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miércoles, 22 de marzo de 2017

How to Make Milk Kefir by Erica

How to Make Milk Kefir

Kefir is an amazing health food. It contains probiotics that are good for your gut and good for your mind.

Did you know that scientists are now discovering that our mental health is related to our gut health? That’s right! Fascinating (and a bit creepy), I know.

Kefir contains many strains of good bacteria: more than yogurt for sure! If you’re looking to include some probiotics in your diet, kefir is a great place to start.

In addition to the multitude of good microbes in kefir, it also contains some fantastic vitamins and minerals: calcium, magnesium, vitamin B12, folate, as well as enzymes.

How to Make Milk Kefir

I like making my kefir at home for three reasons:

  1. It’s healthier than most store-bought kefir. Finding plain, full-fat kefir at the store can be difficult. Many of the commercial varieties have added sugar and flavorings. When I make it at home, I know exactly what goes into it.
  2. It’s super affordable. The kefir you find on the store shelf can have a pretty hefty pricetag as well. But you can make a quart of kefir at home for less than a dollar!
  3. It’s a cinch to make. I think that milk kefir is the easiest way to get into making your own cultured food. It’s so simple and requires very little equipment. And, in my experience, it’s pretty hard to mess up.

How to Make Milk Kefir

The best way to source a kefir grain is to bum one off a friend. Kefir grains grow as you use them, so it should be pretty easy to convince a fellow kefir lover to give you a bit of their grains.

You can also order them online if you don’t know anyone willing to gift you some. They can be expensive to buy, but consider how much you’ll be saving in the long run.

How to Make Milk Kefir

The only equipment you really need to make your own kefir is a clean jar and lid. A plastic/nylon strainer is handy but optional.

How to Make Milk Kefir

While it’s fine to let your kefir grains touch metal briefly, it can damage them over time. It’s recommended that you use a plastic/nylon strainer for best results. (Though I have used my stainless steel strainer for kefir in the past, and it still cultured just fine.)

How to Make Milk Kefir

The amount of grains you need is up for debate. Some suggest that you use a good-sized ball of grains, while others insist that only a tiny amount of grains is needed to culture a quart jar.

I decided to try both methods and let you guys know what happened! Conclusion: the smaller ball of grains did just fine for culturing a quart of kefir, but it took a bit longer than the larger ball.

How to Make Milk Kefir

Here’s the process for making kefir:

Pour fresh (preferably whole!) milk over your kefir grains in a clean quart jar. I suggest you not fill your jar all the way to the tippy top.

How to Make Milk Kefir

Cover the jar securely with a lid. You can use plastic storage lids like I did, or you can use regular jar lids.

How to Make Milk Kefir

Let the jars sit in a warm place in your kitchen until the kefir is cultured how you like it.

How to Make Milk Kefir

The amount of time it takes for your kefir to culture depends on a couple of factors: how warm your kitchen is, and how active your kefir grains are.

If your kefir grains have been sitting in the fridge for quite some time, it may take a batch or two for them to “wake up” properly. If your kefir grains are REALLY old, you might consider tossing the first batch you make with them.

How to Make Milk Kefir

Start checking your kefir at about 12 hours. It can take 24 hours or more to get your kefir to set the way you like it. Use your eyes and your nose: if your kefir has separated a bit, thickens, and smells tangy and yeasty, it’s probably done.

How to Make Milk Kefir

At this point you can simply remove the kefir grains with a spoon.

How to Make Milk Kefir

Or you can strain the kefir to make sure you get out any of the grains (which aren’t exactly pleasant to find in your cup). Another advantage of straining your kefir is that is makes for a smoother end product. I suggest straining if you’re going to drink your kefir plain.

You can place your kefir grains directly into a fresh, clean jar and pour new milk on top. Leave on the counter to immediately start another batch.

How to Make Milk Kefir

I personally think kefir tastes best consumed in a smoothie. Sour fruits (such as raspberries or strawberries) pair well with the tanginess of the kefir. You can add a bit of maple syrup to even out the tartness.

You can also use kefir as a buttermilk substitute. It makes great pancakes and waffles.

One more note: If you aren’t used to drinking kefir, you might want to start slowly to allow your body to get accustomed to the extra probiotics.


  • Start with clean hands and jars/lids.
  • Use glass, plastic, and wood materials when possible.
  • Place your kefir grain in your jar.
  • Pour your milk on top.
  • Cover securely and let sit in a warm spot in your kitchen until cultured just how you like it, 12–24 hours, or more.
  • Remove the kefir grain with a spoon, or strain into a new jar. Store kefir in the refrigerator.
  • Place the kefir grain directly into a clean jar and cover with milk to culture a new batch.
  • Store your kefir grains in your cultured kefir in the refrigerator. Just remember to remove them before drinking/adding to a smoothie!

Have you ever tried kefir? How do you like to eat it?


Nutrition data sources: Dr. Mercola and Dr. Axe.


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