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lunes, 5 de noviembre de 2018

Brussels Sprouts 101 by Erica

Ah, Brussels sprouts. They’re such a polarizing little vegetable. Some people love them, and others think they’re disgusting and to be avoided at all costs. I was in the latter camp for years. But the problem was, I hadn’t actually tried them! When I finally worked up the courage to give them a try, I had to admit that I actually enjoyed them.

Even if you’re a Brussels sprout skeptic, I highly encourage you to prepare them using the method I’ll show in a bit. You just might change your mind like I did!


What are Brussels sprouts?

Brussels sprouts are a vegetable of the Brassica genus. Other “Brassicas” include broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, kale, and bok choy. This group is also known as cruciferous vegetables.

Unlike its cousin the cabbage, Brussels sprouts grow on a stem that can reach 3 feet high and grow 20-40 sprouts! They’re named after Brussels, Blegium, because they are thought to have been first cultivated close to that city.

When are Brussels sprouts in season?

Sources disagree on when Brussels sprouts season begins, but around September through March is the peak season. This might be different depending on what state you live in.

What are the health benefits?

Like other cruciferous vegetables, Brussels sprouts are thought to have anti-cancer properties. They’re a good source of Vitamin C and K1. They also contain smaller amounts of folate, beta carotene, potassium, manganese, Vitamin B6, and phosphorous.

What do they taste like?

Brussels sprouts taste like a milder, sweeter cabbage.


How do you prepare Brussels sprouts?

Brussels sprouts are pretty easy to prepare, once you know a couple of tricks.

First, it’s a good idea to rip off any of the outer leaves that are yellow, brown, or otherwise unappetizing.


It leaves (ha!) them looking a little naked, but that’s okay!


Next, trim off the ends. There’s no need to cut out the center “core” part.


Then slice them in half. Your recipe might ask you to shred or dice the Brussels sprouts instead.


At this point I like to give them a quick rinse in a colander.


How do you cook Brussels sprouts?

You can steam, boil, or sauté Brussels sprouts. But my personal favorite way to cook them is to roast them in the oven. If you think you don’t like a vegetable, try roasting it! It’s kind of magical how it can transform a vegetable’s flavors.

To roast Brussels sprouts, lay them out on a sheet pan cut side up. Drizzle them with olive or avocado oil and sprinkle them with salt and pepper.


I like to add a few cloves of garlic (still in the skins) as well. If you want a more punchy garlic flavor, you can mince it and add it to the pan a few minutes before the Brussels sprouts are done roasting.


Now pop the pan into a 400ºF oven for about 15 minutes. Flip and put back in the oven to roast for 10 more minutes, or until the Brussels sprouts are soft.

Pro tip: You don’t have to carefully flip the Brussels sprouts if you’re feeling lazy. Just throw them on the pan helter-skelter and give the whole thing a good stir halfway through baking. The Brussels sprouts won’t be as perfectly roasted, but when you’re in a rush, that’s okay!


This is what they’ll look like when they’re done: deeply browned (almost black) in spots, and soft in the middle.


Serve with extra salt, olive oil, and some good quality butter.


In summary:

  1. Peel off any discolored leaves.
  2. Cut off the end and slice in half.
  3. Rinse in a colander.
  4. Place on a baking sheet, cut side up. Sprinkle with salt and pepper and drizzle with olive oil.
  5. Bake in a preheated 400°F (205°C) oven for 15 minutes. Flip and cook for 10 more minutes, or until the sprouts are tender and the outsides are nicely colored.
  6. Serve with extra salt and pepper and good-quality butter.

That’s my favorite way to cook and serve Brussels sprouts! Here are some more ideas for you:


Have you ever tried Brussels sprouts? What did you think of them?


References: The Visual Food Encyclopedia by François Fortin and Serge D’Amico, p. 103-104; The Produce Bible by Leanne Kitchen, p. 300; Nutrition Data.


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