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jueves, 24 de mayo de 2018

Matcha Panna Cotta by Erica

Matcha Panna Cotta by Erica

One of the things I love the most about panna cotta is that it’s (dangerously) easy to make. Unlike making pudding, you don’t have to stand over a hot stove, whisking constantly until the pudding comes to a boil. Of course, the other thing I love about it is the ridiculously smooth texture—it’s delightful how it slips into your mouth.

Matcha Panna Cotta

This Matcha Panna Cotta is also a great way for newbies to delve into the world of matcha. As I mentioned before it’s quite easy to pull off, and the matcha flavor can be as subtle as you want it to be. That way, you can sample the taste of matcha without too much effort or commitment.

Matcha Panna Cotta

The list of ingredients is quite small: milk, cream, matcha, gelatin, maple syrup, salt, and vanilla (which I forgot to include in this photo…oops!).

Matcha Panna Cotta

The process is also quite simple: whisk together the maple syrup, gelatin, water, and salt. Let sit for 5 minutes.

Matcha Panna Cotta

Bring to a boil, stirring often.

Matcha Panna Cotta

Whisk in the cream and vanilla.

Matcha Panna Cotta

Sift the matcha into a bowl or mug. This is to reduce the amount of matcha lumps in the final panna cotta.

Matcha Panna Cotta

Whisk the matcha with some warm milk until completely smooth.

Matcha Panna Cotta

Then just whisk it into the cream/gelatin mixture, and pour into serving dishes! If you’re very particular about a completely smooth panna cotta, you can strain the mixture one more time before pouring into the serving dishes.

Matcha Panna Cotta

Cover and allow to chill for about 4 hours, or until completely set.

When it’s time to serve, dust the top of the panna cotta with extra matcha powder (this is optional but very pretty).

Matcha Panna Cotta

You can definitely just serve as-is, but a few mint leaves and some berries really sell this as an elegant dessert.

Matcha Panna Cotta

The delicate flavor of the matcha green tea is perfect for this melt-in-your-mouth treat.

This is a great way to convince your green tea-hating friends to try matcha. For example, my dad (AKA green tea skeptic extraordinaire) was first won over by the amazing texture of the panna cotta, and then decided that the matcha flavor wasn’t so bad. And Reuben actually LIKES it, even though he thinks matcha tastes like grass! My kids are completely in love with it. They get upset when it’s all eaten up!

Matcha Panna Cotta


  • I included two amounts for the matcha. The smaller amount is if you’re still tentative about matcha, or just prefer a more subtle flavor. But if you like the matcha to be more in-your-face, go with the higher amount. I personally prefer the extra tablespoon of matcha, but then I’m a matcha fanatic.
  • The matcha tends to sink to the bottom of the serving dishes as the panna cotta sets, creating an ombre effect. I think this is pretty, but straining seems to minimize this if you like a uniform panna cotta.
  • You guys probably know by now that I like my desserts only lightly sweetened. You can always increase the maple syrup or substitute it with sugar if that’s your thing! Keep in mind that since maple syrup is a liquid, increasing the amount will make the panna cotta set softer.



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