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jueves, 2 de marzo de 2017

Help Name My New Cookbook! by Ree

Hello, friends, Romans, and countrymen!

(But mostly friends.)

I have missed posting here on The Pioneer Woman Cooks so, so much.

img_0832-jpg-jpegMost of you know that I was inundated last fall with the opening of The Mercantile, our store and restaurant in our hometown. It was more all-encompassing than any project I’ve ever been involved in, and it left zero time for photographing recipes for my blog. So much fun, but wowzers.

img_0652Most of you also know that we had a very difficult January in our house, which put a little bit of a damper on creating and sharing. (Thank you again for your kindness during that time. It meant a lot to my family and me.)

What you might not know is that I have also been working continuously on my new cookbook, which will be out this fall! As you have probably gleaned through the years, when I work on a new cookbook, I really go all in because I’m a middle child and I want each cookbook to be 100% worth it for the folks that choose to buy it! So combined with The Merc, the family things, and making sure my kids and husband are loved and fed, it has left little time to post here. I’m eager to get through the busy time so I can get back to normal! Posting recipes on my website is something I love doing, and I will definitely resume very shortly.

crazyMeanwhile, here’s something you might find funny. And when I say funny, I don’t mean haha, slap-your-knee funny. I mean I’m getting read to shoot my cookbook cover and then the cover design will happen, and this isn’t funny anymore funny. Here goes.

I absolutely, positively can not decide on a title for my new cookbook.

I have had a working title, but I can’t commit to it because I just want the title to be right.

So because you’ve been with me through thick and thin…

Because I have no distance from it anymore…

Because you have probably had your second cup of coffee and I haven’t…

And because I trust you…

Will you please help me figure it out? Because I think it would be weird if my new cookbook came out this fall and didn’t have a title. I would say things like, “Exciting news! My new cookbook is out! I hope you’re able to check it out, but I really can’t tell you how to find it because it doesn’t have a title. So just look for the lady with the red hair on the cover. She’ll probably be wearing a blouse with flowers on it.”

What the Cookbook is About

To give you some context: the cookbook is all about taking it easy on yourself when it comes to cooking, and is geared for those of us (most of us!) who don’t have two hours (or sometimes, even one hour!) to cook a meal. Recipes include sheet pan suppers, slowcooker soups, make ahead meal kits, lunches on the go, clever breakfast ideas, super snappy appetizers, and more fun stuff.

I wanted to call it “Take it Easy” because I love The Eagles and I miss Glenn Frey…but that title has already been used. Ha.

Sometimes I want to call it “Good Stuff, Maynard…” but I think that pop culture reference would be lost on some. Again: Ha.

Help me, Obi Wan Kenobi! You’re my only hope. Thank you so much for weighing in, and if you don’t like any of the following options, feel free to jot down your own in the comments! If I wind up using your idea, I will send you cookbooks and other fun stuff.


Lots of love,
Indecisive Pioneer Woman

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