


my pic



martes, 4 de abril de 2017

What You Don’t See by Ree

What You Don’t See by Ree

I just snapped this photo of the Oklahoma sunrise a few minutes ago after Marlboro Man, on his way out the door, said “Pretty sunrise; you should take a picture” and after I subsequently threw on a pair of Bryce’s shoes and ran outside so I wouldn’t miss the sunrise window, which is usually about 90 seconds long. And what a pretty sunrise it was!

But then then orange and red disappeared, replaced by blue, which illuminated the yard, which drove home the reality of the following:

* An old hammock strap dangling from the tree. It’s been there for probably seven months. Why have I not removed it?

* An upside down chair on our dock. What’s the story there?

* A broken, jagged board from the steps leading off of our patio. Our labs did it. They had to get to the rabbit that was under the steps—the rabbit that ran away long before they got the board loose, by the way.

* One-third of Presley’s eighth dog bed. He eats them. I wonder why I keep trying again? It’s the optimist in me.

* A paper bag that has likely blown in from the panhandle sometime over the past week. It’s caught in our fence. I guess I must love it because it’s still there!

* Weeds. I prefer to call them “the country.”

* A sock. Waterlogged. Muddy. Whose?

* Cow patties.

* Horse poop.

Having said all that, I hope you enjoyed the lovely, idyllic sunrise photo this morning!

Lots of love,
Pioneer Woman


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