sábado, 28 de enero de 2017
Las tendencias (y prendas) que renuevan tu look de oficina ahora
Movie Musicals: Answers and Winners! by PW Fun & Learning
Great job on Movie Musicals, everyone! Here are the stats, answers, and winners.
4,771 people took the quiz.
1,351 people scored 100%! Nice work!!
The question most people (97%) got right was…#17!
The question most people missed (only 67% got it right) was…#20.
- Bernadette Peters
- ***Carol Burnett
- Jane Fonda
- Lily Tomlin
- Mamma Mia!
- Moulin Rouge
- Hairspray
- ***Evita
- High School Musical
- Sing
- ***Pitch Perfect
- Rock of Ages
- Leonardo Dicaprio
- ***Ewan McGregor
- Jude Law
- Orlando Bloom
- Julie Andrews
- Grace Kelly
- ***Audrey Hepburn
- Deborah Kerr
- George Clooney
- Michael Douglas
- Matthew Broderick
- ***Richard Gere
- ***Abba
- Queen
- Blondie
- Bee Gees
- West Side Story
- ***The Sound of Music
- My Fair Lady
- The King and I
- “…and I think it could be you.”
- ***“…and my heart is set on you.”
- “…who will show me a good time.”
- “…who can dance just like you do.”
- The Little Mermaid
- Beauty and the Beast
- ***Aladdin
- The Lion King
- Jane Austen
- Mark Twain
- Henry James
- ***Charles Dickens
- Emma Watson
- Emma Thompson
- ***Emma Stone
- Emma Roberts
- Ariel
- ***Elsa
- Eva
- Ingrid
- Moulin Rouge
- Guys and Dolls
- ***West Side Story
- Meet Me in St. Louis
- Cabaret
- All That Jazz
- A Star is Born
- ***Singin’ in the Rain
- Jud Fry
- ***Curly McLain
- Will Parker
- Ali Hakim
- the Tin Man
- the Cowardly Lion
- ***the Scarecrow
- a Munchkin
- True
- ***False
- Javert
- ***Jean Valjean
- Marius
- Thenardier
- Rocky Horror Picture Show
- Enchanted
- ***Little Shop of Horrors
- Mamma Mia!
The first place winner is…Vivian K.!
The second place winner is…Sarah H..!
The third place winner is…Renee L.!
Congratulations, winners! Contact prizes@thepioneerwoman.com to claim your prizes!
Movie Musicals: Answers and Winners! by PW Fun & Learning
Great job on Movie Musicals, everyone! Here are the stats, answers, and winners.
4,771 people took the quiz.
1,351 people scored 100%! Nice work!!
The question most people (97%) got right was…#17!
The question most people missed (only 67% got it right) was…#20.
- Bernadette Peters
- ***Carol Burnett
- Jane Fonda
- Lily Tomlin
- Mamma Mia!
- Moulin Rouge
- Hairspray
- ***Evita
- High School Musical
- Sing
- ***Pitch Perfect
- Rock of Ages
- Leonardo Dicaprio
- ***Ewan McGregor
- Jude Law
- Orlando Bloom
- Julie Andrews
- Grace Kelly
- ***Audrey Hepburn
- Deborah Kerr
- George Clooney
- Michael Douglas
- Matthew Broderick
- ***Richard Gere
- ***Abba
- Queen
- Blondie
- Bee Gees
- West Side Story
- ***The Sound of Music
- My Fair Lady
- The King and I
- “…and I think it could be you.”
- ***“…and my heart is set on you.”
- “…who will show me a good time.”
- “…who can dance just like you do.”
- The Little Mermaid
- Beauty and the Beast
- ***Aladdin
- The Lion King
- Jane Austen
- Mark Twain
- Henry James
- ***Charles Dickens
- Emma Watson
- Emma Thompson
- ***Emma Stone
- Emma Roberts
- Ariel
- ***Elsa
- Eva
- Ingrid
- Moulin Rouge
- Guys and Dolls
- ***West Side Story
- Meet Me in St. Louis
- Cabaret
- All That Jazz
- A Star is Born
- ***Singin’ in the Rain
- Jud Fry
- ***Curly McLain
- Will Parker
- Ali Hakim
- the Tin Man
- the Cowardly Lion
- ***the Scarecrow
- a Munchkin
- True
- ***False
- Javert
- ***Jean Valjean
- Marius
- Thenardier
- Rocky Horror Picture Show
- Enchanted
- ***Little Shop of Horrors
- Mamma Mia!
The first place winner is…Vivian K.!
The second place winner is…Sarah H..!
The third place winner is…Renee L.!
Congratulations, winners! Contact prizes@thepioneerwoman.com to claim your prizes!
Sí, las medias de rejilla se asoman por encima del pantalón (y este es su manual de uso)
Bella Hadid para DKNY o la campaña publicitaria que permitirá conocerla en persona
Los 7días/7looks de Patricia Manfield (VI)
¿Puede ser un vestido una celebración del Año Nuevo Chino? Sí, al menos para Elle Fanning
“Las novias Suma sueñan más con ¨nuestras piezas¨ que con su vestido”
Si hay una cosa que tienen en común todas las novias Suma es el atrevimiento. El querer destacar, el querer ser únicas, el no conformarse. La historia y el entusiasmo que ha puesto Susana, la creadora de Suma Cruz, en esta entrevista, nos ha conmovido. En sus inicios como estilista en una revista de moda supo ver más allá, fue pionera y decidió arriesgarse, porque si no arriesgas no ganas, y comenzar un sueño, una empresa llamada Suma Cruz, formada por 5 trabajadoras que se implican al 100% para crear verdaderas maravillas.
Pero, ¿creéis que la historia se queda ahí? Por supuesto que no, y ahora Susana empieza un nuevo proyecto, una colección de joyas tan bonita que os vais a enamorar nada más verla. Espero que disfrutéis leyendo la entrevista.
1.¿Cómo empezaste en esto de hacer tocados? Cuéntanos tus inicios.
Siempre he sido fiel seguidora y defensora de los accesorios, creo que son los que realmente completan el look de una persona, y siempre los he usado. Por aquel entonces…(2008) trabajaba como estilista en una revista de moda y veía el “gran vacío” que teníamos en nuestro país con los tocados, por lo que decidí lanzarme a este mundo, ya que mi sueño siempre había sido crear mi propia marca. ¿Y qué mejor momento para empezar?
2.¿Qué tiene Suma Cruz que no tengan otras marcas? ¿Por qué crees que tus clientas te eligen?
Nos reinventamos constantemente y nos caracterizamos por usar materiales exclusivos y artesanales que creamos en nuestro taller. El trato personalizado, las horas de trabajo de cada pieza… todo eso hace que cada diseño destaque por sí solo.
Me gusta lo que siempre nos dicen, y es que el proceso desde el día que entran por primera vez en el taller, es toda una experiencia, y eso es maravilloso.
3.¿En qué crees que suma en tu look de novia un tocado?
El problema es que ¨no siempre suma¨ por eso es tan importante estar bien asesorada, y creo que eso es algo de lo que podemos presumir en Suma.
4.¿En qué te inspiras a la hora de diseñar?
Cualquier cosa inspira a la hora de crear. Cuando diseñamos piezas a medida es importante conocer bien a la clienta: sus gustos, sus necesidades, el tipo de celebración, peinado, estructura ósea… y el trabajo se va realizando prueba a prueba sobre ella. Creemos fielmente en la tradición del trabajo artesanal, del contacto con cada mujer, dedicarle el tiempo que cada una requiere e ir construyendo sobre ella la pieza que va a llevar en un día tan importante. Nos consideramos artesanas, de hecho el equipo está formado por grandes profesionales que destacan en el mundo del arte, el diseño o la joyería. Cada una de nosotras estamos especializadas en un sector, a pesar de que todas somos polifacéticas.
5¿Cuál es el proceso a la hora de fabricar un tocado? ¿Qué materiales sueles utilizar?
Es un proceso continuado que dura varios meses y se realiza con varias pruebas. Lo inicial es conocer bien a la clienta y asesorarla según nuestro criterio y sus gustos. Luego están las horas de trabajo en el estudio… me gustaría hacer hincapié en que cada diseño pasa por las manos de las 5 personas que trabajamos en Suma. Nunca unas solas manos realizan un diseño. El trabajo en equipo es esencial. En cuanto a materiales nos diferenciamos por trabajar, sobre todo, con materias primas de alta calidad, destacando el metal por encima de todas.
6.¿Cómo es una novia Suma Cruz?
Las novias Suma son distintas, aprecian el lujo y la distinción por encima de las tendencias y la gran mayoría sueñan más con ¨nuestras piezas¨ más que con su vestido, y eso es algo que nos llena de orgullo.
7.¿Cómo es tu día a día?
Los Lunes y Martes los dedicamos en exclusiva al trabajo en el taller (esto es muy importante y es algo que mantenemos a rajatabla), ya que así estamos inmersas en exclusiva en nuestro trabajo ¨de campo¨, el resto de semana atendemos y trabajamos a la vez, ya que nos gusta atender a las clientas en el mismo lugar donde trabajamos, para que puedan ver el proceso de sus piezas y puedan disfrutar de la visión de un trabajo puramente artesanal.
8.¿Cuál es el tocado más especial que has hecho?
Aunque suene a tópico cada uno es especial, porque es justo eso lo que buscamos en Suma.
9.¿Te planteas ampliar tu negocio más allá de los tocados?
Estamos en ello, hemos lanzado hace poco nuestra primera colección de joyas, que se llama Botánica y está teniendo muchísimo éxito.
10.¿Qué te gusta más diseñar, tocados para novias o para invitadas? ¿Por qué?
En general las novias son muchísimo más arriesgadas que las invitadas, aunque se piense lo contrario, pero tengo que decir que todas nuestras clientas se fían tanto de nosotras que el trabajo siempre es gratificante.
Entrevista realizada por: Silvia Pazos Salas
The post “Las novias Suma sueñan más con ¨nuestras piezas¨ que con su vestido” appeared first on StyleLovely.
http://ift.tt/2kcT2cN January 28, 2017 at 09:24AMviernes, 27 de enero de 2017
#SuzyCouture Iris van Herpen: Alta Costura de alta tecnología
Los secretos del maquillaje de La La Land
Me encanta el cine. Por si os quedaba alguna duda, lo confirmo oficialmente. Disfruto con las historias, ya sean basadas en hechos reales o 100% ficción. Y el musical es uno de mis géneros favoritos.
Cuando alguien me dice que eso de que de repente los actores se pongan a bailar y a cantar es un poco raro no puedo disimular mi cara de incredulidad al pensar ¿y no te parece maravilloso? La música siempre ha sido para mi la mejor forma de expresar los sentimientos y estados de ánimo y me apasiona ver cómo esos números musicales van hilando una historia.
Sigue leyendo... http://ift.tt/2kBYtmm January 27, 2017 at 05:57PM
Things Marlboro Man and I Have Talked About This Week by Ree
I thought I’d jot down some of the random things my beloved and I have discussed this week.
1. My Dreams.
Marlboro Man is such a lucky man. The first thing his wife says to him when he wakes up in the morning is “Oh my gosh. You’ve got to hear about this dream I had…” Because everyone knows that a busy cowboy can’t start his day of feeding cattle in the wintertime until he takes the time to sit and listen to the wacky dreams his wife had the night before.
(But really…you’ve got to hear about this dream I had. I need an analyst.)
2. David.
As in the Bible. I can’t remember why it came up, but somehow we started talking about how much David loved Bathsheba, and what I mostly got out of it was how much more my husband knows about the Bible than I do. Here’s what I know about the Bible: Psalms. And also the Gospels. I have Matthew memorized. And I pretty much know Genesis pretty well. But that’s it! I don’t know all the people, I don’t know all the descendants, I don’t know all the stories. And I stay COMPLETELY CLEAR of Revelation. (What does that say about me? Ha.)
Marlboro Man knows it all, because his mama used to tell him about it and he listened.
3. University of Arizona.
First, let me remind you that Marlboro Man attended Arizona State University. As such, he hates his rival (U of A) with a passion. So when my nephew Stuart, my brother’s younger son, found out recently that he was accepted to University of Arizona, he texted me the news, and here’s how the conversation went:
Me: OH…EM…GEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!! But I’m scared to tell Uncle Ladd. I’ll let you tell him. And tell me when that is going to happen so I can leave the room.
Stuart: Thank you! I’m so excited. Maybe we’ll just not tell him!
Me: So awesome, Stu! I’m with you, maybe we’ll just not tell him.
Stuart: I’ll tell him when the time is right.
So of course, Stuart told his uncle that evening. And this is when I fell in love with Marlboro Man all over again: He congratulated Stu and told him he thought it was awesome. And even though I could see the smoke coming out of his ears and eye sockets, he totally concealed it so Stuart couldn’t see.
(You think I should order Marlboro Man a “WILDCAT UNCLE” t-shirt to celebrate?)
(Okay. I think I’ll wait on that for now.)
4. My Favorite Actors.
So this started out as a discussion last week about my favorite actors. I was watching “For Love of the Game” for the 800th time and I declared that Kevin Costner is definitely in my top ten favorite actors of all time. To me, even his bad movies are good movies because he’s just that great. And basically, I would have married Kevin Costner if I hadn’t met Marlboro Man. This is assuming of course that Kevin Costner and I had ever met, and that he would have chosen to marry me. Which of course I’m sure he would have.
But this initial discussion about favorite actors was really just about sheer acting ability—at least as far as Marlboro Man was concerned. But in my mind, while watching Kevin Costner and Kelly Preston kiss in the airport (which, by the way, is the best movie kiss of all time), I was thinking “I want to marry him.”
So in my mind, the list was “My Top Ten Favorite Actors that I Would Marry if I Hadn’t Met Marlboro Man” while in Marlboro Man’s mind, it was “Ree’s Top Ten Favorite Actors Because of Their Command of the Craft of Acting.”
So last night we were watching a movie with Denzel Washington and I casually mentioned, “Oh—Denzel is most definitely on my list of actors I would marry if I hadn’t met you.”
Marlboro Man was like, “Um, I’ve never heard of that list before.”
And I said, “The one we talked about last week!”
And he said, “The one we talked about last week was your favorite actors. Now it’s about the ones you want to marry.”
And I said, “Oh.”
Then I got the giggles and had a laughing/crying fit that THE TRUTH had slipped out so effortlessly, and I reminded him how lucky he is to have a wife that isn’t good at concealing anything.
I did get a very soft chuckle before fell asleep, so I think all is good.
Things Marlboro Man and I Have Talked About This Week by Ree
I thought I’d jot down some of the random things my beloved and I have discussed this week.
1. My Dreams.
Marlboro Man is such a lucky man. The first thing his wife says to him when he wakes up in the morning is “Oh my gosh. You’ve got to hear about this dream I had…” Because everyone knows that a busy cowboy can’t start his day of feeding cattle in the wintertime until he takes the time to sit and listen to the wacky dreams his wife had the night before.
(But really…you’ve got to hear about this dream I had. I need an analyst.)
2. David.
As in the Bible. I can’t remember why it came up, but somehow we started talking about how much David loved Bathsheba, and what I mostly got out of it was how much more my husband knows about the Bible than I do. Here’s what I know about the Bible: Psalms. And also the Gospels. I have Matthew memorized. And I pretty much know Genesis pretty well. But that’s it! I don’t know all the people, I don’t know all the descendants, I don’t know all the stories. And I stay COMPLETELY CLEAR of Revelation. (What does that say about me? Ha.)
Marlboro Man knows it all, because his mama used to tell him about it and he listened.
3. University of Arizona.
First, let me remind you that Marlboro Man attended Arizona State University. As such, he hates his rival (U of A) with a passion. So when my nephew Stuart, my brother’s younger son, found out recently that he was accepted to University of Arizona, he texted me the news, and here’s how the conversation went:
Me: OH…EM…GEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!! But I’m scared to tell Uncle Ladd. I’ll let you tell him. And tell me when that is going to happen so I can leave the room.
Stuart: Thank you! I’m so excited. Maybe we’ll just not tell him!
Me: So awesome, Stu! I’m with you, maybe we’ll just not tell him.
Stuart: I’ll tell him when the time is right.
So of course, Stuart told his uncle that evening. And this is when I fell in love with Marlboro Man all over again: He congratulated Stu and told him he thought it was awesome. And even though I could see the smoke coming out of his ears and eye sockets, he totally concealed it so Stuart couldn’t see.
(You think I should order Marlboro Man a “WILDCAT UNCLE” t-shirt to celebrate?)
(Okay. I think I’ll wait on that for now.)
4. My Favorite Actors.
So this started out as a discussion last week about my favorite actors. I was watching “For Love of the Game” for the 800th time and I declared that Kevin Costner is definitely in my top ten favorite actors of all time. To me, even his bad movies are good movies because he’s just that great. And basically, I would have married Kevin Costner if I hadn’t met Marlboro Man. This is assuming of course that Kevin Costner and I had ever met, and that he would have chosen to marry me. Which of course I’m sure he would have.
But this initial discussion about favorite actors was really just about sheer acting ability—at least as far as Marlboro Man was concerned. But in my mind, while watching Kevin Costner and Kelly Preston kiss in the airport (which, by the way, is the best movie kiss of all time), I was thinking “I want to marry him.”
So in my mind, the list was “My Top Ten Favorite Actors that I Would Marry if I Hadn’t Met Marlboro Man” while in Marlboro Man’s mind, it was “Ree’s Top Ten Favorite Actors Because of Their Command of the Craft of Acting.”
So last night we were watching a movie with Denzel Washington and I casually mentioned, “Oh—Denzel is most definitely on my list of actors I would marry if I hadn’t met you.”
Marlboro Man was like, “Um, I’ve never heard of that list before.”
And I said, “The one we talked about last week!”
And he said, “The one we talked about last week was your favorite actors. Now it’s about the ones you want to marry.”
And I said, “Oh.”
Then I got the giggles and had a laughing/crying fit that THE TRUTH had slipped out so effortlessly, and I reminded him how lucky he is to have a wife that isn’t good at concealing anything.
I did get a very soft chuckle before fell asleep, so I think all is good.
Las latas son la nueva hamburguesa: la comida más sana y deliciosa viene en conserva
Victor & Rolf: dorados sueños rotos
Chanel Nº5: la obra de arte más femenina de Coco
Así viste Patricia Manfield (IV)
Las novias que vinieron de París
Fin de semana lluvioso = leer las noticias más comentadas de la semana
Los 7días/7looks de Patricia Manfield (V)
Las nuevas #NastyWoman de Donald Trump están destinadas a convertirse en heroínas
Chipotle Honey Chicken and Waffle Sliders by Meseidy
I grew up a military brat, and our family spent some time stationed in Georgia. While living in the south, I was introduced to many new food combinations—things like fried green tomatoes, honey on biscuits, honey on chicken nuggets, and chicken and waffles. I know that to some folks, these foods don’t seem very out-of-the-ordinary, but when you’re raised in a Puerto Rican household, “fried chicken and waffles” just doesn’t compute.
I can tell you one thing though: I’m grateful we weren’t picky eaters. Because although I thought fried chicken—which is clearly dinner food—on waffles was bizarre, I still tried it. It was delicious! I totally get it! In fact, I’ve made it my mission to introduce the combo to everyone. So today, I bring you chicken and waffle sliders.
These sliders are perfect for your next big get-together. In fact, I hear there’s some big football game just around the corner.
Using corn muffin mix and frozen chicken strips means these sliders come together in no time. The chicken strips are tossed in a simple chipotle honey sauce, making them spicy, sticky, and sweet. And the waffles get a little kick from the jalapeno pepper in the batter.
Note: I used a typical 4 square waffle maker. If you have a large round one, you can just dollop waffle batter in each quarter of your waffle maker—or make a whole one and cut it in fours.
Like I said, I’m on a mission. Chicken and waffles for everyone!
Chipotle Honey Chicken and Waffle Sliders by Meseidy
I grew up a military brat, and our family spent some time stationed in Georgia. While living in the south, I was introduced to many new food combinations—things like fried green tomatoes, honey on biscuits, honey on chicken nuggets, and chicken and waffles. I know that to some folks, these foods don’t seem very out-of-the-ordinary, but when you’re raised in a Puerto Rican household, “fried chicken and waffles” just doesn’t compute.
I can tell you one thing though: I’m grateful we weren’t picky eaters. Because although I thought fried chicken—which is clearly dinner food—on waffles was bizarre, I still tried it. It was delicious! I totally get it! In fact, I’ve made it my mission to introduce the combo to everyone. So today, I bring you chicken and waffle sliders.
These sliders are perfect for your next big get-together. In fact, I hear there’s some big football game just around the corner.
Using corn muffin mix and frozen chicken strips means these sliders come together in no time. The chicken strips are tossed in a simple chipotle honey sauce, making them spicy, sticky, and sweet. And the waffles get a little kick from the jalapeno pepper in the batter.
Note: I used a typical 4 square waffle maker. If you have a large round one, you can just dollop waffle batter in each quarter of your waffle maker—or make a whole one and cut it in fours.
Like I said, I’m on a mission. Chicken and waffles for everyone!
Este es el accesorio de pelo (que no esperabas) más visto en el #StreetStyle
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La malograda historia de Mischa Barton
Vuelve la mirada 'messy' (y así se consigue)
Modo de uso de la mirada 'messy'
Mansur Gavriel lanzará, por fin, su primera colección "ready-to-wear"
2017 empieza ahora: esta es la fiesta que ha reunido a todas (sí, todas) las 'celebrities'
jueves, 26 de enero de 2017
Movie Musicals Quiz: Enter Now! by PW Fun & Learning
Here we go with movie musicals! Good luck!
To enter the quiz, answer the questions below and submit your answers.
Winners will be selected and announced Saturday morning.
First place, randomly chosen from the first 50 perfect scores, wins…a $300 PW Mercantile Online Store gift card!
Second place, randomly chosen from all perfect scores within the first hour, wins…a $200 Walmart gift card!
And finally, one randomly selected person who correctly answers all questions wins…a $100 Amazon gift card!
Okay! Ready…set…GO!
(Feel free to shout out your score in the comments!)
Here’s the direct link if the questions below don’t show up: Movie Musicals Quiz
Movie Musicals Quiz: Enter Now! by PW Fun & Learning
Here we go with movie musicals! Good luck!
To enter the quiz, answer the questions below and submit your answers.
Winners will be selected and announced Saturday morning.
First place, randomly chosen from the first 50 perfect scores, wins…a $300 PW Mercantile Online Store gift card!
Second place, randomly chosen from all perfect scores within the first hour, wins…a $200 Walmart gift card!
And finally, one randomly selected person who correctly answers all questions wins…a $100 Amazon gift card!
Okay! Ready…set…GO!
(Feel free to shout out your score in the comments!)
Here’s the direct link if the questions below don’t show up: Movie Musicals Quiz
#SuzyCouture Gaultier: jugando entre el centeno
¡Por fin! Un adelanto del vídeo de Taylor Swift y Zayn Malik. ¿Hablamos de Cincuenta sombras más oscuras?
Súper haul de rebajas
En el vídeo de hoy, lo que os traigo es una recopilación de prendas que he comprado en rebajas hace […]
La entrada Súper haul de rebajas aparece primero en Aishawari.com.
http://ift.tt/2jBGgl1 January 26, 2017 at 05:23PMEl día que Zara salió del armario. La firma desvela por primera vez qué fotógrafo firma su nueva campaña: Steven Meisel
Así viste Patricia Manfield (III)
Los 7días/7looks de Patricia Manfield (IV)
#SuzyCouture Valentino: de la materia de la que están hechos los sueños
Acertar con el champú, ¿capaz o incapaz?
Every Winter my clients and I all turn a shade or two lighter for obvious reasons. When I first started out I got so frustrated because I finally found the perfect shade match for each girl (logged in a notebook of course!) but had to start over again! Then I discovered white shade-adjusting drops and life was good again. Some of us don’t automatically fall into the lighter shade developed by the cosmetic company. Many companies have a yellow medium version followed by a pink medium version followed by a neutral, when all you wanted was the same one, just a hint lighter! That’s the brilliance of white drops. You can keep the cool or warm undertone while just lightening it up a little, which you can’t do as well by dropping down a shade or by mixing two shades together. Trust me, I’ve tried it all! And this will make you the happiest. Here’s how:
- White Shade Adjustment/Lightening Drops: I used these in 0 Pure White ($$$) but also love this one ($) and this water-based one ($).
- Your Favorite Foundation: this is my favorite full coverage foundation ($$), my favorite medium coverage foundation ($$) and my favorite light coverage foundation ($$) because of each formula and because all three come in shades for every skin tone.
http://ift.tt/2jAIiSh January 26, 2017 at 01:00PM
Alimentos (inesperados) que pueden provocar la aparición de granitos
Weekend fruit toast recipe
Kick-start your day with this delicious breakfast recipe by January 2017 cover model Tiffiny Hall.
Ingredients (Serves 2 // Prep: 5 min // Cook: 2 min)
- 1 tbsp tahini
- 1 tsp honey
- 1 tbsp water
- 100g fresh ricotta
- ¼ tsp ground cinnamon
- 1 tsp chia seeds
- 2 slices wholegrain (or gluten-free) bread
- 1 banana, thinly sliced
- ⅓ punnet strawberries, hulled and thinly sliced
- ¼ cup blueberries
1. In a small bowl, combine tahini, honey and water together until smooth and set aside.
2. Combine the ricotta, cinnamon and chia seeds to form a creamy spread.
3. Toast wholegrain bread in toaster for 1–2 minutes or until golden.
4. Lay toast flat, spread with ricotta mix then top with fresh fruit. Drizzle tahini sauce over the top and serve.
NEXT: Try this coconut chia pudding for another healthy breakfast idea... or dessert!
January 24, 2017 at 06:21AM http://ift.tt/2j82yi5
De cuando llevar un plumas XL se convirtió en algo muy 'cool', por Rihanna
'Dot eyeliner': ¿por qué no?
Exfoliantes corporales: la nueva obsesión 'beauty'
Weekend fruit toast recipe
Kick-start your day with this delicious breakfast recipe by January 2017 cover model Tiffiny Hall.
Ingredients (Serves 2 // Prep: 5 min // Cook: 2 min)
- 1 tbsp tahini
- 1 tsp honey
- 1 tbsp water
- 100g fresh ricotta
- ¼ tsp ground cinnamon
- 1 tsp chia seeds
- 2 slices wholegrain (or gluten-free) bread
- 1 banana, thinly sliced
- ⅓ punnet strawberries, hulled and thinly sliced
- ¼ cup blueberries
1. In a small bowl, combine tahini, honey and water together until smooth and set aside.
2. Combine the ricotta, cinnamon and chia seeds to form a creamy spread.
3. Toast wholegrain bread in toaster for 1–2 minutes or until golden.
4. Lay toast flat, spread with ricotta mix then top with fresh fruit. Drizzle tahini sauce over the top and serve.
NEXT: Try this coconut chia pudding for another healthy breakfast idea... or dessert!
Read more ... http://ift.tt/2j82yi5
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Turmeric 101 by Erica
What is turmeric?
Turmeric is a root of the ginger family. It originates from southern Asia, but it is used in Middle Eastern and Indian dishes as well. It’s probably most well known for being the main spice used in yellow curry powder. It has a distinct, warm flavor and a bright, yellow-orange color.
What are the health benefits?
There are many, many potential health benefits of turmeric. Studies have shown that it helps fight pain, inflammation, arthritis, depression, cancer, and more! In addition, it has antioxidant properties and contains vitamins and minerals such as iron and manganese.
If you’d like to unlock turmeric’s health properties, it’s important to consume it with both fat and black pepper. Turmeric is fat soluble, so it’s helpful to have something fatty along with it (whole milk, butter, ghee, coconut oil, etc.). Also, piperin (a substance found in black pepper) helps you to absorb the turmeric much better.
How do you prepare it?
Fresh turmeric root doesn’t need to be peeled before using, but you might want to if you’re adding it to a drink. Like ginger, you can easily remove the “skin” by scraping it with a spoon.
You can then grate it using a very fine grater. You could also chop or mince it with a knife.
How is it used?
Fresh or dried turmeric is used to flavor and color a large variety of dishes: curries, rice dishes, spice rubs, salad dressings, etc.
Here are a few ways to easily incorporate it into your everyday cooking.
You can add it to rice to give it a beautiful, golden color (my husband says that just the fact that the rice is yellow makes it taste better), and a mild, warm flavor.
Add about a teaspoon of turmeric powder per cup of rice. I like to just add it to the cooking water.
Another way to easily add turmeric to your diet is to stir it into your favorite hot drink. I think that the flavor pairs particularly well with chai tea, but you can definitely stir it into coffee as well.
Add about a 1/2 teaspoon to start. Just note that the turmeric won’t mix in with the liquid very well since it is fat soluble.
You can also “brew” turmeric in a French press.
Place 1/2 teaspoon turmeric powder (or 1 1/2 teaspoons freshly grated turmeric) in the pitcher of the French press. Pour in 1 cup of boiling water. Let steep for 5 minutes and push the pump down.
This eliminates a lot of the turmeric particles so you don’t have that sediment at the bottom of your cup.
You could also add fresh or dried turmeric to scrambled eggs, stir-fries, soups, smoothies, etc. Just make sure to consume it with fat and black pepper, and you’re golden. See what I did there? Sorry.
So there’s a basic introduction to turmeric. I hope it inspires you to give this lovely spice a try!
Resources: Dr. Axe and Paleo Hacks