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lunes, 16 de enero de 2017

Homemade Pop Tarts by Sommer

Homemade Pop Tarts

We don’t buy a whole lot of pre-packaged snacks and breakfast items at home. I try to keep healthy options on hand at all times.

However, when we take the kids to the lake, we always end up buying Pop Tarts and mini boxes of cereal. I’m not exactly sure why. It happened once or twice and now the kids act as if Pop Tart consumption is the standard protocol at the lake.

It’s not just the kids either. Dan now expects Pop Tarts at the lake and is just as forlorn if we show up without them, as the kids.

Yet every time I bite into a Pop Tart, I think, “Meh. Not worth the calories.” They’re just not my thing!

Homemade Pop Tarts

Then I discovered homemade (or at least semi-homemade) Pop Tarts!

What is a Pop Tart exactly? A little pastry crust, a little fruit filling, a little icing. That’s simple enough.

If Pop Tarts were made with pie crust, chunky jam, and fresh icing, would they taste better than the store-bought variety?

The answer is a resounding YES.

Homemade Pop Tarts

So just exactly how much better do Homemade Pop Tarts taste, one might ask? Enough to make you spend the extra time and money, I promise you that!

Plus, kids love this sort of quick-bake project. They were so impressed with the Homemade Pop Tarts, I think they are going to take this on as our new lake tradition!

Homemade Pop Tarts

Start by rolling out two refrigerated pie crusts. Cut off the edges to form two squares. Then cut each square into 3 equal strips.

Homemade Pop Tarts

Mix fruit jam, any kind you like, with a little cornstarch to help thicken the jam. Spoon it on one end of each strip.

Homemade Pop Tarts

Brush egg around the jam to serve as glue. Then fold the strip over the jam and crimp the edges.

Homemade Pop Tarts

Bake until golden.

Homemade Pop Tarts

Then whisk together a quick frosting if desired, and drizzle over the top.

Homemade Pop Tarts

These little beauties are so easy to make. Maybe not as easy as pulling them out of a box, but definitely worth the little bit of effort. The crust is richer and more flaky. The fruity center is more vibrant. And the icing is fresh.

Now Pop Tarts are worth the calories!

Homemade Pop Tarts

Make them with your kids for a weekend breakfast, or around the holidays as a special treat. Your family will never look at boxed toaster pastries the same way again.


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