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domingo, 30 de abril de 2017

Mindful chocolate eating

Mindful chocolate eating


Learn how to eat with intention and avoid the guilt trip with these tips for mindful chocolate eating.


Store Keep chocolate at room temperature. High quality chocolate should never be stored in the refrigerator; in the mouth, cold chocolate does not release the flavours and aromas as quickly as room temperature chocolate. 

Cleanse Before your chocolate fix, eat a piece of apple or small piece of bread to cleanse the palate of other flavours.

Smell Involve your sense of smell, touch and sight in the tasting process. Before eating, look at the chocolate, appreciate the shine and colour. Break off a piece and listen to the sound. High-quality chocolate produces a sharp, crisp sound when it breaks and a clean edge. Rub the chocolate with your fingers  (it should feel smooth), which will start to release the odours and enhance flavour intensity. Smell the chocolate and try to define different aromas. 

Suck Place the chocolate in your mouth and let it melt without chewing (it will melt at 32 degrees Celsius. Let the flavours release and be aware of the flavours (notice whether they’re the same as the ones you smelled). 

Finish Once the chocolate has melted completely, be aware of the ‘finish’. It should not be bitter or unpleasant on the palate. New flavours may emerge.

NEXT: Here's how to avoid mindless eating.




April 26, 2017 at 05:58AM http://ift.tt/2qsuQmt

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