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jueves, 2 de noviembre de 2017

Tamarind 101 by Meseidy

Tamarind 101

I have a wonderful, albeit possibly unfamiliar, treat for you today: tamarind! You might look at the photo above with a mixture of suspicion and trepidation, but bear with me because I promise this is going to be delicious. Yes, yes. I know what it looks like. I promise it gets better. So get those jokes out of your system (you know I know what you’re thinking) because trust me, I’ve heard them all.

Tamarind 101

What is tamarind and where does it come from?

It may look like some suspicious alien contraption, but tamarind is one of my favorite fruits! To be more precise, it is a member of the legume family, and so some may consider it a legume. It is mostly used and enjoyed like a fruit, so that’s what I call it. Tamarind or tamarindo is a pod-like tree fruit that grows in tropical and sub-tropical areas. It can be found growing throughout the Caribbean, Latin America, Africa, and South Asia. 

How do you eat it?

Tamarind can be eaten straight off the tree, and can be found in many Latin American and Asian groceries. First, you need to crack and peel away the hard brown shell. Inside, you’ll find reddish-brown-colored pulp and twig-like veins. Remove the veins from the fruit. Now it’s ready to eat! But be careful because there are hard and glossy brown seeds in the center.  

Tamarind 101

What does tamarind taste like?

This is going to sound odd but I like to describe its flavor as something akin to tropical caramelized lemonade. Have you ever had a cold tart glass of lemonade that makes the back of your jaw tingle? That’s what tamarind tastes like. It’s nature’s sour candy! At first, it’s sweet—then a tart sour note creeps up on you that makes your spine shiver. It is so good!

Tamarind 101

Tamarind is used in many dishes and desserts around the world. It’s even an ingredient in Worcestershire sauce. One of my favorite ways to enjoy tamarind is tamarind balls: candy-sized balls of the pulp rolled in sugar. Another way is tamarind juice. 

Tamarind 101

I could drink this stuff by the gallon. It’s so incredibly satisfying and refreshing. If you want to try tamarind but aren’t ready to dive in, you can find tamarind juice or tamarind-flavored beverages served at many Mexican restaurants.

Tamarind 101

If you ever see this funny-looking fruit at the store, don’t walk past it—grab it! If you are a fan of sweet and tart flavors, I guarantee you are going to flip for tamarind. 


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