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lunes, 28 de enero de 2019

Mirepoix 101 by Erica


What is Mirepoix?

Mirepoix is a mix of aromatic vegetables that form the base of a dish. It’s composed of onion, celery, and carrots. You can use other ingredients (as we’ll see in a bit), but that trio is the most well-know combo.

It may seem like a humble mix, but the flavor it can impart to a dish shouldn’t be underestimated!

How Do You Pronounce Mirepoix?

I used to say “meer-eh-pwah,” but after doing a little digging, I realized that the proper way to say it is “meer-PWAH.” 2 syllables instead of 3, apparently. So now I tend to say it in my best French accent and feel so fancy. I just hope no real French people ever overhear me. *Wink*


How Do You Prepare Mirepoix?

Traditionally, you want a ratio of 2 parts onion and 1 part each of celery and carrots. Or 50% onion, 25% celery, and 25% carrot. But if you prefer a higher amount of any one of these vegetables, don’t feel bad about breaking the rules to fit your personal taste. It’s more important to try to cut each of these vegetables into similar sizes. They all cook at about the same rate, so if they’re the same size they will cook more evenly.


Here’s a quick tip: if you’re making a small mirepoix, you can make several cuts along the length of the celery to get a more similar size to the carrots and onions.


You can cut your vegetables into different sizes, depending on the type of dish you’re making. The thing to consider is how long the dish will take to cook. A fast-cooking dish requires a smaller cut, whereas something that cooks longer can withstand a chunkier cut. Here is an example of a more medium-sized mirepoix. Notice that the onion, celery, and carrots are still similar in size to each other.


For something that will cook a long time, such as a stock, you can cut the vegetables very roughly.


Perfect for making chicken broth!


Can You Use Other Ingredients?

Of course! For example, if you don’t want the mirepoix to color your final dish, you could use parsnips instead of carrots, or even button mushrooms.


You could also add a bouquet garni for some added flavor. A bouquet garni is just a little bundle of herbs that you cook along with the other vegetables. It makes it really handy for removing the herbs before serving.


How Do You Cook Mirepoix?

It’s super simple. Just heat some butter or oil over low heat, add the vegetables, and cook until tender. Usually you want to try to avoid browning the vegetables. But if you’re going for a more caramelized flavor, you can go ahead and char them a bit!


I know it’s probably not proper, but I like to put a lid on my pot so that the veggies cook faster. Just watch out: they can go from almost done to burned really quickly.


What Types of Dishes Can You Use Mirepoix In?

You can use mirepoix in lots of different recipes! Usually it forms the base of soups, stews, sauces, braises, and casseroles.

Chicken noodle soup is a classic that utilized this trio of vegetables. But here are some more examples to get your creative juices flowing:


Now it’s your turn: What’s your favorite way to use mirepoix? Sound off in the comments!


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