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jueves, 7 de diciembre de 2017

Chocolate Babka by Bridget

Chocolate Babka

The first time I heard about babka was in the 90s while watching Seinfeld. The episode also features a black and white cookie, so I think that distracted me from learning more about babka at the time. (Side note: Sere is Joanne’s recipe for black and white cookies. I’ve made them, and they’re incredible.)

Fast forward to earlier this year when I found chocolate babka at Trader Joe’s. All of those Seinfeld memories flooded back. It was delicious, but I was told by several people that it wasn’t “real” babka. Which my mind translated thusly: I had no choice but to make it at home.

Chocolate Babka

Not quite as sweet as a cake but definitely leaning towards dessert, babka combines my two favorite food groups: bread and chocolate. Babka is a sweet, buttery yeast bread. Usually, a babka has swirls of chocolate running throughout but another popular flavor is cinnamon. Those swirls pull apart into delectable, irresistible layers.

For my next birthday, I don’t want a cake—I want chocolate babka. I hope my husband is paying attention.

The process to make chocolate babka is not difficult but it is time-consuming. The good news is that most of that time is inactive time, waiting for the dough to rise. Patience is key.

Chocolate Babka

Start off making the dough. I like to use instant yeast made for sweet breads. We talked about it here. Don’t worry if you can’t find it; regular instant yeast is fine. Your bread might rise a little less. The ingredients are really simple: flour, yeast, sugar, eggs, milk, salt, vanilla, and butter.

Chocolate Babka

Your dough hook attachment will come in really handy.

Chocolate Babka

It’s a sticky and soft dough, as you can see. This is before the butter is added in. See how sticky the dough is?

Chocolate Babka

After the dough comes together, the butter is mixed in a tablespoon at a time. Using room temperature eggs, milk, and butter will help that butter mix in more easily. Let the mixer and dough hook do all of the work with the kneading, and the dough will pull away from the sides.

Chocolate Babka

After an overnight rest in the fridge, it comes out a little poofy but not like a typical bread dough. It’s denser and won’t have doubled in bulk.

Chocolate Babka

Next up is the chocolate filling. You’ll make a spreadable paste with butter, sugar, cocoa, and cinnamon. (Wondering if this would be the best body scrub EVER?!)

Chocolate Babka

Divide the dough in half, then roll out. Spread with the chocolate spread. Scatter with chopped chocolate. Gee, I can’t imagine why this recipe is my new favorite.

Chocolate Babka

The dough and chocolate get rolled up, then cut in half straight up the middle. A little rest in the freezer makes the cutting easier.

Chocolate Babka

Here’s where I was having issues: the shaping. I loved the look of the chocolate swirls on top, but that left fewer chocolate swirls on the inside. Not cutting the rolls left a pretty interior, but a boring top. Enter my husband’s engineer brain. He suggested twisting each half of the cut dough before braiding it together. Ding! Ding! Ding! We have a winner. I knew I married that man for a reason.

Chocolate Babka

Braid the twisted halves over each other a few times and place in prepared loaf pans.

Chocolate Babka

Cover those loaves with buttered plastic wrap and let them rise. Yes, more waiting.

Chocolate Babka

After about an hour and a half, they’ve risen a bit but don’t be surprised if they don’t poof over the edges of the pan.

While the babkas are baking, make a syrup. That’s right. Those loaves are going to be drenched in sugar syrup. The syrup obviously adds to the sweetness factor, but it also makes the babka shiny and moist (but not wet).

To test for doneness, I use a thermometer. With all of the chocolate and butter, I really want to make sure the dough isn’t gooey or underbaked. For bread, 190ºF is what you’re aiming for.

Chocolate Babka

Use a long skewer to poke holes in the bread loaves. Pour the syrup over.

Chocolate Babka

You’re left with glossy, gorgeous babkas.

Chocolate Babka

Elaine from Seinfeld had it right all along. “You can’t beat a babka!”


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