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miércoles, 8 de febrero de 2017

Core blast with Tiffiny Hall

Core blast with Tiffiny Hall


Sculpt your core with this five move core workout by January 2018 cover model Tiffiny Hall.





GEAR: none!

GO: 20 seconds’ work, 10 seconds’ rest, 4–6 rounds (push yourself!)


1. V-snap to push-up with a sexy roll



What a move! This exercise works your whole body, focusing on your core and adding a cardio twist. We all know we can’t spot-reduce fat, so it makes sense to combine a core-strengthening exercise with full-body function movements to burn calories, right?

» First up, the V-snap. Lie on your back, pushing your belly button down into your spine so there is no space between your lower back and the floor. 

» Lift your arms over your head and perform a sit-up. At the same time, lift your legs (keep them straight) to make a V with your bod and reach for your toes. This is the snap! 

» Lower your arms and legs slowly.

» Now for the sexy roll. Roll over so you end up in a push-up position. The trick is to roll on your elbow and forearm, and to roll fast! The faster we move, the more calories we burn. 

» Perform one push-up (knees or toes), lower your body to the ground and sexy-roll back to starting position, ready to throw your arms over your head and snap again!





2. Plank butt kicks



This move not only builds strength through the core, but by adding the butt kicks you’re getting a hit of cardio. You can see why this is one of my faves!

» Start in a planking position on your forearms and elbows, butt down and hips up.

» Your body should form a straight line from shoulders to ankles like, well, a plank.

» Engage your core by sucking your belly button into your spine. If you’re on struggle street, don’t drop your hips or arch your back, simply push your butt up to the sky.

» Hold and add the special ingredient: butt kicks! One leg at a time, bring your foot up to your butt, kick it, then lower your foot back to the ground. Alternate legs, go as fast as you can, but don’t lose that planking form!





3. Guard sit-up with jab, cross punches



This is the ab-solute best move for strengthening your core, while the cross body punches work the oblique muscles too. And you know what they say (well, what I say at least), tight obliques will cinch in that waist – like a belt.

» Start on your back with your feet together (heels touching), tucked up towards your butt and your knees pointing to the side – like a butterfly. 

» Keeping your guard up to your chin, perform a sit-up. As your shoulders pass over your hips, reach one arm across your body in a punch, then the other arm.

» Curl your spine back down to the floor, making sure you keep your belly button pulled into your spine.





4. Round-the-world guard sit-ups 



We use this one in taekwondo for ground self-defence, but it’s an awesome ab/cardio workout too – who knew! Make sure you keep your belly button stapled to your spine to engage the core. And no cheating! That means hands kept firm in guard position rather than using them for momentum. 

» Lie on your back with your guard up and raise your knees up to your chest.

» Lift your hips and lead with your butt to pivot your hips to one side.

» Continue to lift your hips, pivot your butt to the side and crunch the abs in a circular motion so that you wind around. And don’t forget to breathe (exhale as you crunch)!

» Complete one 360-degree round of these, then onto anticlockwise.




5. High knees with boxing oblique twists



Twisting through the trunk helps to slim the waist and work the core and obliques so you achieve beautiful curves through the midsection, while high knees make this move cardio – so you strengthen your abs while burning belly fat. Win, win!

» Hands in a guard position, snug under your chin, elbows pointing to your hips and your forearms facing the front. Run on the spot, lifting your knees up high to your belly button. 

» Now, add in upper-body twists side to side so your elbow meets the opposite knee.

Remember: knees high, hips forward and most importantly, pull the belly button into your spine to switch on your core. Now lift those knees soldier, high like your heart rate! 

NEXT: Looking for more high-intensity workouts? Try this gym free workout today.




February 07, 2017 at 04:02AM

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