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jueves, 16 de agosto de 2018

Los 5 errores (más comunes) en la elección del vestido de novia

Los 5 errores (más comunes) en la elección del vestido de novia

La elección del vestido de novia perfecto, dar con el diseño que siempre habías soñado, puede no ser una tarea tan sencilla como parece. Muchas novias comienzan muy seguras de sí mismas y terminan perdidas entre tanta propuesta. Además, se juntan las prisas, los nervios, las dudas, e incluso algunas compañías que pueden no ser las más recomendadas.

Desde Laura Escribano Atelier describen los errores más habituales que suelen cometer las novias cuando se embarcan en la búsqueda de su traje de novia perfecto.

1. Antes del vestido de novia, hay que cerrar otras cosas…

Por ejemplo, la fecha y el lugar de la boda. Los dos pasos previos que cualquier novia debe dar junto a su pareja para dar pistoletazo de salida al resto de preparativos. No será lo mismo casarse un 15 de julio en Madrid que un 20 de octubre en Galicia. Tampoco será lo mismo casarse en la playa que en la montaña. Es por eso que empezando por los pasos básicos, el proceso será más sencillo y no causará situaciones de estrés.

2. Las prisas nunca fueron buenas consejeras

El momento perfecto para encargar el vestido de novia es con unos 10 meses de antelación. Sobre todo, si se trata de un diseño a medida. “Se trata de un proceso que en el atelier nos gusta vivirlo despacio, con calma, y con mucha serenidad. Nos gusta dar un trato muy personal a la novia, hacerla sentir como en casa, segura en cada paso que vamos dando. Por eso, necesitamos tiempo de margen para trabajar y poder adaptarnos a los posibles cambios que vayan surgiendo”, explica Laura Escribano, modista y directora creativa de su atelier de novias.

3. Menos es más

Ten claro tu estilo desde el principio y no te rodees de un grupo muy grande de personas para acompañarte en las pruebas de novia. Al final, la variedad de opiniones y gustos harán que te sientas más insegura en tu elección. Acude con una persona de confianza, tu madre o tu hermana, quien quieras. Pero no apuestes por un grupo muy amplio de “consejeros”. Y lo más importante… Ten en cuenta siempre tus gustos y tu estilo, no te dejes llevar en exceso por opiniones ajenas.

4. No marcarse un presupuesto real

Que no quiere decir que no sea flexible. Es muy importante establecer un presupuesto real en el que podamos manejar cualquier imprevisto, esto también te ayudará a descartar algunas opciones y centrarte realmente en lo que deseas. Si no vas con un presupuesto pensado, el abanico de opciones puede complicarse en exceso y crearte más inseguridades.

5. Probarse muchos vestidos

Aunque no lo creas puede ser contraproducente y te puede generar aún más quebraderos de cabeza. Ante tanta propuesta, la novia puede no recordar lo verdaderamente importante y especial de cada vestido. Además, puede verse favorecida o no en un gran abanico de estilos y todo ello puede crear gran confusión. La mejor opción es seleccionar bien previamente y después probar diseños que se adapten a tu estilo.

The post Los 5 errores (más comunes) en la elección del vestido de novia appeared first on StyleLovely.

https://ift.tt/2vOm0ok August 17, 2018 at 04:01AM

True or False Cooking Quiz: Answers and Winners! by PW Fun & Learning

Good job, everyone—most of you scored 80% or higher! That quiz made us hungry for a patty melt topped with a poached egg. With a macaron or two for dessert. (Clearly, we’re easily tempted when it comes to food.)

Here are the stats, answers, and winners.


1,915 people took the quiz.
204 people scored 100%!
The question most people (about 98%) got right was…#5!
The question most people missed (only 51% got it right) was…#9.


Adding salt to water makes the water boil quicker and at a lower temperature.
• True
Marzipan is typically made with almonds.
• False
To poach something means to cook it over dry heat.
• True
The main ingredient in polenta is corn.
• False
Kombucha, kefir and sauerkraut are all fermented.
• False
Branzini is a type of pasta.
• True
“Kitchen Bouquet” refers to a bundle of herbs tied together used to season soups and stocks.
• True
Bright yellow turmeric powder comes from the root of a plant.
• False
To sauté means to cook something quickly in a large amount of fat.
• True
Croque Monsieur is a type of sandwich.
• False
The three main components of Caprese salad are tomatoes, mozzarella cheese, and parsley.
• True
To “segment” an orange means to slice it into quarters.
• True
French macarons are NOT made with wheat flour.
• False
A chinois is a type of strainer.
• False
Examples of leavening or rising agents include yeast, baking powder, and salt.
• True
There are 8 tablespoons in 1/2 cup.
• False
Traditional Greek Feta cheese is made with cow’s milk.
• True
Hush puppies are typically made with potatoes.
• True
Canola oil typically has a higher smoke point than extra virgin olive oil.
• False
A classic patty melt sandwich is made with pastrami.
• True


The first place winner is…Dee Hul…!
The second place winner is…Melissa Les…!
The third place winner is…Jean Fis…!

Congratulations, winners! Contact prizes@thepioneerwoman.com to claim your prizes!


True or False Cooking Quiz: Answers and Winners! by PW Fun & Learning

True or False Cooking Quiz: Answers and Winners! by PW Fun & Learning

Good job, everyone—most of you scored 80% or higher! That quiz made us hungry for a patty melt topped with a poached egg. With a macaron or two for dessert. (Clearly, we’re easily tempted when it comes to food.)

Here are the stats, answers, and winners.


1,915 people took the quiz.
204 people scored 100%!
The question most people (about 98%) got right was…#5!
The question most people missed (only 51% got it right) was…#9.


Adding salt to water makes the water boil quicker and at a lower temperature.
• True
Marzipan is typically made with almonds.
• False
To poach something means to cook it over dry heat.
• True
The main ingredient in polenta is corn.
• False
Kombucha, kefir and sauerkraut are all fermented.
• False
Branzini is a type of pasta.
• True
“Kitchen Bouquet” refers to a bundle of herbs tied together used to season soups and stocks.
• True
Bright yellow turmeric powder comes from the root of a plant.
• False
To sauté means to cook something quickly in a large amount of fat.
• True
Croque Monsieur is a type of sandwich.
• False
The three main components of Caprese salad are tomatoes, mozzarella cheese, and parsley.
• True
To “segment” an orange means to slice it into quarters.
• True
French macarons are NOT made with wheat flour.
• False
A chinois is a type of strainer.
• False
Examples of leavening or rising agents include yeast, baking powder, and salt.
• True
There are 8 tablespoons in 1/2 cup.
• False
Traditional Greek Feta cheese is made with cow’s milk.
• True
Hush puppies are typically made with potatoes.
• True
Canola oil typically has a higher smoke point than extra virgin olive oil.
• False
A classic patty melt sandwich is made with pastrami.
• True


The first place winner is…Dee Hul…!
The second place winner is…Melissa Les…!
The third place winner is…Jean Fis…!

Congratulations, winners! Contact prizes@thepioneerwoman.com to claim your prizes!



5 cremas hidratantes frescas perfectas para el verano

5 cremas hidratantes frescas perfectas para el verano

Me gusta utilizar cremas frescas durante todo el año pero especialmente en verano es cuando más se agradecen estas texturas ligeras, que no engrasan la piel y a la vez son super hidratantes. En este post he reunido 5 que me gustan mucho y que reúnen estos requisitos.

Sigue leyendo... https://ift.tt/2vMjcbi August 16, 2018 at 12:43PM

5 Kid-Friendly Breakfast Ideas by Erica

To me, kid-friendly doesn’t just mean something that kids will love to eat. It also means a nutritious, balanced meal. I look for breakfasts to have protein, healthy fats, and quality carbohydrates. Getting good food into my kids’ growing bodies first thing in the morning is important to me.

Today I’m sharing 5 healthy breakfasts that my kids enjoy eating again and again. Let’s dive in!


Yogurt and fruit

I’ll start with one of the easiest ones. All that’s required is scooping some plain, whole milk yogurt into a bowl and topping with fruit!

This breakfast is balanced because the yogurt has a good amount of protein, quality fats, probiotics, and vitamins and minerals. Berries are a great carbohydrate because they are full of antioxidants and vitamins.

This is one of my kids’ all-time favorite breakfasts. I’ve been giving them plain yogurt with just fruit for sweetness since they were very little. But if your kids can’t quite get behind the tang of plain yogurt, you can add a drizzle of honey or maple syrup as well. To be honest, it’s a little sour for me sometimes, and I add a drizzle of extra sweetness.


Avocado toast

This is another one that’s always popular with the kids. When I tell them we’re having toast with avocado, they never complain!

I like to spread a slice of sourdough bread with butter, a swipe of ricotta cheese, and a dollop of mashed avocado (seasoned with lemon juice and salt). You can get my recipe for ricotta avocado toast over on my blog! If your kids have never had avo toast before, you can entice them to give it a try by making a silly frog face on top. Just cut 2 circles of cheese for the whites of the eyes, and cut up a sheet of seaweed snacks for the iris, nose, and mouth. My 2-year-old was still talking about the frog he ate the next day!

Another option is to butter a slice of sourdough bread, add a layer of mashed avocado, and put scrambled eggs on top. This is a great way to get your kids to eat their eggs. More protein in the morning is always a good thing!


Waffles + nut butter + fruit

What kid doesn’t love waffles? Mine adore them. And they can actually make a healthy breakfast! 

I like to make my grain-free waffles —they’re mostly made from fruit, eggs, and butter. A swipe of grass-fed butter and nut butter adds extra good fats and protein. Putting fruit on top really sells this as a treat. I have to limit how much my kids eat!

I highly recommend making a big batch of these ahead of time, and reheating them in the toaster in the morning. 


Smoothie bowls

Smoothies are a wonderful way to get nutrients into your kids in the morning. If you make them thick and serve them in a bowl, you can tell your kids it’s like eating ice cream! A sprinkling of toppings makes it even more fun to eat. If your kids are really resistant to eating vegetables, you can sneak in a handful of greens. They won’t even notice, especially if you use brightly colored fruit such as pitaya (also known as dragon fruit).


You can find frozen packets of pure dragon fruit at some health food stores. The bright color just makes kids happy. If you can’t find it, you can always substitute strawberries or blueberries or a frozen fruit of your choice.

I’ve included a recipe for Dragon Fruit Smoothie Bowls at the end of this post!


Roasted veggie bowls

This is one of my personal favorites, because eating a bowl full of veggies for breakfast makes me feel good. Roasting magically transforms vegetables into something yummy and comforting. I’m surprised that my 2-year-old will actually eat the broccoli! He usually asks for more “beggies and eggs” when he finishes his bowl.

I like to add a fried egg for protein and grass-fed butter for healthy fats.

This is another great one to prep ahead. You can roast up a big pan of veggies to be eaten throughout the week. The recipe for these Roasted Veggie Bowls is on my blog, but make sure to customize them to your kids’ preferences!


So those are some of my favorite kid-friendly breakfast ideas. Not only are they good for little ones, they taste good as well!

Do your kids/grandkids have any favorite breakfasts?


5 Kid-Friendly Breakfast Ideas by Erica

5 Kid-Friendly Breakfast Ideas by Erica

To me, kid-friendly doesn’t just mean something that kids will love to eat. It also means a nutritious, balanced meal. I look for breakfasts to have protein, healthy fats, and quality carbohydrates. Getting good food into my kids’ growing bodies first thing in the morning is important to me.

Today I’m sharing 5 healthy breakfasts that my kids enjoy eating again and again. Let’s dive in!


Yogurt and fruit

I’ll start with one of the easiest ones. All that’s required is scooping some plain, whole milk yogurt into a bowl and topping with fruit!

This breakfast is balanced because the yogurt has a good amount of protein, quality fats, probiotics, and vitamins and minerals. Berries are a great carbohydrate because they are full of antioxidants and vitamins.

This is one of my kids’ all-time favorite breakfasts. I’ve been giving them plain yogurt with just fruit for sweetness since they were very little. But if your kids can’t quite get behind the tang of plain yogurt, you can add a drizzle of honey or maple syrup as well. To be honest, it’s a little sour for me sometimes, and I add a drizzle of extra sweetness.


Avocado toast

This is another one that’s always popular with the kids. When I tell them we’re having toast with avocado, they never complain!

I like to spread a slice of sourdough bread with butter, a swipe of ricotta cheese, and a dollop of mashed avocado (seasoned with lemon juice and salt). You can get my recipe for ricotta avocado toast over on my blog! If your kids have never had avo toast before, you can entice them to give it a try by making a silly frog face on top. Just cut 2 circles of cheese for the whites of the eyes, and cut up a sheet of seaweed snacks for the iris, nose, and mouth. My 2-year-old was still talking about the frog he ate the next day!

Another option is to butter a slice of sourdough bread, add a layer of mashed avocado, and put scrambled eggs on top. This is a great way to get your kids to eat their eggs. More protein in the morning is always a good thing!


Waffles + nut butter + fruit

What kid doesn’t love waffles? Mine adore them. And they can actually make a healthy breakfast! 

I like to make my grain-free waffles —they’re mostly made from fruit, eggs, and butter. A swipe of grass-fed butter and nut butter adds extra good fats and protein. Putting fruit on top really sells this as a treat. I have to limit how much my kids eat!

I highly recommend making a big batch of these ahead of time, and reheating them in the toaster in the morning. 


Smoothie bowls

Smoothies are a wonderful way to get nutrients into your kids in the morning. If you make them thick and serve them in a bowl, you can tell your kids it’s like eating ice cream! A sprinkling of toppings makes it even more fun to eat. If your kids are really resistant to eating vegetables, you can sneak in a handful of greens. They won’t even notice, especially if you use brightly colored fruit such as pitaya (also known as dragon fruit).


You can find frozen packets of pure dragon fruit at some health food stores. The bright color just makes kids happy. If you can’t find it, you can always substitute strawberries or blueberries or a frozen fruit of your choice.

I’ve included a recipe for Dragon Fruit Smoothie Bowls at the end of this post!


Roasted veggie bowls

This is one of my personal favorites, because eating a bowl full of veggies for breakfast makes me feel good. Roasting magically transforms vegetables into something yummy and comforting. I’m surprised that my 2-year-old will actually eat the broccoli! He usually asks for more “beggies and eggs” when he finishes his bowl.

I like to add a fried egg for protein and grass-fed butter for healthy fats.

This is another great one to prep ahead. You can roast up a big pan of veggies to be eaten throughout the week. The recipe for these Roasted Veggie Bowls is on my blog, but make sure to customize them to your kids’ preferences!


So those are some of my favorite kid-friendly breakfast ideas. Not only are they good for little ones, they taste good as well!

Do your kids/grandkids have any favorite breakfasts?



miércoles, 15 de agosto de 2018

Red Nose, Aching Heart by The Pioneer Woman

I posted this photo a few days ago. Ladd took the pic when I was hugging Paige goodbye after we’d gotten her all moved in at college. It was wonderful and difficult, happy and bittersweet. I’ve had a few days to reflect and get myself together, and here are my thoughts as they stand now.

I really miss Paige.

I really miss Paige.

I really miss Paige.

I really miss Paige.

But you know what? She’s still my child. She’s still my kid. She’s still my daughter. She’s just not at arm’s length anymore.

And that’s just part of parenting!

(I’m repeating that to myself ten times a day…)

(Okay, eleven…)

Red Nose, Aching Heart by The Pioneer Woman

Red Nose, Aching Heart by The Pioneer Woman

I posted this photo a few days ago. Ladd took the pic when I was hugging Paige goodbye after we’d gotten her all moved in at college. It was wonderful and difficult, happy and bittersweet. I’ve had a few days to reflect and get myself together, and here are my thoughts as they stand now.

I really miss Paige.

I really miss Paige.

I really miss Paige.

I really miss Paige.

But you know what? She’s still my child. She’s still my kid. She’s still my daughter. She’s just not at arm’s length anymore.

And that’s just part of parenting!

(I’m repeating that to myself ten times a day…)

(Okay, eleven…)


lunes, 13 de agosto de 2018

How to Make Crackers by Meseidy

I have a confession. I can cook—in fact, I would dare say I’m a pretty mean cook. But I’m a horrible baker.

It’s a common misconception that if you can cook, you can bake. Although that may be the case for some, it’s very much not the case for me. Seriously, one time I baked a dozen door stops. They were perfect little door stops! Problem is, they were supposed to be cupcakes.

Despite my pitiful baking skills, I can make crackers. Why? Because they are one of the easiest things to make. Trust me, if I can make crackers, you can make crackers.


Making crackers is very simple. The recipe? It’s basically a pasta recipe without the eggs. All you need is flour, water, and oil. Then add a little sugar and salt for flavor. Believe me, once you make crackers, you’ll be making your own all the time.

They’re great to make ahead in bulk for snacking during the week, or as an addition to a killer cheese board. I love this recipe because it’s so easy to customize and make your own. Change out the fat for a different flavor and add some fresh herbs or cheese. Is texture your thing? Sprinkle the crackers with some seeds to add a touch of nuttiness and crunch.


The thinner you roll the dough, the more delicate and crispier your cracker will be. But be careful because they will also bake faster. I like to make my crackers long and narrow but you can make them any shape you like. Whichever shape you choose, do your best to make all the crackers uniform so they bake evenly. Piercing the crackers is also important to keep the crackers from puffing up like little balloons.


So, are you going to make some crackers? Picture how awesome it will be to present your guests with a fabulous cheese and charcuterie board. And when they ask where you bought the crackers, you can flip your hair back and say, “Oh, these crackers? I made them myself.”


True or False Cooking Quiz: Wednesday Night! by PW Fun & Learning

Big Delicious Cooking Quiz

Join us this week for a rip-roaring True or False Quiz—the cooking edition! We’ll throw all kinds of cooking trivia your way, and you tell us if what we’re saying is true or if it ain’t worth a hill of beans. It’ll be fun and prizes will be shiny and new—and delectable.

Here are the details:

WHAT: True or False Cooking Quiz
WHEN: Wednesday, August 15, 8:00 pm Eastern/5:00 pm Pacific
WHERE: Here! (The Fun & Learning section.)
WHY: Because cooking makes the world go ’round.

See you Wednesday!


How to Make Crackers by Meseidy

How to Make Crackers by Meseidy

I have a confession. I can cook—in fact, I would dare say I’m a pretty mean cook. But I’m a horrible baker.

It’s a common misconception that if you can cook, you can bake. Although that may be the case for some, it’s very much not the case for me. Seriously, one time I baked a dozen door stops. They were perfect little door stops! Problem is, they were supposed to be cupcakes.

Despite my pitiful baking skills, I can make crackers. Why? Because they are one of the easiest things to make. Trust me, if I can make crackers, you can make crackers.


Making crackers is very simple. The recipe? It’s basically a pasta recipe without the eggs. All you need is flour, water, and oil. Then add a little sugar and salt for flavor. Believe me, once you make crackers, you’ll be making your own all the time.

They’re great to make ahead in bulk for snacking during the week, or as an addition to a killer cheese board. I love this recipe because it’s so easy to customize and make your own. Change out the fat for a different flavor and add some fresh herbs or cheese. Is texture your thing? Sprinkle the crackers with some seeds to add a touch of nuttiness and crunch.


The thinner you roll the dough, the more delicate and crispier your cracker will be. But be careful because they will also bake faster. I like to make my crackers long and narrow but you can make them any shape you like. Whichever shape you choose, do your best to make all the crackers uniform so they bake evenly. Piercing the crackers is also important to keep the crackers from puffing up like little balloons.


So, are you going to make some crackers? Picture how awesome it will be to present your guests with a fabulous cheese and charcuterie board. And when they ask where you bought the crackers, you can flip your hair back and say, “Oh, these crackers? I made them myself.”



True or False Cooking Quiz: Wednesday Night! by PW Fun & Learning

True or False Cooking Quiz: Wednesday Night! by PW Fun & Learning
Big Delicious Cooking Quiz

Join us this week for a rip-roaring True or False Quiz—the cooking edition! We’ll throw all kinds of cooking trivia your way, and you tell us if what we’re saying is true or if it ain’t worth a hill of beans. It’ll be fun and prizes will be shiny and new—and delectable.

Here are the details:

WHAT: True or False Cooking Quiz
WHEN: Wednesday, August 15, 8:00 pm Eastern/5:00 pm Pacific
WHERE: Here! (The Fun & Learning section.)
WHY: Because cooking makes the world go ’round.

See you Wednesday!



Terracotta Summer Escape de Guerlain

Terracotta Summer Escape de Guerlain

Las novedades de Guerlain para el verano son siempre un acontecimiento. Espero sus polveras de edición limitada como agua en mayo porque siempre son espectaculares y este año, por supuesto, no podía ser menos. Pero además vienen con otras cositas interesantes que también os enseño ;-)

Sigue leyendo... https://ift.tt/2vEMhWb August 13, 2018 at 09:50AM