of wine or a cold beer. Or, one of Ree’s Blackberry Margaritas!


For the cheese, cheddar is traditional. I love Kerrygold’s Dubliner which is a cheddar-like cheese with a bit of nuttiness. I also like to throw a little freshly grated Parmesan in the mix. Gruyere would be delicious as well. If you can grate it, it’ll probably work here.


Butter is an important part of cheese straws. If you have a favorite, like Irish butter, this is a good place for it. Cut it into chunks, grate the cheeses (don’t use pre-shredded here), and let them come to room temperature.

Whisk the flour with baking powder and spices. I use a mix of dry mustard, cayenne, and paprika. The cayenne gives the cheese straws a little kick, but I wouldn’t call them spicy. Use plain paprika, not smoked, as it’s mainly there for color.


Beat the butter and cheeses together until they’re combined.


Add in the flour mixture. It’ll look quite dry.


After adding a bit of water, the dough will come together.


For shaping, you can use a cookie press. Of all of the cookie items I own, I don’t keep a cookie press. For my cheese straws, I like to roll them out and cut with a pizza cutter. (The dough is too stiff to squeeze through a piping bag—take my word for it.)


Give them a little twist and bake until crispy.


Vary the length on the straws, anywhere from 5 to 9 inches. If an end breaks when twisting, no worries. It’ll just be a bit shorter.


Part of their charm is that they’re not all one length. They’re so whimsical and inviting standing up in a glass for serving.


Cheese straws will keep in an airtight container. If you’re having friends over for cocktails, make them the day before. Just try not to gobble them all before your guests arrive.

Here’s the printable recipe: Cheese Straws



Cheese Straws by Bridget

Although my mom was a great cook, she never made cheese straws. She bought them—at Steinmart! Because of this, I always thought making cheese straws would be difficult. Not so! (Also, I think that’s why my stomach growls every time I shop at Steinmart.)


Cheese straws are similar to homemade cheese crackers, but a bit lighter, thanks to a bit of baking powder. They’re obviously shaped a little differently, too. They’re heaven with a glass of wine or a cold beer. Or, one of Ree’s Blackberry Margaritas!


For the cheese, cheddar is traditional. I love Kerrygold’s Dubliner which is a cheddar-like cheese with a bit of nuttiness. I also like to throw a little freshly grated Parmesan in the mix. Gruyere would be delicious as well. If you can grate it, it’ll probably work here.


Butter is an important part of cheese straws. If you have a favorite, like Irish butter, this is a good place for it. Cut it into chunks, grate the cheeses (don’t use pre-shredded here), and let them come to room temperature.

Whisk the flour with baking powder and spices. I use a mix of dry mustard, cayenne, and paprika. The cayenne gives the cheese straws a little kick, but I wouldn’t call them spicy. Use plain paprika, not smoked, as it’s mainly there for color.


Beat the butter and cheeses together until they’re combined.


Add in the flour mixture. It’ll look quite dry.


After adding a bit of water, the dough will come together.


For shaping, you can use a cookie press. Of all of the cookie items I own, I don’t keep a cookie press. For my cheese straws, I like to roll them out and cut with a pizza cutter. (The dough is too stiff to squeeze through a piping bag—take my word for it.)


Give them a little twist and bake until crispy.


Vary the length on the straws, anywhere from 5 to 9 inches. If an end breaks when twisting, no worries. It’ll just be a bit shorter.


Part of their charm is that they’re not all one length. They’re so whimsical and inviting standing up in a glass for serving.


Cheese straws will keep in an airtight container. If you’re having friends over for cocktails, make them the day before. Just try not to gobble them all before your guests arrive.

Here’s the printable recipe: Cheese Straws


domingo, 20 de enero de 2019

¿Por qué salen las ojeras y cómo podemos evitarlas?

¿Por qué salen las ojeras y cómo podemos evitarlas?

Una de las preocupaciones beauty más habituales es la de las ojeras. A nadie nos gusta tenerlas y siempre estamos buscando alguna solución para acabar con ellas. Y, si bien es cierto que eliminarlas por completo es complicado, disminuirlas o evitar que vayan a más es posible. ¿Cómo? Desde Maiko Yoga Facial nos dan las claves.

Las razones por las que salen las ojeras

Lo primero que debemos saber antes de ponernos manos a la obra es saber el origen de estas. Las noches de insomnio, el jet lag, las semanas estresantes… Son algunas de las causas. ¿Las razones? Hay dos principalmente:
– Una es la pigmentación que es, básicamente, un oscurecimiento de la piel. Puede ser que heredemos esta pigmentación o que se produzca a causa de algún daño en nuestra piel por la luz solar.
– Otra causa es la dilatación de las venas. En ocasiones, alguna vena que se encuentra debajo de los ojos se expande y oscurece por fatiga, alergia estacional, comida, etc.

¿Cómo identificar la causa de tus ojeras?

Pellizca y levanta la ojera suavemente. Si el color de su piel es marrón, es muy probable que se deba a una pigmentación natural. Por el contrario, si el color mejora al levantar la piel podemos presuponer que la causa es una dilatación venosa.

Cómo vencer las ojeras


¿Cómo vencerlas?

Revisa tus hábitos alimenticios: No existen alimentos que las eliminen inmediatamente, pero podemos tomar alimentos altamente nutritivos y que prevengan la inflamación del cuerpo como frutas, verduras frescas y proteínas bajas en grasa. Probablemente mejoremos visiblemente el estado de la piel de todo el cuerpo, incluida la que se encuentra alrededor de los ojos.
Mejora la calidad del sueño: Las ojeras no aparecen por falta de sueño pero si no dormimos bien éstas se hacen más visibles.
No olvides ponerte la protección solar: Tenemos que ponernos crema protectora para evitar que aumente la pigmentación por exposición al sol.
Deja de fumar si aún lo haces: Muchos estudios han demostrado que fumar (incluso fumar pasivamente) empeora las ojeras.
Usa siempre un buen contorno de ojos. Maiko Yoga Facial recomienda aplicarlo realizando movimientos suaves y hacia el interior como aparece en la imagen.

The post ¿Por qué salen las ojeras y cómo podemos evitarlas? appeared first on StyleLovely.

http://bit.ly/2CxvBT4 January 21, 2019 at 07:14AM

Shiseido reinventa su maquillaje inspirado en la J-Beauty

Shiseido reinventa su maquillaje inspirado en la J-Beauty

La marca japonesa Shiseido terminaba 2018 por todo lo alto presentando su nueva línea de maquillaje inspirada en la J-Beauty. Y quizá os preguntaréis ¿Qué es la J-Beauty? Este término hace referencia a la forma de entender la belleza en Japón, tecnologías y texturas innovadoras, pigmentos vibrantes, productos prácticos, confortables y de calidad.

Sigue leyendo... http://bit.ly/2T4qocz January 20, 2019 at 08:00AM