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miércoles, 20 de septiembre de 2017

Positive body image with the AnyBODY girls Georgia Gibbs & Kate Wasley

Positive body image with the AnyBODY girls Georgia Gibbs & Kate Wasley


We talk positive body image and its relationship to good health with cover models and founders of AnyBODYGeorgia Gibbs, and Kate Wasley.


Far from a biological predisposition, our modern tendency to criticise parts of our own body is instead an ugly by-product of a media-saturated world. Something that this month’s cover models and founders of body-love movement, AnyBODY, are on a mission to change.

Our exclusive 6-page cover model interview talks about their personal experiences, how AnyBODY came about and the impact positive body image has on your health. 

While we don't want to give too much away, here's a little sneak peek of their approach to exercise, healthy eating and inspiration. 


Wasley: I love to get out and go for long coast walks and jogs when I’m home in Perth. Honestly, it’s beautiful. But when I travel I hit the gym. I love boxing and lifting weights, but it depends on how I feel and where I am. Some weeks I need a group cardio class to help motivate me, other times I like to zone out listening to music and lift as heavy as I can.

Gibbs: I train every day as part of my wellness routine. KX Pilates and boxing are regular favourites, along with daily walks outside or on the treadmill.


Wasley: My everyday nutrition is generally good. I’m not going to lie: I have days where I eat poorly because I feel down or hormonal. But, overall, it’s good – I used to study nutrition so I know the science and what works for me! I love my carbs, lots of leafy greens and fish.

Gibbs: I absolutely love food. I drink lots of green smoothies, and some of my daily favourites include avo on spelt bread, and quinoa and spinach salads with feta and salmon. I love to have blueberries and apples as a snack. I also enjoy a glass of red wine and some dark chocolate now and again!


Wasley: A typical work day would find me up at 6am. I shower and eat my oats, throw on whatever clothes I find and head to the studio, where hair and make-up artists turn me from zombie to model! A day off consists of catching up on my social media accounts and replying to messages, seeing my friends and going to the gym in the evening.

Gibbs: An average day for me would be shooting for 10 to 12 hours, usually flying interstate, and trying to squeeze in a healthy balance of exercise and sleep – so life can get a little hectic! But I love what I do because it has so much variety. On my off days, I like to nurture my physical and mental health, take myself to the beach and have some alone time, and exercise as much as possible.


Wasley: I’m a very caring and compassionate person regardless of who I’m around. If I’m meeting new people, I tend to be very introverted and not say much unless I have to stand up for something I’m passionate about. If I’m around my close friends, I can be loud and opinionated, and I love telling stories and making people laugh.

Gibbs: For people who know me, I think they would say I’m a big ball of love, to anyone and everyone. At the same time, I’m very ambitious and extremely driven, while simultaneously a homebody; I love nothing more than being surrounded by family and my partner.


Wasley: My biggest role models in my day-to-day life are my parents. Not once have I heard my mum put herself down or my dad ever speak badly about somebody’s weight; they’re extremely hardworking and the most generous people I know. My celebrity role model would have to be Ashley Graham for her work on body positivity, or Ellen DeGeneres for her work and advocacy for LGBT rights.

Gibbs: My role model would have to be Emma Watson. She’s inspired me for many years, and seeing her evolution from actress to ambassador and spokeswomen is enough to kick my butt into gear whenever I doubt or have a bad day! She’s my absolute idol.

Grab the October 2017 edition of WH&F for their full cover model story!

Photography by: Cotton On Body.




Read more ... http://ift.tt/2wwtDSE

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