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lunes, 16 de octubre de 2017

The Boarding House by The Pioneer Woman

Work has been moving along on the two smaller buildings down the street from The Merc, particularly in the building I’m now calling a boarding house, because “hotel” just doesn’t seem like the right description.

We put new balconies/overhangs on the two buildings, and last week they got concrete (cement? concrete? concrete? cement? I always get the two confused) floors on them! The idea being if guests are eating or drinking and they spill something, it won’t wind up on the heads of those below.

It almost has the illusion of a whole elevated sidewalk! I think it’ll be nifty with some chairs and ferns.

I keep mentioning ferns.

All I can think about are the ferns. Never mind that this will probably be completed in the dead of winter when ferns aren’t possible.

But that’s okay. A girl can dream of ferns.

One thing Marlboro Man and I have really been surprised about is the perspective from the balcony. It opens up a whole new view of our downtown.

Inside, things are moving along. The rooms are just about all framed in on the second third floor. (There are two floors, four rooms each.)

We are most certainly not covering up these blessed murals: One will wind up in the hallway/stairwell area…

While the other one will wind up as the main wall in one of the bedrooms.

Good job, Marlboro Man! I mentioned in my previous post that he has really spearheaded this project. His brain works that way, mine doesn’t, and it’s been fun watching this come together considering I have had very little to do with it thus far.

Though Marlboro Man just informed me I need to help him pick out doorknobs. Taking a deep breath…

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