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jueves, 19 de enero de 2017

Being Brooke Stacey

Being Brooke Stacey


We chat to February 2017 cover model Brooke Stacey about all things about self, body and fitness love.


On self-love

Self-love is so HUGE! It can start at a young age and grow with you or it could have never been established and you have to find it and create it. At the end of the day we all want to be loved and feel good about ourselves. It is so easy to compare our weaknesses to someone else’s strengths and feel bad about our self. The key to self-love in my opinion is to maximise our own potential by strengthening our weaknesses, and embracing, sharing and nourishing our strengths. When you realise and own that there is only one you and no one can replace that, you can also delight in the gifts you are given to share with the world. When you love yourself, it is a positive cyclical reaction and will be seen in everything you do and will be felt by everyone you touch.

On body love

Body love can be so tough for women. Our bodies go through so much in our lifetime between puberty to childbearing years to post-menopausal years. It is so important to put your health first throughout your life, to embrace and pull through all of these challenging times in our lives. When you take control over your health, you feel better about yourself physically as well as mentally and spiritually. When you feel good about yourself, and have a positive body image of yourself you can perform all tasks with greater ability. I think it is important to control the controllables and maximise your own potential to be the best you. After you do that, you can’t help but love all of the gifts and differences we all have and share at the same time.

On fitness love

I have always found mental peace in moving my body physically. I think it is important to participate in the activities you gravitate towards the most to keep you interested long term. My favorite activities are resistance training in the gym along with being outdoors, running, hiking, cycling or swimming. As much as I love the consistent routine of lifting weights at the gym, I equally love the outdoors. I try to get outside on the weekends to keep my body and mind awake and interested. I also think it is crucial to try new things and branch outside of your comfort zone. Humans are meant to move and be active. It is an integral part to our overall health and wellbeing. It is not easy, but when you commit to it and realise the long-term benefits, it is ALWAYS worth it!

NEXT: Read her full cover model story in the 2017 edition of Women's Health and Fitness Magazine!




http://ift.tt/2jrI2WC January 17, 2017 at 04:55AM

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