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jueves, 20 de abril de 2017

Health and fitness talk with cover model Jenna Douros

Health and fitness talk with cover model Jenna Douros

Known for her child-like energy and athletic training style, Jenna Douros is taking the fitness world by storm. We caught up with our May 2017 cover model to talk about health, fitness, and inspiration. 


I have never been one to sit still. When I was younger, I always excelled in physical activity – from rollerblading, gymnastics and athletics, to making obstacle courses in my backyard.

I feel I have progressively put my stamp on the health and fitness industry over the past seven years by showcasing my authentic personality and sharing my passion with my community daily. My fitness career has taken me places I never thought it could: I have trained with and interviewed a number of celebrity fitness professionals from around the globe, I’ve travelled and trained, made an impact on so many people’s lives and I’ve represented some of the world’s most reputable brands and companies. It still completely blows my mind. 


Most recently, I have joined Reebok as a Reebok Athlete. As a company that has partnered with some of the world’s most talented athletes and celebrities, I’m so humbled to play a role in the direction and influence of such a reputable brand. For me, representing the brands I endorse is far more than just an opportunity to showcase my unique, diverse and versatile style of training; it’s an opportunity to promote health and wellness to the world. I love pushing people to find their true potential, break boundaries and find their inner strength.


My global influence helps me to espouse a healthy lifestyle using my own everyday experiences and habits. I created my online community ‘Jenna Douros – Lift Into Life’ to help women find ways to challenge themselves daily, and boost their health, confidence, wellbeing, self-worth and values. As the Lift into Life community has grown, more and more males have been jumping on board. It warms my heart to know that I have been able to have an impact on people’s lives, through encouraging movement.  


I always remain true to my core values and beliefs. I’m an energetic and expressive character, with a wild imagination when it comes to fitness. I’m independent, individualistic, original and innovative. I’m determined, goal-oriented and a challenge junkie. I am a sucker for punishment and love throwing myself into situations that will put my capabilities to the ultimate test.  


When my husband asks me what I want for dinner, I answer with “a big bowl of Sultana Bran”!


The female body is a beautiful thing that comes in all shapes and sizes driven by an array of goals and circumstances. Most women feel some kind of pressure during their lives to look a particular way, whether that be driven by celebrities, peer pressure, unacceptable comments, bullying, compliments or health. I have felt all those pressures, but now what I do is for me. I make sure I look after myself both physically and mentally, and I love women who carry themselves with pride and confidence. 


First, set the goal – be specific, clear and detailed. Next, mentally prepare yourself. Maintain a positive mental (and emotional) relationship with what you are aiming to achieve; visualise your goal – feel it, see it, love it and believe it; create a Wish Wall with images relating to your goal so it’s often in view.

Check out our full cover model Q&A in the May 2017 edition of Women's Health and Fitness magazine.


Facebook/YouTube: Jenna Douros – Lift Into Life 

Instagram/Twitter: @jennadouros

Photography: Tina Nikolovski

MUA: Jolina O’Hair // @Jolina.OHair.MUA




http://ift.tt/2oNsv7S April 18, 2017 at 02:11AM

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