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viernes, 21 de julio de 2017

Mean Ol’ Schoolmarm: Personal Pronouns! by PW Fun & Learning

Today’s Mean Ol’ Schoolmarm moment of the day is…


Personal Pronouns! Specifically: I vs. Me; She vs. Her; He vs. Him


She, He, I: Subject pronouns

Her, Him, Me: Object pronouns (either direct object, or object of preposition)


Sometimes, examples of the rules of pronouns are easier. Like this one:


Incorrect: Me and the kids will meet you at the game.

Correct: The kids and I will meet you at the game.


Incorrect: Her and I saw all of our classmates at summer school.

Correct: She and I saw all of our classmates at summer school.


When the pronoun is the object of a sentence or prepositional phrase, knowing which pronoun to use can be tricky. Like these:


Incorrect: The final two presents at Christmas were given to my sister and I.

Correct: The final two presents at Christmas were given to my sister and me.


Incorrect: After studying diligently, she drove home and proclaimed to her father and I that she was ready for the exam.

Correct: After studying diligently, she drove home and proclaimed to her father and me that she was ready for the exam.


Until Next Time,


The Mean Ol’ Schoolmarm

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