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lunes, 22 de mayo de 2017

Tomfoolery by Ree

Marlboro Man, the kids, and I shot the cover of my upcoming cookbook the other day. With the exception of one of my cookbooks, he has always shot the cover and it’s always a hilarious exercise which I will describe one day in the future. Let’s just say we are on ranch time when we do it, hundreds if not thousands of photos are taken in a matter of 20 minutes, and there is usually one—count ’em, one—good photo of all of us when it’s all said and done.

While the tripod was set up, I asked Alex to snap a pic of Marlboro Man and me since we never get our picture taken together. So she just started snapping rather than wait until we pose, because she knows that might not ever happened. This was when Marlboro Man was first walking toward me. Look at the “here comes my boyfriend” expression on my face.

By the time this photo was taken, he had put rabbit ears behind my head and I had pinched his waist, and a wrestling match was about to go down.

Why can’t we just pose like normal people? Too much tomfoolery around here.

Hey, lookie there! We posed! It was kind of an accident, but at least it happened!!!

And then his right hand misbehaved, and I’ve been laughing about my face in this photo ever since.

Alex, fortunately (or unfortunately, depending on how you look at it), is totally used to this.

And our cookbook photo is done—hooray! And I finally decided on the title of the cookbook—ha! I’ll share both with you very, very soon.

Happy Monday, friends!

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