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sábado, 14 de enero de 2017

4-week full body circuit by Nichelle Laus

4-week full body circuit by Nichelle Laus


Work up a sweat, tone and sculpt with this four-week total body workout by WH&F trainer Nichelle Laus. 

The workout:


The following circuit can be performed three days per week, on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

On the other days between (Tuesday and Thursday) perform moderate cardio for 20 minutes.



Week 1:  Perform 2–3 sets of the circuit with 1 minute in between exercises.

Week 2: Perform 3–4 sets of the circuit with 1 minute in between exercises.

Week 3:  Perform 3–4 sets of the circuit with 30 seconds in between exercises.


Week 4: Perform 3–4 sets of the circuit with as little time as possible between exercises.

1. Dumbbel single arm split squat to press



Perform 8 reps per leg

Assume a split squat position with your left foot forward. Hold a moderately weighted dumbbell in your right hand. Hold the dumbbell at the height of your right shoulder and brace your core as you descend into the split squat. As you return to the standing position, press the dumbbell overhead. Repeat for the recommended repetitions and then switch your standing position so that your right leg is forward and the dumbbell is in your left hand.

Trainer tip:  The heel of your back foot will not come into contact with the floor. Your weight will be on the ball of your forefoot.

Photos by: Dave Laus 

Workout by: Nichelle Laus

Model: Nichelle Laus








2. TRX (or bodyweight resistance apparatus) bodyweight rows




Perform 10 reps

Maintain a neutral spine and good posture as you grasp the handles of the straps. Lean back slightly and push your hips forward so that your entire body is straight. Pull your upper body forward by bending your elbows. At the top position of the row, your hands should be at the level of your chest.

Trainer tip: You can make the exercise more difficult by walking your feet closer to the wall to bring your body more horizontal to the floor.

Photos by: Dave Laus 

Workout by: Nichelle Laus

Model: Nichelle Laus






3. Kettlebell swing



Perform 12 reps

Grasp the kettlebell by the handle with both hands while maintaining a flat back position and a tight core. You should feel tension through the back of your legs in this start position. As you slowly raise the bell from the floor, lower your torso and let the bell swing between your legs. Using the momentum created by the swing movement, stand up by thrusting your hips forward and letting the kettlebell rise to chest height. Generate momentum with each swing and be sure to maintain tight glutes and lats (upper back) in the top position.


Photos by: Dave Laus 

Workout by: Nichelle Laus

Model: Nichelle Laus






4. Low-Incline Alternate- Arm Dumbbell Press



Perform 10 reps per arm

Lie on a bench with a slight incline (30 degrees or less). Raise both dumbbells to the top position of the bench press movement so that your arms are straight overhead. Maintain this straight arm position with one arm while you lower one dumbbell and return it to the top position. Alternate arms for the total indicated reps.


Photos by: Dave Laus 

Workout by: Nichelle Laus

Model: Nichelle Laus






5. Swiss ball stir the pot



Perform for 30 seconds

Place your forearms on the Swiss ball with your feet on the floor, slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Maintain a neutral spine by keeping your hips from sagging to the floor. Keeping this position, move your forearms in a figure 8 sequence under control while maintaining your posture.

Photos by: Dave Laus 

Workout by: Nichelle Laus

Model: Nichelle Laus

Looking for more full body workouts? Check out the Base Body Babes full body circuit.




January 09, 2017 at 12:29AM

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