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viernes, 3 de agosto de 2018

Llévate gratis el cofre de Lucía Be para L'Occitane

Llévate gratis el cofre de Lucía Be para L'Occitane

La línea de Verbena es una de las más refrescantes de L'Occitane y siendo uno de los lemas de Lucía Be "La vida es una verbena", estaban predestinados a colaborar. Y lo han hecho con un cofre ideal que además puedes conseguir gratis por tu compra de al menos 15 €.

Sigue leyendo... https://ift.tt/2KqjSaC August 03, 2018 at 03:16PM

Acaba de aterrizar The Beautea Kit de Miin Cosmetics y ya nos ha conquistado

Acaba de aterrizar The Beautea Kit de Miin Cosmetics y ya nos ha conquistado

El amor a primera vista existe. Nosotras lo hemos sentido al descubrir este maravilloso pack con todo lo necesario para desconectar del mundo (al menos durante 20 minutos). ¿De qué os hablamos? De The Beautea Kit de Miin Cosmetics. Un pack que salió a la venta el día 1 de agosto y que promete ser uno de los bestsellers del mes de la marca de cosmética. Y es que, si os decimos que el amor a primera existe no os mentimos. Y tampoco lo hacemos cuando os decimos que uno se puede enamorar de algo en las primeras tomas de contacto porque a nosotras nos ha pasado con tan solo unos días conociendo este kit.  Y sabemos que te va a pasar lo mismo.

The Beautea kit de miin cosmetics

¿Qué productos componen The Beautea Kit?


Para esos días en los que has descansado poco y sientes los ojos pesados, no hay nada como estos parches. Con extracto de bayas de saúco negro, mora y arándanos, calman, suavizan y refrescan el contorno de ojos. Y es que, gracias a que sus componentes son ricos en vitaminas A y C y tienen propiedades antioxidantes que previenen el envejecimiento de la dermis, la piel se ve más bonita desde la primera aplicación.

¿Cómo utilizarlos? Aplícalos sobre el contorno de ojos durante 20 minutos y después retíralos y esparce el resto del sérum con pequeños toquecitos (hazlo antes de la crema o BB cream).

Parches de The Beautea kit


2. La banda ROUTINE HEADBAND de MiiN Cosmetics

¿Qué haces con tu pelo en tus rutinas de belleza? Esta banda te lo va a poner todo un poco más fácil. Es perfecta para retirar el pelo de tu rostro y hacer que puedas focalizarte en ti. Desde aplicarte tu rutina coreana hasta estar viendo tu serie favorita. Sin interrupciones, con la cabeza despejada. Y lo mejor, además de cómoda, es súper gustosita y se puede lavar cuándo y cómo quieras.

Headband de The Beautea kit



La belleza también se trabaja desde el interior y para eso, en Miin Cosmetics, nos proponen hacer como en Asia: incorporar el té de forma diaria. Y mejor si el té tiene propiedades que nos ayuden a estar más activas e ingredientes antioxidantes. El Ginseng Beauty Tea de Or Tea? es un té verde orgánico que contiene potentes antioxidantes que ayudan a prevenir el envejecimiento prematuro de las células. Y además sabe genial.

¿Cómo tomarlo para disfrutarlo mucho mucho? Pon una cucharadita o 20 gramos del té en un infusor o filtro. Vierte unos 200 mililitros de agua a unos 80o y déjalo reposar durante 5 minutos. Remuévelo y endúlzalo a tu gusto. Puedes añadir un par de hielos para obtener un resultado más refrescante en verano.

Té de The Beautea kit

Este kit está valorado en más de 50€ y puedes conseguirlo, solo durante un tiempo, por 41,50€. Querida, no esperes a que sea demasiado tarde para hacerte con tu beautea kit.

The post Acaba de aterrizar The Beautea Kit de Miin Cosmetics y ya nos ha conquistado appeared first on StyleLovely.

https://ift.tt/2LNThKu August 03, 2018 at 09:05AM

jueves, 2 de agosto de 2018

10 razones para usar champú seco en verano

10 razones para usar champú seco en verano

En verano muchos agentes externos como los restos de sal, el cloro, el sudor o las altas temperaturas pueden dejar el cabello graso y dañado. Si no quieres lavarte el pelo cada día, ¡existe una solución! El champú en seco limpia, matifica y da volumen. Además, si llevas algún tratamiento capilar (queratina, ácido hialurónico, anti-frizz, etc), conseguirás una mayor duración.

¿Necesitas más razones? ¡Pues te damos 10 para que te enamores de las maravillas de este producto!:

  1. Cómodo de llevar. De la piscina a la terraza sin preocuparte por el pelo.
  2. Efecto inmediato y fácil de usar con unos sencillos pasos.
  3. Cuida y protege tu cabello de los efectos negativos del verano.
  4. Ahorras tiempo. Basta con rociarlo, hacer un suave masaje, un cepillado y ¡listo!
  5. Podrás usarlo cuando y donde quieras. Sin agua ni secador.
  6. Tu pelo limpio durante más tiempo.
  7. Evitarás que se dañen el pelo y el cuero cabelludo con los excesos de lavados.
  8. Aportarás brillo y un aspecto sano a tu melena.
  9. Disfrutarás de unos aromas frescos y agradables.
  10. Conseguirás más volumen y fuerza.

Pero no es solo el champú seco el descubrimiento, sino que hay una marca que nos ha conquistado. Batiste es una gama de champú en seco y el secreto de su éxito reside en una fórmula profesional a base de almidón de arroz que no contiene agua.

Adaptándose a las necesidades particulares de cada tipo de cabello, actúa sobre el exceso de grasa eliminándola desde las raíces. La fórmula Batiste mantiene el cabello con aspecto limpio en cualquier situación, prolongando el tiempo entre lavados.

Su gama de fragancias permite lucir un cabello siempre fresco y al estilo que necesitas en cada ocasión, oliendo desde a rosas hasta a cereza o a un aroma tropical único. Además, la gama plus está especialmente diseñada para la mujer más actual que le exige mucho más a su champú en seco. Un 2 en 1 que combina champú y color (2 tonos) o champú y volumen inmediato.

Consíguelos en batistehair.es.

The post 10 razones para usar champú seco en verano appeared first on StyleLovely.

https://ift.tt/2Mfj5ev August 03, 2018 at 04:30AM

Sparkling Water Mocktails by Natalie

I was never a fan of carbonation until my fourth pregnancy. For some reason, all I wanted was bubbly drinks—ginger beer in particular. I tend to gain a LOT of weight during pregnancy and knew my new soda habit (and influx of sugar) wasn’t going to do me any favors, so I turned to sparkling water.


I have loved sparkling water ever since I lived in Europe in my 20s, but this new, trendy flavored sparkling water was new to me. It took a few tries before it eventually fulfilled my soda craving during pregnancy. That baby bump is now three years old, and that craving has never completely gone away, so I happily sip on a sparkling water almost every day. I figure it’s better than diving into the ice cream container late at night.

My kids like sparkling water, too, and they have fun adding fruit, juices, and other flavorings when we have “fancy drink nights.” Also, little umbrellas are a must.


First of all, let me get this out into the open: I’m not an expert on mixing drinks. In fact, I don’t even drink. I don’t have the equipment or special glassware—and I don’t even know what they’re called.

Luckily, making mocktails doesn’t require any special equipment or mixology knowledge. But here are a few tips that I’ve found to be useful.

1. You’ll need something to smash fruit or herbs (like mint) in the bottom of the cup to get the most flavor out. I used the pestle from my mortar and pestle. You could also use the end of a big, wooden spoon.

2. Sweeteners are optional. If you’re doing a round of Whole30 or are avoiding sweeteners for some reason, you really don’t need them for most mocktails. I typically use a few drops of stevia (or flavored stevia) or fruit juice when we do ours, but you can make some simple syrup if you’d like them sweeter.

Sommer posted a great tutorial a few years ago on How to Make Simple Syrup—even flavored ones using rosemary! These would be a fun addition to a mocktail, too.

3. Flavored sparkling water is optional, too. You can make a delicious mocktail with simple, unflavored sparkling water. I find the flavored ones add a little extra zing, but honestly, you don’t need them.

Here are a few of my favorite concoctions!


Ginger Berry Pomegranate

Berry-flavored sparkling water is my favorite. If a hint of berry flavor is good, it only makes sense that more berries would be better. I mashed 2 blackberries and 2 raspberries into the bottom of a glass, added about 1/4 teaspoon grated fresh ginger (because I love ginger in all the things) and a splash of pomegranate juice and then some sparkling water. So, so good.


Pineapple Strawberry Sunrise

This was such a fun, fruity combination! I mashed up some chopped pineapple and strawberry bits into a glass and added a generous squeeze of orange juice, then filled the glass with orange sparkling water. A drop or two of vanilla stevia was tasty here, too.


Cucumber Lemon Mint

My favorite flavored water to serve at parties is filled with lemon and cucumber slices with a few sprigs of mint. The combination is so refreshing and a fun twist on plain lemon or cucumber water. I made a fizzy combination with those three things and added some lemon flavored sparkling water. This one was great without sweetener, too!


Virgin Coconut Mojito

(Dare I admit I had to google what was in a mojito to make sure I wasn’t totally off base with that name? Like I said, zero experience with alcohol here.)

I REALLY loved this one.

Mash a few mint leaves into the bottom of a glass, then squeeze the juice from half a lime over it. Add some lime sparkling water, a drizzle of coconut milk, and a little sweetener. I think this combination was one of my all-time favorites. And a stripy straw makes it even better.

Does anyone else hoard stripy straws? Those cheap packages of them in the Target dollar spot get me EVERY TIME. I’m glad I have an excuse to use them!


Now, go forth and buy all the sparkling water and fruit and mint and have a sparkling mocktail party! This would be such a fun idea for a baby shower. Heck, my kids loved putting their own concoctions together after I finished photographing this post. Definitely adding this to my list of summer vacation activities!


Sparkling Water Mocktails by Natalie

Sparkling Water Mocktails by Natalie

I was never a fan of carbonation until my fourth pregnancy. For some reason, all I wanted was bubbly drinks—ginger beer in particular. I tend to gain a LOT of weight during pregnancy and knew my new soda habit (and influx of sugar) wasn’t going to do me any favors, so I turned to sparkling water.


I have loved sparkling water ever since I lived in Europe in my 20s, but this new, trendy flavored sparkling water was new to me. It took a few tries before it eventually fulfilled my soda craving during pregnancy. That baby bump is now three years old, and that craving has never completely gone away, so I happily sip on a sparkling water almost every day. I figure it’s better than diving into the ice cream container late at night.

My kids like sparkling water, too, and they have fun adding fruit, juices, and other flavorings when we have “fancy drink nights.” Also, little umbrellas are a must.


First of all, let me get this out into the open: I’m not an expert on mixing drinks. In fact, I don’t even drink. I don’t have the equipment or special glassware—and I don’t even know what they’re called.

Luckily, making mocktails doesn’t require any special equipment or mixology knowledge. But here are a few tips that I’ve found to be useful.

1. You’ll need something to smash fruit or herbs (like mint) in the bottom of the cup to get the most flavor out. I used the pestle from my mortar and pestle. You could also use the end of a big, wooden spoon.

2. Sweeteners are optional. If you’re doing a round of Whole30 or are avoiding sweeteners for some reason, you really don’t need them for most mocktails. I typically use a few drops of stevia (or flavored stevia) or fruit juice when we do ours, but you can make some simple syrup if you’d like them sweeter.

Sommer posted a great tutorial a few years ago on How to Make Simple Syrup—even flavored ones using rosemary! These would be a fun addition to a mocktail, too.

3. Flavored sparkling water is optional, too. You can make a delicious mocktail with simple, unflavored sparkling water. I find the flavored ones add a little extra zing, but honestly, you don’t need them.

Here are a few of my favorite concoctions!


Ginger Berry Pomegranate

Berry-flavored sparkling water is my favorite. If a hint of berry flavor is good, it only makes sense that more berries would be better. I mashed 2 blackberries and 2 raspberries into the bottom of a glass, added about 1/4 teaspoon grated fresh ginger (because I love ginger in all the things) and a splash of pomegranate juice and then some sparkling water. So, so good.


Pineapple Strawberry Sunrise

This was such a fun, fruity combination! I mashed up some chopped pineapple and strawberry bits into a glass and added a generous squeeze of orange juice, then filled the glass with orange sparkling water. A drop or two of vanilla stevia was tasty here, too.


Cucumber Lemon Mint

My favorite flavored water to serve at parties is filled with lemon and cucumber slices with a few sprigs of mint. The combination is so refreshing and a fun twist on plain lemon or cucumber water. I made a fizzy combination with those three things and added some lemon flavored sparkling water. This one was great without sweetener, too!


Virgin Coconut Mojito

(Dare I admit I had to google what was in a mojito to make sure I wasn’t totally off base with that name? Like I said, zero experience with alcohol here.)

I REALLY loved this one.

Mash a few mint leaves into the bottom of a glass, then squeeze the juice from half a lime over it. Add some lime sparkling water, a drizzle of coconut milk, and a little sweetener. I think this combination was one of my all-time favorites. And a stripy straw makes it even better.

Does anyone else hoard stripy straws? Those cheap packages of them in the Target dollar spot get me EVERY TIME. I’m glad I have an excuse to use them!


Now, go forth and buy all the sparkling water and fruit and mint and have a sparkling mocktail party! This would be such a fun idea for a baby shower. Heck, my kids loved putting their own concoctions together after I finished photographing this post. Definitely adding this to my list of summer vacation activities!



miércoles, 1 de agosto de 2018

Cómo combatir los signos de fatiga en el rostro

Cómo combatir los signos de fatiga en el rostro

En el día a día son muchas las razones que pueden provocar estrés y frente a esta situación el cuerpo reacciona y se producen desequilibrios que afectan directamente a la piel, generándose los signos de fatiga.

No vamos a mentir, no existen soluciones milagrosas que eliminen el estrés. Pero sí que se puede controlar cambiando e incluyendo algunos hábitos de vida.

10 tips para disminuir los signos de fatiga en tu rostro

  • Aunque estés cansada de escucharlo, es totalmente cierto, un paseo de 20 minutos te ayudará más de lo que piensas. No solo harás una mejor digestión, sino que además mejorará tu circulación y hará que te relajes.
  • Respirar correctamente es importante. Una oxigenación profunda ayuda al cuerpo a relajarse y disminuye la tensión de los músculos.
  • ¡Desmaquíllate siempre! De lo contrario no liberarás a tu piel y ésta no podrá respirar durante la noche. Lo mejor es utilizar un producto limpiador y un tónico, ya que este último contribuye a que los productos de tratamiento que apliques posteriormente se absorban mejor.
  • También hay que cuidar la mente. Disciplinas como el yoga te harán trabajar en la armonía de tu cuerpo y mente, disminuyendo el estrés y contrarrestando sus efectos negativos sobre la piel.
yoga:signos de fatiga


  • Incluye la exfoliación en tu rutina. Una vez a la semana, exfolia tu rostro (con movimientos circulares suaves) para liberar toxinas y eliminar las células muertas. Notarás que los signos de fatiga disminuyen.
  • La noche es el mejor momento para que tu piel se regenere. Aplica una crema específica para lo que tu piel necesita (hidratar, aclarar, desinflamar…) y déjala actuar hasta la mañana siguiente.
  • Si tu mayor preocupación, y donde más cansancio se te acumula, es la zona del contorno de ojos recuerda que ésta necesita tratamientos específicos. No vale únicamente con tu crema habitual para el rostro, sino que lo más conveniente es que apliques una para la zona en cuestión. Cuando lo hagas, masajea la zona del contorno de manera suave para favorecer la circulación.
  • Otra forma de deshacerte del estrés diario antes de ir a dormir es con baños de inmersión, aromaterapia, infusiones o todo aquello que te ayude a conciliar el sueño.
  • Cuida lo que comes. Mantener una dieta adecuada también te ayudará a combatir la fatiga. Sobre todo en las cenas es recomendable ingerir alimentos ligeros, sin abusar de la sal y no tomar mucho alcohol. Estos dos últimos, favorecen la retención de líquidos y pueden causar, por ejemplo, bolsas en los ojos.
  • ¡Bebe mucho agua! Lo ideal es entre 2 y 3 litros de agua al día. Y ya no solo para tu piel, los beneficios que tiene para tu cuerpo en general son innumerables.

Si incluyes estos hábitos a tu rutina notarás como disminuye el estrés diario y cómo esto se ve reflejado en tu piel. ¡Pero esto no es todo! Y es que si quieres saber qué productos usar para luchar contra la fatiga, no te puedes perder nuestra selección.

The post Cómo combatir los signos de fatiga en el rostro appeared first on StyleLovely.

https://ift.tt/2AyAIVn August 02, 2018 at 04:30AM

Cómo mantener el bronceado por más tiempo

lunes, 30 de julio de 2018

Radicalclear Enzyme Powder Wash

Radicalclear Enzyme Powder Wash

El paso de la limpieza es el más importante de la rutina de belleza, ya que de ello depende en gran parte el aspecto de nuestra piel. Por eso cuando descubrimos nuevos productos nos encanta. Dr. Oracle ha sacado un nuevo limpiador que, no solo nos ha conquistado por sus múltiples beneficios, sino que además ¡es un limpiador en polvo! Sí, como lo oyes, los Radicalclear Enzyme Powder Wash son unos polvos enzimáticos que limpian la piel en profundidad. Se trata de un limpiador y exfoliante en polvo que al entrar en contacto con agua se convierte instantáneamente en un producto suave. ¿Increíble verdad? Pues más te lo parecerá aún cuando conozcas sus beneficios.

Radicalclear Enzyme Powder Wash


Los 5 beneficios de Radicalclear Enzyme Powder Wash

  • Desobstruye los poros y los limpia en profundidad.
  • Exfolia la piel y elimina las células muertas.
  • Controla el exceso de sebo.
  • Retira el maquillaje.
  • Minimiza imperfecciones, como puntos negros o granitos.

Estos polvos están formulados con agua carbonatada y enzimas de papaya y piña, conocidas en cosmética por sus excelentes propiedades antiinflamatorias y exfoliantes, que suavizan las rojeces y calman la piel dejándola más luminosa y con un tono más homogéneo.

Uno de los beneficios de usar este limpiador es que elimina todo tipo de impurezas sin dañar la barrera hidro-lipídica de la piel, por lo que puede usarse incluso en pieles sensibles.

Además, este innovador producto no irrita ni seca la piel (el polvo es ultrafino), ni contiene lauril sódico, laureth sulfate, phenoxyethanol, aceite mineral, PEG o ingredientes de origen animal.

Si no puedes esperar más para probarlo, puedes encontrar este producto en tiendas MiiN o en miin-cosmetics.com, por 23,99€.

The post Radicalclear Enzyme Powder Wash appeared first on StyleLovely.

https://ift.tt/2vnkOqL July 31, 2018 at 04:46AM

¿Qué es la dermocosmética? Todo lo que debes saber

¿Qué es la dermocosmética? Todo lo que debes saber

Seguramente hayas escuchado la palabra dermocosmética en múltiples ocasiones, pero sigues preguntándote qué es exactamente y para qué sirve. Pues nosotras te contamos todo lo que debes saber sobre este término y sus beneficios que te enamorarán.

La dermocosmética utiliza productos que son un híbrido entre un medicamento (que busca la salud de la piel) y un cosmético (cuyo objetivo es la belleza de la piel). De esta manera la utilización de productos dermocosméticos te ayudará a cuidarte al mismo tiempo que te maquillas.

Dermocosmética: farmaciaruizgolvano.com


5 curiosidades de la dermocosmética

  • Eficacia. Seguramente estás acostumbrada a ir probando diferentes productos de maquillaje hasta que das con el adecuado para ti. ¡Pues esto ya no te volverá a pasar! Al ser tratamientos especificamente diseñados para cada afección, se adaptarán perfectamente a ti.
  • Sí, está hecha para ti. Aunque no sufras ningún problema de la piel como manchas, cicatrices o arrugas, este tipo de productos son beneficiosos para todas las personas. De hecho, si tienes la suerte de tener una piel con pocas necesidades te será más fácil encontrar tu producto ideal.
  • No por venderse en farmacia son productos dermocosméticos. Muchas veces también podemos encontrar en este tipo de establecimientos productos sencillamente cosméticos. Para estar segura de que lo que compras es dermocosmética, lo ideal es que esté recetado por un dermatólogo o tenga el respaldo de estudios clínicos.
  • ¿Si es natural es dermocosmética? ¡No tiene porqué! Lo importante es que contenga los principios activos adecuados para actuar como tratamiento para tu piel.
  • Inclúyela en tu rutina. Aunque los utilices para maquillarte no olvides que estos productos contienen tratamiento, por lo que debes utilizarlos de manera diaria para notar sus resultados.

Ahora que ya sabes qué es y cuáles son sus beneficios, ¡solo te queda encontrar los productos ideales para ti!

The post ¿Qué es la dermocosmética? Todo lo que debes saber appeared first on StyleLovely.

https://ift.tt/2KcJF64 July 31, 2018 at 04:30AM

Cinco platos caseros para sobrevivir al verano y mantener la línea

Mi experiencia con L'Oréal Botanicals Fresh Care

Mi experiencia con L'Oréal Botanicals Fresh Care

Cuando me dijeron que L'Oréal lanzaba una gama de productos capilares formulados con ingredientes naturales, la verdad es que recibí la noticia con excepticismo y ciertas reservas, pero la verdad es que después de utilizarlos durante bastante tiempo he de decir que algunos me han sorprendido gratamente y hace poco decidí reponerlos en la web Notino, lo que me ha parecido el momento perfecto para hablaros un poco más de ellos.

Sigue leyendo... https://ift.tt/2v3ACzD July 30, 2018 at 05:31PM

Pick Your Tieks by The Pioneer Woman

Now hear this: I love Tieks. I have worn them for a few years now, and I’m as obsessed with them now as I ever have been. For those of you who haven’t heard of Tieks, they are a brand of ballet flats that have exploded in popularity in recent years. I love them, I’m hooked for life, and I wanna share them with you.

This is the simplicity of the shoe.

The soles are the secret! Two different sections make them comfy and extra flexible.

They’re just like ballet shoes!

The leather is gorgeous and holds up so well.

And the color options are seemingly endless.

A word about Tieks: They are very pricey. When I first saw the price of Tieks, I was surprised, because at first glance they really look like nothing more than regular ballet flats. But after wearing them off and on for a few years, I have found them to hold up extremely well, and to be very comfortable! I love them. I jumped on the bandwagon. I’ll say it again: I’m hooked. And I gave a pair to my mom for Christmas a few years ago, and she wears them at her hospital job and they are still in amazing shape. Go, Tieks!


Today, because I love ya, I’m giving away three pairs of Tieks ballet flats, in the color/material of each winner’s choice!


To enter, just fill out and submit the giveaway form below.

Three winners will be randomly selected and announced this Wednesday morning.

Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Giveaway sponsored by me. (Pioneer Woman.) 🙂

Pick Your Tieks by The Pioneer Woman

Pick Your Tieks by The Pioneer Woman

Now hear this: I love Tieks. I have worn them for a few years now, and I’m as obsessed with them now as I ever have been. For those of you who haven’t heard of Tieks, they are a brand of ballet flats that have exploded in popularity in recent years. I love them, I’m hooked for life, and I wanna share them with you.

This is the simplicity of the shoe.

The soles are the secret! Two different sections make them comfy and extra flexible.

They’re just like ballet shoes!

The leather is gorgeous and holds up so well.

And the color options are seemingly endless.

A word about Tieks: They are very pricey. When I first saw the price of Tieks, I was surprised, because at first glance they really look like nothing more than regular ballet flats. But after wearing them off and on for a few years, I have found them to hold up extremely well, and to be very comfortable! I love them. I jumped on the bandwagon. I’ll say it again: I’m hooked. And I gave a pair to my mom for Christmas a few years ago, and she wears them at her hospital job and they are still in amazing shape. Go, Tieks!


Today, because I love ya, I’m giving away three pairs of Tieks ballet flats, in the color/material of each winner’s choice!


To enter, just fill out and submit the giveaway form below.

Three winners will be randomly selected and announced this Wednesday morning.

Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Giveaway sponsored by me. (Pioneer Woman.) 🙂


PW “Melody” Pasta Bowls by The Pioneer Woman

I am mildly (translation: extremely!) obsessed with this set of pasta bowls. They have been out since the spring, and while I started with four…I now have a collection of sixteen, and I’ve been surprised how much I’ve used them.

They’re the perfect bowl for pasta, naturally. The pasta can spread out to allow more surface area for sauce.

They’re perfect for salads! Makes them easy to eat because you don’t have to dig deep to get to the lettuce (which in my case is covered up by approximately 400 toppings.)

They’re awesome for soup. Not too deep, so the piping hot soup can easily cool to an easy-to-slurp temperature (and every soup looks gorgeous in these bowls.)

But here’s what I really love them for: Serving bowls! They hold mashed potatoes, green beans, and other veggies like a champ.

You can find these in most Walmart stores, or you can find them on Walmart.com! Hope you love them as much as I do. (Psst. Be careful: They’re habit forming.)

The Pioneer Woman Melody Pasta Bowls

(My kids love them for Cocoa Puffs, but that’s another story for another time.)

(Who am I kidding? I love them for Cocoa Puffs, too.)

PW “Melody” Pasta Bowls by The Pioneer Woman

PW “Melody” Pasta Bowls by The Pioneer Woman

I am mildly (translation: extremely!) obsessed with this set of pasta bowls. They have been out since the spring, and while I started with four…I now have a collection of sixteen, and I’ve been surprised how much I’ve used them.

They’re the perfect bowl for pasta, naturally. The pasta can spread out to allow more surface area for sauce.

They’re perfect for salads! Makes them easy to eat because you don’t have to dig deep to get to the lettuce (which in my case is covered up by approximately 400 toppings.)

They’re awesome for soup. Not too deep, so the piping hot soup can easily cool to an easy-to-slurp temperature (and every soup looks gorgeous in these bowls.)

But here’s what I really love them for: Serving bowls! They hold mashed potatoes, green beans, and other veggies like a champ.

You can find these in most Walmart stores, or you can find them on Walmart.com! Hope you love them as much as I do. (Psst. Be careful: They’re habit forming.)

The Pioneer Woman Melody Pasta Bowls

(My kids love them for Cocoa Puffs, but that’s another story for another time.)

(Who am I kidding? I love them for Cocoa Puffs, too.)


Elevating Canned Biscuits by Sommer

Elevating Canned Biscuits by Sommer

As a kid, canned biscuits were a staple in our house.

My mom was a great cook and made a big fuss over dinner most nights. However, breakfast was considered an “on your own” type of meal, so our kitchen was always well stocked with eggs, cereal, oatmeal, and canned biscuits we could make as needed.

I used to play with tubes of biscuit dough quite a bit to make all sorts of carby creations. Those little pre-sectioned pillows of dough are just so darn handy!

So today I thought it would be fun to share ways to elevate canned biscuit dough. These ideas are great when you are in a hurry, when you’re cooking with kids, or for those that love to cook but hate to bake.


Quickie Doughnuts. One of my favorite childhood uses for canned biscuits is making fast fresh doughnuts.

Use a small cookie cutter (or apple corer) to cut a hole in the center of each biscuit. Then fry the doughnuts for 15–30 seconds per side in a pot of hot oil. Carefully lift the doughnuts out of the oil with tongs and toss them in powdered sugar.


You can spice things up a bit by adding pumpkin pie spice to the powdered sugar. Also try adding cocoa powder to the powdered sugar!

“Sweet Biscuit” Scones. What are scones, after all, but slightly sweetened biscuits?

You can easily turn canned biscuits into scones by pressing dried fruit, oats and brown sugar, or chocolate chips into the dough before baking. Also try drizzling a simple glaze (made with milk, vanilla, and powdered sugar) over them after baking to fancy them up.

Cinnamon Rolls. Easiest sweet rolls ever!

Place the entire unwrapped tube of dough on a floured work surface and roll it into a thin rectangle. Sprinkle the dough with sugar and cinnamon. Then roll the dough into a cylinder and slice into rounds. Bake and devour.


Sausage Rolls. Two perfect words, dough and sausages.

Cut each unbaked biscuit in half. Roll out the dough pieces into flat ovals. Cut bun-length sausages in half. Then wrap each sausage half in dough.


Bake until golden. Then serve with mustard or BBQ sauce.

Mini Calzones or Hand Pies. Sweet or savory pies in minutes.

Roll each disk of dough into a thin circle. Then fill with pizza fillings, or go sweet with fresh berries tossed in sugar. Fold the dough over the top, and pinch the edges closed, to form semi-circle shaped pies. Bake and serve warm.

Mini Pizzas and Fruit Pizzas. So the hand pies above sound like too much work? No problem.

Just roll the dough flat and sprinkle toppings over the mini crusts before baking. No folding or crimping required.


Pot Pie or Cobbler Toppers. Place sweet or savory fillings in 6-8 ounce ramekins. Place an unbaked biscuit over each ramekin and bake!


Navajo Fry Bread. A fabulous alternative to plain rolls or biscuits.

Roll the biscuit dough out into flat circles. Fry the circles in hot oil for 10–20 seconds per side. Once golden, carefully lift them out of the oil with tongs and sprinkle with garlic salt and chile powder. (Then be tempted—very tempted—to make Erica’s Fry Bread Tacos from the previous post.)

Monkey Bread. A classic family favorite!

Cut each biscuit into 4 pieces of dough. Toss the pieces with cinnamon sugar, and place in a bundt pan. (You can add chopped dried fruit or fresh fruit into the pan if desired.) Pour a mixture of melted butter and brown sugar into the pan and bake until golden and bubbly around the edges.

Breakfast Sandwiches. Nothing makes a biscuit complete like ham, cheese, and eggs.

Bake the biscuits according to the package instructions. Then cut them open and fill with savory ingredients.


Garlic Knots. Possibly the best thing ever made with canned biscuits!

Use your hands to roll each unbaked biscuit into a 6-8 inch rope. Tie each rope into a knot and place them on a baking sheet. Bake the knots until fluffy and golden.


Then mix melted butter with minced garlic, salt, and pepper. Dunk the knots in the garlic butter and sprinkle the tops with parmesan cheese. Pure heaven!


See? Canned biscuits are delicious, full of possibilities, and a huge time-saver. Keep a can in your fridge for easy meal prep any day of the week.

Do you have a unique use for canned biscuits? Tell us all about it in the comments below!



Elevating Canned Biscuits by Sommer

As a kid, canned biscuits were a staple in our house.

My mom was a great cook and made a big fuss over dinner most nights. However, breakfast was considered an “on your own” type of meal, so our kitchen was always well stocked with eggs, cereal, oatmeal, and canned biscuits we could make as needed.

I used to play with tubes of biscuit dough quite a bit to make all sorts of carby creations. Those little pre-sectioned pillows of dough are just so darn handy!

So today I thought it would be fun to share ways to elevate canned biscuit dough. These ideas are great when you are in a hurry, when you’re cooking with kids, or for those that love to cook but hate to bake.


Quickie Doughnuts. One of my favorite childhood uses for canned biscuits is making fast fresh doughnuts.

Use a small cookie cutter (or apple corer) to cut a hole in the center of each biscuit. Then fry the doughnuts for 15–30 seconds per side in a pot of hot oil. Carefully lift the doughnuts out of the oil with tongs and toss them in powdered sugar.


You can spice things up a bit by adding pumpkin pie spice to the powdered sugar. Also try adding cocoa powder to the powdered sugar!

“Sweet Biscuit” Scones. What are scones, after all, but slightly sweetened biscuits?

You can easily turn canned biscuits into scones by pressing dried fruit, oats and brown sugar, or chocolate chips into the dough before baking. Also try drizzling a simple glaze (made with milk, vanilla, and powdered sugar) over them after baking to fancy them up.

Cinnamon Rolls. Easiest sweet rolls ever!

Place the entire unwrapped tube of dough on a floured work surface and roll it into a thin rectangle. Sprinkle the dough with sugar and cinnamon. Then roll the dough into a cylinder and slice into rounds. Bake and devour.


Sausage Rolls. Two perfect words, dough and sausages.

Cut each unbaked biscuit in half. Roll out the dough pieces into flat ovals. Cut bun-length sausages in half. Then wrap each sausage half in dough.


Bake until golden. Then serve with mustard or BBQ sauce.

Mini Calzones or Hand Pies. Sweet or savory pies in minutes.

Roll each disk of dough into a thin circle. Then fill with pizza fillings, or go sweet with fresh berries tossed in sugar. Fold the dough over the top, and pinch the edges closed, to form semi-circle shaped pies. Bake and serve warm.

Mini Pizzas and Fruit Pizzas. So the hand pies above sound like too much work? No problem.

Just roll the dough flat and sprinkle toppings over the mini crusts before baking. No folding or crimping required.


Pot Pie or Cobbler Toppers. Place sweet or savory fillings in 6-8 ounce ramekins. Place an unbaked biscuit over each ramekin and bake!


Navajo Fry Bread. A fabulous alternative to plain rolls or biscuits.

Roll the biscuit dough out into flat circles. Fry the circles in hot oil for 10–20 seconds per side. Once golden, carefully lift them out of the oil with tongs and sprinkle with garlic salt and chile powder. (Then be tempted—very tempted—to make Erica’s Fry Bread Tacos from the previous post.)

Monkey Bread. A classic family favorite!

Cut each biscuit into 4 pieces of dough. Toss the pieces with cinnamon sugar, and place in a bundt pan. (You can add chopped dried fruit or fresh fruit into the pan if desired.) Pour a mixture of melted butter and brown sugar into the pan and bake until golden and bubbly around the edges.

Breakfast Sandwiches. Nothing makes a biscuit complete like ham, cheese, and eggs.

Bake the biscuits according to the package instructions. Then cut them open and fill with savory ingredients.


Garlic Knots. Possibly the best thing ever made with canned biscuits!

Use your hands to roll each unbaked biscuit into a 6-8 inch rope. Tie each rope into a knot and place them on a baking sheet. Bake the knots until fluffy and golden.


Then mix melted butter with minced garlic, salt, and pepper. Dunk the knots in the garlic butter and sprinkle the tops with parmesan cheese. Pure heaven!


See? Canned biscuits are delicious, full of possibilities, and a huge time-saver. Keep a can in your fridge for easy meal prep any day of the week.

Do you have a unique use for canned biscuits? Tell us all about it in the comments below!