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lunes, 22 de enero de 2018

It’s All Gonna Be Just Fine by The Pioneer Woman

First thangs first: Here is the view of the back of the Boarding House! This shows the second and third floor; we had to put a new metal roof on the bottom floor (which extends beyond the line of the rooms upstairs), so things look a little spiffier than they did before we started!

Second, here’s Marlboro Man admiring the newly stained paneling (and coffered ceilings) in The Tack Room. I like catching him when he doesn’t know I’m taking his photo…

Ha. Caught ya.

(It’s Marlboro Man’s birthday today! I am no longer the older woman.)

These photos are reading just a teeny bit warmer than real life, but this is pretty much how the paneling looks.

I think it’s really pretty.

And the ceilings. Swoon!

And speaking of swoon…this is the bathroom in The Butterfly Room, and I am dying over the tile.

I’ll show you the bathroom layout in a future post, but basically there’s a vanity when you first walk in, a shower behind it, and a sink on either side of the shower. You can access the shower from either side, and it’s a nice, balanced layout! Marlboro Man and I saw a bathroom like that in Las Vegas (of all places!) and we both thought it was so clever.

The blue tile around the edge is really nice, too—kind of mottled so it doesn’t look too perfect.

You could say the same thing about my bottom.

Okay, moving on…these tiles are concrete tiles and have a great texture. Grouting them has been tricky, because they are very porous, and the color of grout we wanted to use (sort of a medium gray) is slightly darkening the tiles. So we’re having to pause and figure this out before we move forward.

Okay, this is the bathroom in The Tack Room, and before you scream, I have to tell you that I thought I was going to strongly dislike (my mom told me not to use the word hate, but I do with bananas so I probably could here but I won’t) these slate tiles. But once they were up, I really found them striking. They look a little harsh in the photo, but in person they’re dramatic and wonderful!

Speaking of hate and dramatic…okay, this is where I just have to trust the process. Remember when I asked you about using the old ceiling tiles inside the coffered ceiling in The Drugstore Room? Well, I wasn’t sold on it because they are SO worn out and weathered, but I finally realized it might be neato. I assumed, however, that the tiles would somewhat be in a pattern that makes sense.

But after playing around with patterns, the guys (Marlboro Man, Kurtess (our general manager), and the contractors all thought it would be cool just to have random pieces of tile in no particular pattern at all.

I will tell you that I am not sold on this. It disrupts my need for order and logic…but at the same time, it’s a little exciting. And up on the ceiling, it will have thicker pieces of wood around each one so will look a little different than this. But still…who knows?

I don’t know whether it’s my age or just the perspective I’ve gained through the years (or maybe I’m just tired), but I have gotten pretty adept at saying “You know what? It’s all gonna be just fine.”

Because if a ceiling tile pattern is going to be the key to my daily contentment, I’ve got a screw loose!


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