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lunes, 12 de junio de 2017

Summer is Underway by Ree

Summer is Underway by Ree

First things first: Boots! I got these before my New York trip, because my three favorite pairs of cowgirl boots, while extremely comfortable, have been worn so much that the soles are in various states of disrepair and I thought they might scare people. Plus, I just wanted an excuse to get a new pair of boots. I’m going to save them for special occasions. Of course I always say that and then Marlboro Man needs me to go with him to open gates and I grab them on my way out the door and before you know it they are no longer for special occasions.

But I’ll cross that bridge when I come to it.

We ended our New York trip last Wednesday night by going to see “Hamilton!”

My kids, through their homeschooling community, had been listening to the soundtrack over the past year, but I was largely clueless as to what would be in store for me and got to experience it all for the first time.

All I can say is…wow. Wow, wow, wow. I knew there was a lot of hype surrounding this musical—it’s basically taking over everything—so I was prepared to be somewhat disappointed. Instead, I was blown away. I was riveted, I cried, I was…well, blown away. I’m glad it’s going to be touring the country soon, because I want everyone I know to see it so I can talk about it. My kids are tired of discussing it with me. Ha. But it’s that kind of musical—it sticks with ya!

Back to the Merc! Here are some cute butterfly spoon rests/ring dishes we have now. An artist in Chattanooga makes them and they make me very happy.

About the magazine: While a few areas had some delays with distribution, most Walmart stores should have them by now! If you can’t find them up front near the check-out lines, look in the magazine and book section in the store!

Also wanted to let you know that since this is the Summer issue of the magazine, it will be on newsstands for several weeks, and we will do a reprint if it sells out. So the issue should be available for some time! It’s been so fun to hear from those of you who’ve been enjoying the magazine over the past few days. Issue #2 is underway, so it makes it even more fun to work on. Thank you.

Just wanted to show you a few glimpses of the Merc these days! This table has been my dream since day one. Stainless bowls for days!

Some women are drippin’ with diamonds…some women are drippin’ with pearls. At the Merc, we drip with turquoise colored beads!

And I love these pillows because they represent so much of what Osage County is all about.

It’s hard to SIFT through all the fun kitchen items at the Merc. (Get it?)

I’ll end with that corny comment for fear other corny comments are to follow.

In closing: Summer is underway here on the ranch. The boys are fixing fence posts today, Alex is halfway through her camp counseling job in Missouri (I’m ready for her to get back home!) and Paige is starting volleyball and getting ready to apply for early admission to a couple of colleges she’s interested in. I’m putting the finishing touches on my new cookbook, cleaning out closets and drawers one by one (light a candle for me), and loving on my doggies, with whom I am currently obsessed. Dukie is a sweet polar bear, Lucy is a darling love child, Presley is a loyal pookie head, and Walter is as floppy and kindhearted as ever.

Happy Monday, friends!


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