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lunes, 26 de noviembre de 2018

Homemade Aussie Bites by Natalie

Homemade Aussie Bites by Natalie

Have you tried Aussie Bites? They’re like the love child of an oatmeal cookie and a granola bar—packed with oats and seeds and bits of dried fruit. They’re sweet, but not too sweet, and have a delightfully chewy texture.

I’m a chewy texture kind of girl. I’m also sort of crunchy, but in a different context—which is why I wanted to make a homemade version of these in the first place.

Store-bought Aussie Bites are organic and actually on the healthy side, but the control freak in me likes to have a say in the types and amounts of oils and sweeteners that I bake with.

I also like to bake with my little humans when I’m feeling adventurous. It goes without saying that when anyone under the age of 8 “helps” in the kitchen, it actually takes twice as long and makes a bigger mess. But that’s not the point, right? #bonding #ifmypatienceallows

Let’s get started, and I’ll show you how easy these are to put together!


First you’ll need some oat flour. You can buy oat flour, but I find it’s easiest to throw some oats into my super powered blender and make my own.


To make these chewy, add sunflower seeds, coconut, quinoa, and a few other tidbits — including flax meal which I love using. It gives baked goods a cool nutty flavor without adding nuts.

Aussie Bites are nut-free, by the way. Another bonus if you’re dealing with allergies!


Get all of the dried ingredients mixed well.


Oh, the chewiness doesn’t end there. Chop up some dried apricots and raisins and add those, too. You could actually add any chopped up dried fruit you like, but apricots and raisins are the easiest to find unsweetened, if you’re not wanting to up the sugar content.


You also need some butter, vanilla, and an egg white. And some honey. You could probably use pure maple syrup, here, too.

I haven’t tried these with coconut oil instead of butter, so I can’t guarantee the texture would be the same. If you try them that way, leave a comment and let us know how it went!

Also, can we talk about how vanilla still costs approximately one million dollars a bottle? I’d be tempted to become a vanilla bean farmer if everything I put in the ground didn’t die a horrible death. And if I didn’t mind living in the tropics. Now that I think of it, being a vanilla bean farmer would be a terrible idea for me.


Now comes the fun part. This is always my 3-year-old’s favorite part, right up there with cracking eggs. Mix everything up really well and make sure that butter gets spread around evenly.


You should have a mixture that resembles oatmeal cookie dough.


Prep a mini muffin tin with some nonstick spray (I love using coconut oil spray) and fill about 16 of those cups. Bake them for about 10 minutes at 350ºF.

You can definitely make a larger batch of these to freeze or share with friends!


Actually, yeah. Make a double batch. It’s hard to keep these around,especially when you have little ones with longer eyelashes than you and you have a hard time saying no.


These bites are super versatile. They’re nut-free as is, but you could add some nut flour or some baking spices to put your own spin on them. And if you do, share your flavor combinations with us!

Printable Recipe: Homemade Aussie Bites



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