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miércoles, 17 de mayo de 2017

Hello, Friends! by Ree

Greetings from the great beyond! And by great beyond, I mean:

* Alex is home from college

* Bryce and Todd have been finishing up their year of school

* Marlboro Man and the kids have been working cattle

* The dogs have required a lot of attention from me lately. They are so needy and they make me play fetch constantly.

* I’ve been working on my cookbook. This is the latest I have finished a cookbook relative to the release date, and I guess I must like living on the edge because I’m on the edge! But I keep thinking of recipes I want to include because I want you to love the cookbook!

* I’ll get it done eventually. I just might not have any hair left.

I didn’t mean to write an entire blog post using bullet points, but I guess that’s what I did.

Oh! I almost forgot. Here’s the cover of the PW Magazine! I posted it on Facebook last week, but also wanted to share here in case you didn’t see it.

I’m very excited about the magazine. I waited until I really felt I knew what I wanted to do with it, and I’m so happy with how it turned out. I had you (yes, you!) in mind when I created it, and made sure it had a lot of the qualities of my blog (weirdness, etc; ha). My goal is that while you’re reading it, you’re never bored!

Specifics: The first issue will launch nationwide June 6 in newsstands at Walmart stores and The Merc! After that, we’ll have subscription options for future issues.

Back to The Merc: We had a fun Mother’s Day week and got to show off our wrapping paper a little more than usual. It’s one of my favorite things in the whole dang place. That, and the whoopie cushions.

Back to Alex for a second: This is what she was wearing on her feet when she arrived at home on the ranch. No shoes. Mismatched socks. The perfect representation of college.

We’ve had a blast since she’s been home, even though all we have done is watch crazy documentaries (that’s a whole other blog post), go to the doctor (random checkups), and play basketball (I’m really bad.)

And laugh. We’ve laughed a lot.

We’ve also spent time with the horses! Alex misses them when she’s gone, so it’s fun to see her reunite with them. We lost one of our beautiful, loyal, old horses a couple of months ago, so we had a little sad moment about that.

UGH, it’s hard to lose a horse. They live alongside the kids for so much of their lives, and the relationship is so unique. I have to stop typing now or the tears will start flowing.

Never mind. Too late.

I’d better go wake up Alex so we can start laughing again…

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