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jueves, 21 de diciembre de 2017

Cranberry Thyme Gin and Tonic by Brenda

Cranberry Thyme Gin and Tonic

You know that feeling when you arrive at a dinner party and the host/hostess hands you a beautiful, handcrafted cocktail when you walk through the door? Isn’t that just the best?

It’s the little details that I especially appreciate—the things that people do to make a gathering feel extra special. Like a hand-lettered menu, a personalized music play list … or a special cocktail, like this Cranberry Thyme Gin and Tonic.

Cranberry Thyme Gin and Tonic

This cranberry thyme gin and tonic is quickly becoming an annual tradition at our house. I first started serving these pretty beverages last year at a Friendsgiving gathering we hosted, and continued to serve them for the next couple months.

The cranberries make a perfect holiday statement (Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s) but also easily extend themselves through the remaining months of winter. I like to use cranberries until spring arrives!

Cranberry Thyme Gin and Tonic

Besides the fresh cranberries available this time of year, there’s also an incredible variety of citrus to enjoy. Squeezing that fresh, sweet juice is one of the elements that make this drink so special, and in tune to the season.

This gin and tonic can easily be made with the more common Navel oranges. But I much prefer sweet little Clementines. They’re an easy-to-peel fruit that our girls like to pack in their school lunch bags, so we pretty much always have them on hand during citrus season.

Cranberry Thyme Gin and Tonic

I’m also a stickler about cranberry juice when it comes to cocktails. I look for “100% pure cranberry juice,” which isn’t as popular on the shelves as the many cranberry juice drinks you’ll find that are mixed with any variety of other fruit juices.

Seek out pure cranberry juice for that wonderfully tart cranberry flavor.

Cranberry Thyme Gin and Tonic

Bright, tart, sweet, and earthy—all these flavors play together so very well in this beautiful cocktail.

Make your next holiday gathering extra special. Hand each guest a cranberry thyme gin and tonic!

Here’s the link to the printable recipe on Tasty Kitchen: Cranberry Thyme Gin and Tonic


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