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jueves, 7 de junio de 2018

Breakfast Pizza by Erica

Do you know which two food groups I could eat any time of day? Pizza and breakfast. I could eat pizza for breakfast, and breakfast for supper. So why not combine them into one amazing meal!

Breakfast Pizza

This is basically the pizza version of biscuits and gravy. It’s got a gravy for the sauce, and breakfast sausage for the meat. And since it’s pizza, of course you need to have some cheese. I used Swiss and cheddar, both of which are delicious. I threw in some mushrooms and arugula so the veggies don’t feel left out. And of course you know I had to put an egg on it!

Breakfast Pizza

First things first, you want to roll out your pizza dough. I used half of my einkorn pizza dough recipe, and rolled it out really thin.

Breakfast Pizza

Next, brush the edges of the crust with melted butter. Oh yes.

Breakfast Pizza

Spread the “gravy sauce” evenly over the pizza. You don’t want to go too heavy in the middle, otherwise the crust will have a hard time cooking all the way through.

Breakfast Pizza

Sprinkle the cheese over the crust. You’re going to think that it’s way too much cheese for one pizza. Just trust me.

You also want to start making four little “nests” for the eggs to sit in. If you don’t do this, the eggs will tend to slide all over the crust.

Breakfast Pizza

Sprinkle the sausage and mushrooms on top of the cheese, making sure to reinforce the little nests. You can even make your own sausage if you like!

Breakfast Pizza

Bake the pizza for about 8 minutes. Then take it out and crack the eggs into the middle of the nests. Return to the oven and bake for another 8–10 minutes, or until the eggs are done to your liking.

Breakfast Pizza

Remove the pizza from the oven and sprinkle the arugula on top. Don’t you feel so healthy now?

Breakfast Pizza

Serve once the pizza is cool enough to not burn your mouth. Be careful of the egg running onto your chin! Which, in my book, is a glorious thing…

Breakfast Pizza


  • You can switch up the toppings if you like: use bacon instead of sausage, peppers instead of mushrooms, spinach instead of arugula, etc. Experiment and make this breakfast pizza your own!
  • The eggs will set a tiny bit more after the pizza is out of the oven.
  • Getting the eggs cooked to just the right doneness can be a little tricky. If you don’t want to fuss with that, you can scramble the eggs instead and sprinkle them on top once the pizza is done cooking. Or fry them in a pan separately.


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