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miércoles, 1 de marzo de 2017

My Two Girls! by Ree

My Two Girls! by Ree

img_1486Paige and I went to look at University of Arkansas last week! I only cried once, during the introductory video. Oh, and I cried later in the afternoon because as usual, I wore the wrong shoes and got a blister, and I couldn’t accompany Paige on the official campus tour.

I’m such a young, fun, vibrant mom!

img_8412We met two of Paige’s homeschooling friends in Arkansas, and we had a lovely time. Except for the mom fail blister on my part.

And the fact that my baby girl is going to be leaving me in eighteen months.

I can’t go through this again.

In other news, Paige is playing soccer, studying for the ACT, working at The Merc, doing school, and just basically becoming a grown up, level-headed, independent young lady, which totally drives me up the wall.



I’m often asked how Alex is doing in college! The answer is: I miss her!

Okay, I realize you aren’t really asking about me when you ask about Alex. Get over yourself, Ree!

So here’s how she’s doing.

16996403_1393640464021437_6763124462047693899_nShe’s doing great! I think she really chose the right school for her, and she has such a great group of friends that I know has her back in all the important ways. She and I text all the time, and our conversations look something like this.



Love you Pookie.

Love you.

Are you studying?


Be sure to study!


Love you Pookie.

Love you.

Come home.


When do you want me to come visit?

Come visit anytime!

But when?

Whenever you can!

I won’t if you don’t want me to.

I do want you to.

That doesn’t sound very convincing.


(So in other words, just your basic healthy mother-daughter conversation!)


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