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jueves, 1 de diciembre de 2016

Basic boxing guide

Basic boxing guide


Boxing can be integrated into various exercise genres including cardio, HIIT, plyometric, reflex training and stamina training. Reap the benefits of this all-rounder with Tiffanee Cook, Boxing Trainer from Fightfit Boxing Centre's boxing basics.


It is important that before starting a boxing workout, your body, joints and muscles are nice and warm. The best way to do this is a boxing-specific warm-up: e.g. shadow-boxing.


When shadow-boxing, make sure you move around, keeping your boxing stance with light feet; remember to “float like a butterfly”. As you do this, throw punches such as jabs, crosses and hooks. Start slowly and pick up the pace and intensity as you feel your body warming up.

Shadow-boxing/sparring is often done in front of a mirror, which enables you to check that your stance is on cue and hands are up. 

More advanced punches such as the rip and the upper cut require good timing and a strong core. Alternatively, visit https://www.youtube.com.


1. Stance




Stand with feet approximately shoulder-width apart with your preferred back leg roughly 30 cm back. Keep light on your feet with your back heel off the ground to help you float around the bag/ring. Staying flat-footed will make you slow and an easy target! Keep your knees slightly bent.

2. Cross 






The stronger straight punch using the back hand. This is most boxers’ power punch.

3. Jab




This is a straight punch using the front hand. Often used as a set-up punch for the stronger backhand, to measure distance or in some rare cases as a power shot. 

4. Hook 


The hook can be thrown by either hand and is executed by twisting the hips and shoulders quickly as your hand comes around to strike the side of the bag (or in your imagination, your opponent’s jaw).

Discover more ways to improve your cardio fitness here.






December 02, 2016 at 12:19AM

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