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lunes, 23 de octubre de 2017

Room Service Adventures by The Pioneer Woman

This was the sunrise over our pond last week. I wish you could hear the sounds. Instead of the peaceful, bucolic sounds of the countryside, I swear the cattle near our house were engaging in an early-morning mooing competition—and the goal of the contest was to see who could moo the loudest. It sounded something like this:







And so on. I was cracking up. They sounded like they were arguing, and it made me wish that I spoke cow.

Alex came home this weekend with her friend from college, Mauricio. They went out riding (he hadn’t ridden a horse since he was a little boy) and while she was teaching him how to trot, his phone fell out of his pocket.

They looked and looked. They would have called, but he had no service on the ranch (he’d taken it along to snap photos of his adventure.)

R.I.P. Mauricio’s phone.

Now I’m in New York for my cookbook launch!

It comes out tomorrow, and then you can COME AND GET IT!


I was on Good Morning America this morning, and it was great fun! I made two 20-minute recipes, and fortunately for my nerves, it went by really fast.

Yes, I still get nervous when I’m on live TV. It’s a combination of anticipation, nerves, and a general fear that I’m going to forget how to cook or talk. Or cook and talk. But it all turned out fine and now I’m in my hotel room wearing yoga pants and eating a mushroom pizza. Because when I’m in New York, I really like to hit the city and live life to its fullest! Ha.

I snapped this photo at the Merc on Saturday…

And you’ll be happy to know that I wore the exact same thing to Good Morning America this morning. (Forgive the tired eyes. I got up at 4:30 and my body thought it was 3:30.)

Oh, but I wore different boots. I hope that counts.

Will check in as my New York/cookbook adventure continues! (Translation: I’ll let you know what kind of room service pizza I order next.)

The Recluse

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