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lunes, 17 de julio de 2017

Say Cheese! by Ree

The crazy summer continues! I just bid farewell to Marlboro Man and the kids at 4:40 this morning, and they’ll pretty much continue that pace for the next two weeks.

This was last week, or maybe the week before. I’ve lost track because the days run together in the summer. This is Cowboy Johnny and Cowboy Cameron. They’re on the back of my brother-in-law Tim’s truck, getting ready to head out to where the cattle are. Their horses are in the trailer attached to Tim’s truck. (This keeps them from having to drive lots of different trucks and trailers out to the pasture.)

And there they go! It looks darker because they were headed in a different direction and I got to capture the sun rising directly behind them. I love that they’re just shooting the breeze.

This is where Tim (and Marlboro Man, who was in a separate truck behind us) parked to unload the horses and ride off.

But I wasn’t going to just let them ride off. Talk about a perfect photo opportunity! So I ordered (begged) them to all get in a line on their horses so I could snap an official pic.

“Cheese!” You can’t see anyone’s faces, but that’s fine. They’re really just there to create a nice silhouette against that early morning son.

Oklahoma has really been showing off lately!

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