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viernes, 29 de junio de 2018

True or False Trivia Quiz: Answers and Winners! by PW Fun & Learning

True or False Trivia Quiz: Answers and Winners! by PW Fun & Learning

Big, Bad Spelling Showdown

Good work on the quiz, friends! So many of you finished fast and strong, with only 1 or 2 questions tripping you up. We, too, had a little hiccup with Question 21, which we threw out. Guess it was a bit tricky even for us! Ha.

Here are the stats, answers, and winners.


1,670 people took the quiz.
170 people scored 100%!
The question most people (about 98%) got right was…#18!
The question most people missed (only 42% got it right) was…#5.


The capital of Libya is Benghazi.
• True
Albert Einstein was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics.
• False
Baby koalas are called joeys.
• False
Gone with the Wind takes place in Savannah, Georgia.
• True
Brazil is the only country in the Americas whose official language is Portuguese.
• False
The first name of Kramer in Seinfeld is Cosmo.
• False
The American Civil War ended in 1776.
• True
A right triangle can never be equilateral.
• False
The Ford Edsel was named after Henry Ford’s father.
• True
The Dickens novel Oliver Twist begins with the well-known phrase: “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.”
• True
“Paprika” is the Hungarian word for “pepper.”
• False
The Bill of Rights contains 10 amendments to the Constitution.
• False
Snow White’s seven dwarfs all worked as lumberjacks.
• True
The name Sylvia Plath was a pseudonym.
• True
There are seven red stripes in the United States flag.
• False
The favorite food of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is pizza.
• False
Thomas Jefferson was the second president of the United States.
No bird can fly backwards.
• True
Freddy Kreuger is the villain in the “Friday the 13th” movies.
• True


The first place winner is…Ashlyn G. from Texas!
The second place winner is…Ksenia M. from Hawaii!
The third place winner is…Bj M. from California!

Congratulations, winners! Contact prizes@thepioneerwoman.com to claim your prizes!



True or False Trivia Quiz: Answers and Winners! by PW Fun & Learning

Big, Bad Spelling Showdown

Good work on the quiz, friends! So many of you finished fast and strong, with only 1 or 2 questions tripping you up. We, too, had a little hiccup with Question 21, which we threw out. Guess it was a bit tricky even for us! Ha.

Here are the stats, answers, and winners.


1,670 people took the quiz.
170 people scored 100%!
The question most people (about 98%) got right was…#18!
The question most people missed (only 42% got it right) was…#5.


The capital of Libya is Benghazi.
• True
Albert Einstein was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics.
• False
Baby koalas are called joeys.
• False
Gone with the Wind takes place in Savannah, Georgia.
• True
Brazil is the only country in the Americas whose official language is Portuguese.
• False
The first name of Kramer in Seinfeld is Cosmo.
• False
The American Civil War ended in 1776.
• True
A right triangle can never be equilateral.
• False
The Ford Edsel was named after Henry Ford’s father.
• True
The Dickens novel Oliver Twist begins with the well-known phrase: “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.”
• True
“Paprika” is the Hungarian word for “pepper.”
• False
The Bill of Rights contains 10 amendments to the Constitution.
• False
Snow White’s seven dwarfs all worked as lumberjacks.
• True
The name Sylvia Plath was a pseudonym.
• True
There are seven red stripes in the United States flag.
• False
The favorite food of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is pizza.
• False
Thomas Jefferson was the second president of the United States.
No bird can fly backwards.
• True
Freddy Kreuger is the villain in the “Friday the 13th” movies.
• True


The first place winner is…Ashlyn G. from Texas!
The second place winner is…Ksenia M. from Hawaii!
The third place winner is…Bj M. from California!

Congratulations, winners! Contact prizes@thepioneerwoman.com to claim your prizes!


Mis favoritos de Urban Decay para este verano

Mis favoritos de Urban Decay para este verano

En noches como la de hoy (tengo por costumbre escribir siempre de noche), en las que el aire entra por mi ventana y se puede respirar, me reconcilo con el verano. Me entran ganas de contaros cosas y desplegar mi arsenal beauty. Tengo un montón de maquillaje pendiente de review pero me apetece empezar por Urban Decay, que sabéis que me chifla y que siempre tiene novedades muy apetecibles. 

Sigue leyendo... https://ift.tt/2ICr8zh June 29, 2018 at 07:00AM

jueves, 28 de junio de 2018

How to Make Old Bay Seasoning by Sommer

How many spice jars are packed in your cabinet or pantry right now?

My guess is that you have enough varieties to not need to buy spice blends at the grocery store. Possibly so many that a spice jar avalanche occurs every third or fourth time you open the cabinet door?


We so often spend money on pre-made spice blends because we like that someone else has taken the guesswork out of creating great flavor combinations.

That’s ok! Life can be hectic and we are in a hurry most of the time. Store-bought spice blends are an easy way to make dinner prep a bit faster.


Yet spice blends like apple pie spice, seasoning salt, steak rub, taco seasoning, and seafood seasoning can easily be made at home and stored in old spice jars.

So the next time you run out of your favorite seasoning in the middle of cooking dinner, there’s no need to turn off the burners and run to the store.

Just google the seasoning and make it yourself!


Old Bay seafood seasoning is a fabulous blend of herbs and spice to sprinkle on everything from shrimp and fish, to roasted potatoes and corn on the cobb. It even makes a wonderful addition to salad dressings.

We use Old Bay a ton in the summer months because the strong note of bay leaves and baking spices offers tantalizing contrast to light summer flavors.

And best of all, Old Bay is easy to make at home.


Plus, you can adjust the flavors to better suit your taste preferences, make large batches of Old Bay for picnics or potlucks, or even jar it for edible gifts to pass on to friends.

Want to give it a try?


Simply pull out all the necessary herbs and spices. Measure and dump. Then stir and store.


It’s perfect, of course, for seafood. But it has so many other uses! Try sprinkling your homemade Old Bay seasoning on pizza or bread sticks, stirring it into potato or macaroni salad, or blending with sour cream for a cool summertime veggie dip!

Do you have a favorite use for Old Bay seasoning? Share your tips with us!


How to Make Old Bay Seasoning by Sommer

How to Make Old Bay Seasoning by Sommer

How many spice jars are packed in your cabinet or pantry right now?

My guess is that you have enough varieties to not need to buy spice blends at the grocery store. Possibly so many that a spice jar avalanche occurs every third or fourth time you open the cabinet door?


We so often spend money on pre-made spice blends because we like that someone else has taken the guesswork out of creating great flavor combinations.

That’s ok! Life can be hectic and we are in a hurry most of the time. Store-bought spice blends are an easy way to make dinner prep a bit faster.


Yet spice blends like apple pie spice, seasoning salt, steak rub, taco seasoning, and seafood seasoning can easily be made at home and stored in old spice jars.

So the next time you run out of your favorite seasoning in the middle of cooking dinner, there’s no need to turn off the burners and run to the store.

Just google the seasoning and make it yourself!


Old Bay seafood seasoning is a fabulous blend of herbs and spice to sprinkle on everything from shrimp and fish, to roasted potatoes and corn on the cobb. It even makes a wonderful addition to salad dressings.

We use Old Bay a ton in the summer months because the strong note of bay leaves and baking spices offers tantalizing contrast to light summer flavors.

And best of all, Old Bay is easy to make at home.


Plus, you can adjust the flavors to better suit your taste preferences, make large batches of Old Bay for picnics or potlucks, or even jar it for edible gifts to pass on to friends.

Want to give it a try?


Simply pull out all the necessary herbs and spices. Measure and dump. Then stir and store.


It’s perfect, of course, for seafood. But it has so many other uses! Try sprinkling your homemade Old Bay seasoning on pizza or bread sticks, stirring it into potato or macaroni salad, or blending with sour cream for a cool summertime veggie dip!

Do you have a favorite use for Old Bay seasoning? Share your tips with us!



El cofre perfecto para los fans de la lavanda, gratis con tu compra en L'Occitane

El cofre perfecto para los fans de la lavanda, gratis con tu compra en L'Occitane

Si algo me gusta de L'Occitane, además de sus productos y sus maravillosos olores, es la capacidad de gestar colaboraciones originales, sorprendentes y distintas, nunca te dejan indiferente. Lo mejor de la última, que han puesto en marcha junto con La Box à Planter es que es totalmente gratis por compras de a partir de 15 €.

Sigue leyendo... https://ift.tt/2yRBQm2 June 28, 2018 at 07:00AM

martes, 26 de junio de 2018

Close-up, así son los nuevos correctores de Nabla. Con swatches y equivalencias

Close-up, así son los nuevos correctores de Nabla. Con swatches y equivalencias

Quizá os sorprenda si os cuento que el corrector es el producto de maquillaje que menos uso (aunque es muy posible que lo haya repetido muchas veces, para quienes seguís el blog desde hace tiempo). Hace unos cuantos años era para mi un imprescindible, he perdido la cuenta de los Select Moisturecover de MAC que habré gastado y gracias al blog he tenido la oportunidad de probar correctores estupendos pero os confieso que los evito a no ser que su uso sea estrictamente necesario.

Sigue leyendo... https://ift.tt/2tD4UIg June 26, 2018 at 07:00AM

lunes, 25 de junio de 2018

Healthy Travel Snacks by Natalie

My name is Natalie, and I am a compulsive road trip snack over-packer.

I try to pack things that aren’t super junky, though. Nothing is worse than being in the car all day eating junk food and candy only to arrive at your destination feeling gross. Not fun at all.

There are practical benefits of packing too many snacks. None of my kids ever complain that they’re hungry. And if we get stranded for several hours (or even a couple of days, depending on how zealously I pack) we’ll be in good shape.

If you like to keep things healthier on the road, I’ve got a lot of snack ideas for you! These are actual snacks that I packed for a 10-hour trip to see my family. Most of them my kids enjoyed, too.


First, I try to pack some protein so it keeps everyone satisfied longer. Meat and cheese sticks are handy and portable, but sometimes I like to make a container of pepperoni or salami with cheese slices. You can also fill a container with rolled up deli meat with slices of cheese.

It’s getting easier to find healthier deli meat these days, too. I really like True Story organic and uncured deli meats.


Another protein option is hard-cooked eggs. This might get kind of messy, depending on the ages of your kids, but I mostly bring them for myself to snack on.

My favorite things to do is cut them in half and smear some spicy mayo or sprinkle Everything Bagel Seasoning on each half. Or both, if I’m feeling adventurous.

Psst… I’ve got a recipe for Homemade Everything Bagel Seasoning on my blog!


If you’re a vegetarian or a vegan, find some individual-sized containers of hummus or guacamole. I keep these stocked in my fridge and put them in my kids’ lunches, too. Make sure you’ve got lots of dippers! I like to bring baby carrots, cucumbers, grape tomatoes, and an assortment of gluten-free crackers and plantain chips.

Bringing veggies on a car trip might not win you any cool points, but I find that my kids are usually OK with it. I’m constantly trying to get them to eat vegetables, so a car trip isn’t any different. And since the kids know that there are special road trip treats, I use that as an incentive to eat more veg. Just a thought.


We always bring fruit. ALWAYS. I have a rule though: I don’t bring anything that is too sticky or squishes easily. Like bananas. Those are off limits in the car while my kids are still relatively young. Nothing is worse than cleaning up a squished banana in a car seat. *shudder*

I like to bring grapes, blueberries, apples, and sometimes watermelon. I also grab some raisins and dried fruit, like blueberries or cranberries.


Now on to nuts and energy bars. I love getting flavored nuts, like Habanero BBQ Almonds or Thai Chile-Lime Cashews. I also keep a few fruit and nut energy bars on hand, like Larabars or Kind bars.

Remember that post on How to Make Fruit and Nut Energy Bites I wrote for Food & Friends last year? Now is a good time to revisit that post and make a batch for your next road trip.


Every time I pack a snack bag I include a special treat. The same rules apply—I don’t pack things that are super sticky or that squish easily. I don’t mind crumbly things because it vacuums up easily. And no matter what you do, you’ll have to vacuum your car out when you get home.

Our family tradition is to make a batch of crispy rice treats for every trip. You could also bring kettle corn, yogurt pretzels, or fruit snacks, too.


Here are a few other tips for packing snacks:

Don’t make everything from scratch

Ina Garten shared some dinner party tips on her show and one of them was to only make one or two things from scratch and to buy the rest of the meal. It saves you a lot of headache and stress when prepping for a dinner party.

I practice this same principle when I pack a snack bag. Making/slicing/rolling everything for a snack bag is a lot of work and not something you want to. Take advantage of the pre-packaged options, even if they aren’t things you normally buy. For example, you could make a batch of energy bars and slice some vegetables, but buy pre-packaged snack boxes and cheese sticks.

Drink water

We always drink water during our trips. Each person in the car has their own refillable water bottle. If it spills, there isn’t a sticky mess. And you can refill them easily (for free!) at gas stations.

Divide the snacks

I always pack a room temperature bag and an insulated bag with ice packs for things that need to stay cool.

Open minutes

In order to keep the Snack Lord (whoever is in charge of distributing snacks, usually me) sane, we have 15–20 minute blocks of time every couple of hours when the snack bags are “open” and the kids can eat. That way they don’t deplete the snack supply so much that there isn’t much left for the last legs of the trip. And the refrigerated bag doesn’t stay open the entire time and lose its chilliness.


I’d love to hear how you prepare your snack bag for a long trip and what your plans are for the summer! Do you travel with kids? What are some of their favorite travel snacks?


Healthy Travel Snacks by Natalie

Healthy Travel Snacks by Natalie

My name is Natalie, and I am a compulsive road trip snack over-packer.

I try to pack things that aren’t super junky, though. Nothing is worse than being in the car all day eating junk food and candy only to arrive at your destination feeling gross. Not fun at all.

There are practical benefits of packing too many snacks. None of my kids ever complain that they’re hungry. And if we get stranded for several hours (or even a couple of days, depending on how zealously I pack) we’ll be in good shape.

If you like to keep things healthier on the road, I’ve got a lot of snack ideas for you! These are actual snacks that I packed for a 10-hour trip to see my family. Most of them my kids enjoyed, too.


First, I try to pack some protein so it keeps everyone satisfied longer. Meat and cheese sticks are handy and portable, but sometimes I like to make a container of pepperoni or salami with cheese slices. You can also fill a container with rolled up deli meat with slices of cheese.

It’s getting easier to find healthier deli meat these days, too. I really like True Story organic and uncured deli meats.


Another protein option is hard-cooked eggs. This might get kind of messy, depending on the ages of your kids, but I mostly bring them for myself to snack on.

My favorite things to do is cut them in half and smear some spicy mayo or sprinkle Everything Bagel Seasoning on each half. Or both, if I’m feeling adventurous.

Psst… I’ve got a recipe for Homemade Everything Bagel Seasoning on my blog!


If you’re a vegetarian or a vegan, find some individual-sized containers of hummus or guacamole. I keep these stocked in my fridge and put them in my kids’ lunches, too. Make sure you’ve got lots of dippers! I like to bring baby carrots, cucumbers, grape tomatoes, and an assortment of gluten-free crackers and plantain chips.

Bringing veggies on a car trip might not win you any cool points, but I find that my kids are usually OK with it. I’m constantly trying to get them to eat vegetables, so a car trip isn’t any different. And since the kids know that there are special road trip treats, I use that as an incentive to eat more veg. Just a thought.


We always bring fruit. ALWAYS. I have a rule though: I don’t bring anything that is too sticky or squishes easily. Like bananas. Those are off limits in the car while my kids are still relatively young. Nothing is worse than cleaning up a squished banana in a car seat. *shudder*

I like to bring grapes, blueberries, apples, and sometimes watermelon. I also grab some raisins and dried fruit, like blueberries or cranberries.


Now on to nuts and energy bars. I love getting flavored nuts, like Habanero BBQ Almonds or Thai Chile-Lime Cashews. I also keep a few fruit and nut energy bars on hand, like Larabars or Kind bars.

Remember that post on How to Make Fruit and Nut Energy Bites I wrote for Food & Friends last year? Now is a good time to revisit that post and make a batch for your next road trip.


Every time I pack a snack bag I include a special treat. The same rules apply—I don’t pack things that are super sticky or that squish easily. I don’t mind crumbly things because it vacuums up easily. And no matter what you do, you’ll have to vacuum your car out when you get home.

Our family tradition is to make a batch of crispy rice treats for every trip. You could also bring kettle corn, yogurt pretzels, or fruit snacks, too.


Here are a few other tips for packing snacks:

Don’t make everything from scratch

Ina Garten shared some dinner party tips on her show and one of them was to only make one or two things from scratch and to buy the rest of the meal. It saves you a lot of headache and stress when prepping for a dinner party.

I practice this same principle when I pack a snack bag. Making/slicing/rolling everything for a snack bag is a lot of work and not something you want to. Take advantage of the pre-packaged options, even if they aren’t things you normally buy. For example, you could make a batch of energy bars and slice some vegetables, but buy pre-packaged snack boxes and cheese sticks.

Drink water

We always drink water during our trips. Each person in the car has their own refillable water bottle. If it spills, there isn’t a sticky mess. And you can refill them easily (for free!) at gas stations.

Divide the snacks

I always pack a room temperature bag and an insulated bag with ice packs for things that need to stay cool.

Open minutes

In order to keep the Snack Lord (whoever is in charge of distributing snacks, usually me) sane, we have 15–20 minute blocks of time every couple of hours when the snack bags are “open” and the kids can eat. That way they don’t deplete the snack supply so much that there isn’t much left for the last legs of the trip. And the refrigerated bag doesn’t stay open the entire time and lose its chilliness.


I’d love to hear how you prepare your snack bag for a long trip and what your plans are for the summer! Do you travel with kids? What are some of their favorite travel snacks?



Estos son los vestidos noventeros que nos propone Urban Outfitters para este verano (y que los vas a querer todos)

Estos son los vestidos noventeros que nos propone Urban Outfitters para este verano (y que los vas a querer todos)

Urban Outfitters Summer 2018 Lookbook05

Ya es oficial: ya estamos en verano y para celebrarlo Urban Outfitters nos ha tentado con una serie de (mini) vestidos que vas a querer añadir a tu colección particular. De estilo noventero y con un no sé qué muy molón, cada una de las versiones es tan cool que el decantarse por uno solo se convierte en misión imposible. ¿Lo mejor de todo? Sus versiones al más puro estilo Clueless.

Urban Outfitters Summer 2018 Lookbook04

Al más puro estilo Clueless

Cher y Dione (Clueless) fueron las más populares en los 90 y sus armarios eran un sueño para todas las fashionistas del momento. Desde que esa década ha vuelto a nuestro día a día, el querer emularlas se ha convertido en el objetivo de muchas. Estos diseños a cuadros nos recordarán a esos míticos (y entrañables) personajes.

Urban Outfitters Summer 2018 Lookbook02 Urban Outfitters Summer 2018 Lookbook03

El denim siempre funciona

Por más que pasen los años, el tejido denim siempre es bienvenido. Estos diseños son sencillos pero a la vez podrían formar parte de nuestro fondo de armario, y su versatilidad los hacen todavía más atractivos.

Urban Outfitters Summer 2018 Lookbook01 Urban Outfitters Summer 2018 Lookbook06

Una versión estampada y divertida

Para todas aquellas amantes de los minivestidos rectos, esta versión estampada con cerezas se va a convertir en la joya de la corona.

Urban Outfitters Summer 2018 Lookbook07

En Trendencias | En verano los vestidos se acompañan de rayas multicolor, ¿a qué esperas para lucir tu diseño?

https://ift.tt/2InsPRi June 25, 2018 at 07:00AM

domingo, 24 de junio de 2018

Chanel Numéros Rouges

Chanel Numéros Rouges

Hace meses que debería haberos enseñado esta colección de maquillaje pero han sido unas semanas muy intensas laboralmente y me ha costado tiempo para sacar adelante el blog, ya que soy una persona demasiado perfeccionista y no me gusta hacer las cosas de mala manera, con fotos mediocres, texto escrito a la carrera... En definitiva todo lo que me hiciera sentir que el blog se había convertido en una obligación que me impedía disfrutar de lo que hago.

Por suerte, aún podéis encontrar muchos de los elementos que componen Números Rouges en la web de Chanel, como esta espectacular paleta, Traît de Caractère, creada por Lucia Pica y en una armonía de tonos marrones, beige y verdes super ponible y versátil.

El lápiz de ojos Stylo Yeux Waterproof en el tono Legendary Green es el complemento perfecto para los looks creados con esta paleta, acentuando los matices verdes y proporcionando larga duración a prueba de agua y sudor. (27 €)

El esmalte Le Vernis Neon en el tono Scenario es un rojo coral espectacular y ultra vibrante. Si sois fans del negro en las uñas, el tono Celebrity es un negro clásico, intenso y opaco. El precio de cada esmalte es de 27 €

Aquí podéis ver la paleta con más detalle. Me parece perfecta para llevar de viaje por su tamaño compacto y porque permite crear desde un discreto look de día hasta un ahumado intenso con un toque verde que resalta especialmente los ojos marrones. Su precio es de 58 €

Algo que me gusta mucho de Chanel y que os he enseñado varias veces en el blog son estas sus sombras en crema. Ya era fan de las Illusion d'Ombre y las nuevas Ombre Première no defraudan en absoluto, son pigmentadas, se aplican y difuminan fácilmente con el dedo y permanecen en su sitio muchas horas en perfecto estado.

Este tono es Silver Screen, un color platino precioso de subtono ligeramente cálido que por si solo viste el ojo sin necesidad de aplicar nada más encima, aunque por supuesto es una base perfecta para otras sombras.

La estrella de la colección es lo más difícil de conseguir a estas alturas, por desgracia, pero podéis encontrar tonos similares entre los Rouge Allure de Chanel, unos pintalabios cremosos, pigmentados, de acabado satinado y muy buena duración pese a su cremosidad.

Contienen extracto de té verde y aceite de almendras dulces, que hacen que los pigmentos se adhieran al labio y proporcionen una alta duración y una sensación confortable, ya que no resecan. El tono nº1 es un rojo puro, el nº2 un rojo frambuesa y el nº3 un rojo más oscuro con un punto amarronado.

Los tres son increíblemente bonitos y su estuche negro lacado es digno de coleccionista. El envase habitual, que también es muy elegante e ideal, es negro y dorado. El precio de cada pintalabios Rouge Allure es de 35 €

De todas las fórmulas de pintalabios que ofrece Chanel, los Rouge Allure son mis favoritos. Me gustan los colores pigmentados, que cuando los aplico en los labios consiga fácilmente la intensidad que veo en la barra y estos reúnen ese requisito y además tienen una duración excelente y me resultan cómodos de llevar.

Si os queréis dejar llevar por la tendencia de labios acharolados que vuelve pegando fuerte este verano, tenéis que probar los Rouge Coco Gloss, unos brillos de labios hidratantes y con una gama de colorido extensa y preciosa. Los rojos, corales y fucsias son... una perdición, me gustan todos. Su precio es de 31 €

¿Le habíais echado un ojo a esta colección? Podéis encontrar más información, comprar algunos de los productos y hasta ver un tutorial en la web de Chanel.

https://ift.tt/2K9EM2Q June 24, 2018 at 06:53PM

¡Fichados! Los vestidos de botones a precios 'low cost' son los más cómodos para hacer frente al calor

¡Fichados! Los vestidos de botones a precios 'low cost' son los más cómodos para hacer frente al calor

Zara 4

Los vestidos con botones de madera son los grandes protagonistas de este verano. Diseños de lino y algodón cómodos y fresquitos, perfectos para hacer frente a los días de más calor. Nuestra tiendas habituales como Zara, Mango, Stradivarius, Bershka o Amazon nos proponen modelos en tonos tierra, blancos y teja, y hasta estampados a precios 'low cost', para lucir a la última sin arruinarnos.














En Trendencias | Vestidos en Trendencias

https://ift.tt/2KjCUnk June 24, 2018 at 02:00PM