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martes, 13 de marzo de 2018

Tuesday Newsday by The Pioneer Woman

Ladd and I were able to go to Colorado with the kids last week, and it was such a wonderful time. Ladd doesn’t get to go every time since ranch work takes precedence, so when we’re there together, I savor it. We don’t ski together because I want to stay married, but we do walk around Vail Village, look at houses we will never buy, and go to the candy store and pick up a piece of chocolate here and there. And here. And there. We also go out to dinner, just the two of us, at least once or twice when we’re there. We never used to be able to do that when the kids were little, but since we can now turn them loose (and they often like to go out to dinner by themselves, I just hope they don’t order rum and cokes), that means we sneak in a couple of date nights.

In addition to Alex, Paige, and Mauricio, we also had our two boys and their friend Jack on the trip. We hardly saw them, but it sure was fun having their energy all week!

With teenage boys, “energy” can turn to “exhaustion” at any moment, because they just go go go go go go go go so hard, and when they’re done they do things like lie down in the snow and take a nap, then get busted by Ski Patrol for lying down in the snow.

Some kids can be so dramatic!

The Boarding House is realllllly in the home stretch, and Ladd and I got to take a look the night we got back from Colorado. We still need throw pillows, rugs, wall decor, sheets, and things, but it feels so good to see the rooms with furniture and have a vision for what they will look like when I go live in them!

Ha. Kidding. But both Marlboro Man and I have plans to check in and watch new releases from time to time.

My new spring collection is here and I wanted to link to the page where alllllll the new things are. (Warning: I love flowers.)

The Pioneer Woman Spring Collection

I love it all!

We have cupcakes at The Mercantile now, and this key lime variety is killing me softly. It has lime curd in the center, lime-infused buttercream, and it must also be infused with some kind of addictive substance because I can’t quit thinking about it!

Finally, back to Vail: When Ladd and I walk around town, we often see dogs. Ladd does not relish these moments, because I am one of those dog lovers who misses her dogs when she goes on trips, so gets on the ground and hugs on any dog she sees, even if it’s right in the middle of the public square. Well, one of the last days we were there, there was someone setting up for a concert and they had two bulldogs in their back seat. I never would have known this if Ladd hadn’t told me, and the funny thing was that as soon as he told me, I could see in his eyes that he realized he never should have told me this. It was the look of a man who wished he could take back the words he just said because he wanted to walk with his wife, not wait awkwardly for her to finish having a love fest on the pavement with a dog.

I love Marlboro Man.

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