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martes, 3 de octubre de 2017

Can’t Believe It’s October by The Pioneer Woman

I can’t believe it’s already October. Paigie-Girl is in her senior year. I’m eating as many fries with her as possible.

I love this girl. She’s gathering college information so she can make college decisions!


Now THIS was funny. The one day People Magazine happened to come to the ranch to take my photo, the Oklahoma wind decided to completely shut down on us. Normally, I would welcome this with open arms, but it seems the photographer was hoping for a little wind in my hair. The irony of using a fan outdoors in what is probably the windiest county in the entire state of Oklahoma was not lost on me.

(Thanks again, People Magazine, for including my middle-aged self on your cover this week! Such a fun experience.)

At the Merc, we are getting ready for fall and the holiday season in general! I can’t believe we’ve already been open almost a year. It feels good to have the first year under our belt!

In other news, my bedding line launches on Walmart.com tomorrow morning!

I’m so excited about it. Everything is purty.

And…colorful. I’m scared of subtle. Have you noticed?

Oh! And I’ve been meaning to ask you about this mystery. Can you help me solve it? (Ha.)

Well, just wanted to check in from my little corner of Oklahoma this morning.

I hope you’re all doing well!

My love and prayers are with the families of the Las Vegas victims, and those who are injured. I can’t stop thinking about the shock they must have felt yesterday, and the pain and sorrow they must be feeling today. And the senselessness of it all—I almost can’t wrap my mind, heart, soul around it. It’s absolutely, positively senseless. That’s the only word that keeps coming to my mind.

God be with them, and with all of us.

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