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lunes, 4 de diciembre de 2017

C is for Cookie, That’s Good Enough for Me! by The Pioneer Woman

First of all, it’s National Cookie Day, which is neato considering another episode of Christmas Cookie Challenge airs on Food Network tonight. Sometime I need to tell you all about the behind-the-scenes adventures of filming this sweet, sugary show, but it really was a lot of fun! I can’t remember if I’ve told you this because my brain no longer works, but did I happen to tell you that a short time before I filmed the show, I gave up flour? Yes, it’s true. This is my life. I give up flour then go judge a show about cookies.

I am eating flour again, by the way. Very soon I am definitely going to tell you an interesting tale about my flour-free three months (which weren’t exactly flour-free considering my judging gig), but I think you’ll get a kick out of the results.

Anyway, hope you can tune in and watch the cookie fun tonight at 10 eastern/9 central!

I shared this photo on social media, but I love it so I’m sharing it again. Trayvonne and his brother Kevin, Todd and Bryce’s friends, have been staying with us for a few weeks, and Trayvonne was the only one of the six kids in my house who hung in the kitchen with me Thanksgiving Day. He wasn’t comfortable jumping in and doing too much, but he watched intently and asked very smart questions about the things I was doing.

I love the kid!

Meanwhile, back at the Merc…our lead baker Virginia and her amazing team of bakers built a gingerbread Merc!

I mean…wow. I don’t think I’ve ever loved a gingerbread structure more. Gorgeous!

I don’t think I’ve ever loved two girls more.

And who’s that man holding Alex on his shoulders? Identify yourself, sir!

My oh my. Time is flying!

But boy, is it ever fun…

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