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lunes, 11 de septiembre de 2017

Success, career and lifestyle with Sophie Guidolin

Success, career and lifestyle with Sophie Guidolin


To celebrate our #bosslady awards featured in the magazine, we caught up with boss babe Sophie Guidolin to chat about her success, career and life secrets.



After discovering my passion for health and fitness, and realising how amazing my body could feel given the right tools, I wanted to help as many women feel this way as possible.

After having my two boys, I was left really unhealthy and overweight: my mission was to get my energy and health back for them. I started with exercise, which was something incredibly foreign to me. In school, I would sit out of PE class – I didn’t enjoy working out and had never stepped foot in a gym! With my nutrition, I experimented in the kitchen with different recipes and started a scrapbook. When my friends started begging me for them, I created a digital book and, fast forward a year, my first release hard copy book has sold over 15,000 copies. I have since released numerous other recipe book titles, all with as much passion as the first!

 I started competing in bikini competitions and fell in love with the stage: I have competed over 15 times, walking away with numerous national and state titles. In early 2017 (one year after giving birth to the twins) I went on to win my IFBB Bikini title at the Arnold Classic Australia. Going on to create an online community, THE BOD, has allowed me to connect with women all over the globe and see them progress in their own health and fitness journeys.

In 2014 my husband and I opened our own training facility on the Gold Coast. We now have six coaches who work under the Hold Your Own banner assisting thousands of men and women to be the best versions of themselves. Being a mum of four children has meant learning to juggle business, parenthood and my own personal goals all at once.


Success isn’t a ‘one size fits all’ achievement. For my life, success is spending every day living my dream, loving my job, working with incredible, inspiring people and having happy, healthy children and a healthy relationship. I don’t believe success should be measured with assets or wealth – I know a lot of people who are very well off and are incredibly unhappy, and vice versa.


  1. Decision making: success starts with you, and every decision that you make. It could be as simple as what you’re going to eat for breakfast or how you will react to a situation. Remember you are always in charge of your life and where you want to be.
  2. Organisation: we have a ‘family’ diary where we write everyone’s day-to-day tasks, activities, work hours, kids sport, meals for the week and more. It allows us to plan out the day ahead. 
  3. Mantras: I am a huge believer in the fact that we subconsciously create our own success with our thoughts. Every night before bed, I read mantras. It allows me to clear my mind and really allow my mind to be at peace before I go to bed.


I kind of fly solo. I live life to the beat of my own drum and believe that everyone will have a different path and a different perspective for every situation.  




http://ift.tt/2wWhfKc September 11, 2017 at 05:45AM

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