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martes, 10 de julio de 2018

Cookbook Contemplation by The Pioneer Woman

Cookbook Contemplation by The Pioneer Woman

Have I ever told you that I really like/enjoy/have fun writing cookbooks? I do. Sure, they are all-encompassing and take over my life while they are being written/cooked/photographed/edited, but in the end, I’m always happy that I spent the time making it (hopefully!) what I wanted it to be.

My number one goal when I put out a new cookbook isn’t making sure it has commercial appeal, or winning a culinary award, or appearing on morning shows, or creating a piece of art. Not that there’s anything wrong with that stuff! But it just doesn’t drive me through the knuckle-bleeding process that writing a cookbook entails. Nope, my number one goal when I write a new cookbook is that people will use it and, ultimately, love it. I actually put myself into the shoes of the people who will ultimately thumb through the pages and think “Would I like this? Would I cook this? Would this make me chuckle? Are the ingredients clear? Are the instructions clear? What is the meaning of life? Why do I have fourteen junk drawers in my kitchen right now? Ree, go clean out your closet.”

Sorry. I get distracted. But yes! When I write a cookbook, I want the copies people buy to have stains all over the pages within a couple of weeks. Nothing would make me happier.


I have a point! I have a new cookbook coming out next fall (October 2019), and I’m getting ready to jump in and start the fun. But as I’m organizing thoughts and recipe ideas, I wanted to include you in the brainstorm by asking, in a nutshell:

What would you like to see in the next PW cookbook?

I am working with a general direction in mind that I’m excited about, and I’d love to incorporate your thoughts, hopes, and dreams. Ha.

* Would you like a general cookbook with traditional categories such as Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, Appetizers, and Desserts, with no specific overarching theme?

* Or would you like a cookbook with a very specific focus: Fast, or Make-Ahead, or Comfort Food, or Slow Cooker/Instant Pot?

* Or would you like a mix?

* Would you like low-carb or slightly lighter versions of classic recipes?

* Or would that knock the earth off its axis?

* Do you want a cookbook that also contains family/ranch photos and stories?

* Or would you rather cut to the chase and use all the pages in the cookbook for recipes and cooking tips?

* Do you like the step-by-step recipes?

* Or would you rather just have the recipe and one big photo per recipe?

* What would be helpful to you in the next PW cookbook?

* Do you like questions?

* Or would you like me to stop asking questions?

Please jump in, weigh in, sock it to me, really let me have it! While I have some of the recipes decided (they are soooo tasty) I can steer the cookbook in whatever direction I want. But while I’m behind the wheel, I’d love for you to help navigate. In return, I will name my next cookbook after you!

Wait, that would be a little tricky. Okay, then how about this: I will be sure to make the next cookbook just what you want!

Because as I said above…nothing would make me happier. 🙂

Lots of love,
P-Widdy Dub-Diddy


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