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lunes, 1 de mayo de 2017

Rice 101 by Erika

Rice 101 by Erika

Rice 101

I love rice!

Rice is a major part of the Puerto Rican diet. We had it with almost every meal: white rice, yellow rice, rice with beans, chicken and rice, you name it.

White medium-grain rice was our rice of choice. In fact, it wasn’t until I was an adult that I discovered other types of rice. Although the rice of my childhood will always be my favorite and hold a special place in my heart, the truth is, I love all the rice.

It amazes me when I think of all the different varieties of rice there are! Each type of grain has a specific texture, flavor, and purpose. Today, I am sharing some of the most common types of rice and what makes each one special.

Rice 101 long grain

Long-Grain Rice

These grains are long and slim, hence the name: long-grain rice. When cooked, the grains remain separate and firm. It’s the most common rice found in the United States. This rice is typically cooked by the absorption method: in a tightly covered pot with a measured amount of water. 

Cooking ratio: 2 cups water to 1 cup of rice.

Rice 101 basmati

Basmati Rice

This rice is long, slim, full of flavor, and subtly nutty. It must be grown in India or Pakistan to be called basmati. It should be rinsed to remove the starchy milling powder, then soaked for half an hour or more before cooking.

Cooking ratio: 1 3/4 cups water to 1 cup rice.

Rice 101 brown rice

Brown Rice and White Rice

Brown rice has only its husk removed during milling, making it naturally high in B vitamins and minerals. Because brown rice retains its germ (not germ as in bacteria—germ here refers to the portion of the grain that is richest in nutrients), it also has some vitamin E. Brown rice has a richer flavor and a chewier texture than white rice. It also takes longer to cook, though quick-cooking and instant forms are available.

White rice, on the other hand, is completely milled, removing the husk, bran, and most of the germ. It’s fluffier and softer in texture than brown rice. The cooking ratio for both brown rice and white rice is the same.

Cooking ratio: 2 cups water to 1 cup rice.

Rice 101 sushi

Sushi Rice

These grains are almost round and chalky white. It is rinsed prior to processing to remove the outer starch coating. Cook sushi rice by soaking and steaming, which causes the rice to stick together. When prepared, it appears glossy and sticky, but not as sticky as sticky rice. It can be eaten in small balls picked up with fingers or chopsticks.

Cooking ratio: 1 1/4 cups water to 1 cup rice.

Sticky Rice

Sticky rice, also known as glutinous rice or sweet rice, is short and round like sushi rice. This grain has almost no amylose, which is the component that makes rice cook light and fluffy. This means it gets very sticky when cooked. The traditional cooking method for sticky rice involves soaking the grains first, then draining and steaming. It is rice commonly used in the preparation of Asian desserts.

Rice 101 jasmine

Jasmine Rice

Jasmine rice has long translucent grains, stickier than other long-grain rice. The rice is very fragrant, almost floral. Grown in eastern Asia, it’s used mostly in Thai cooking. Wash the rice before cooking to remove excess starch.

Cooking ratio: 1 1/2 cups water to 1 cup rice.

Rice 101 par-boiled

Par-boiled Rice and Quick-Cooking (or Instant) Rice

Par-boiled rice and quick-cooking rice are very different.

Par-boiled rice is whole grain rice that is soaked, steamed under pressure and dried before milling and polishing. This forces the nutrients into the remaining portion of the grain, so they are not totally lost during processing. It’s not pre-cooked and is slightly harder than regular rice. It is golden in color, takes a little longer to cook, and remains separate and fluffy. 

Cooking ratio: 2 1/4 cups water to 1 cup rice.

Quick-cooking rice is milled, polished and fully cooked first, then dehydrated. It takes half the time to cook than ordinary long-grain rice. The grain remains separate but I find the texture less satisfying than regular rice. It also tends to be dryer and more brittle. It’s best to follow the package directions when preparing this kind of rice.

Rice 101 arborio

Arborio Rice

This rice has plump, short grains, and when cooked, the grains stick together. It is high in the sticky starch essential to risotto’s creamy texture.

Cooking ratio: 1 1/2 cups water to 1 cup rice.

Rice 101 medium grain

Medium-Grain Rice

This is the rice grain I grew up eating. It’s slightly sticky, great for making many Latin American rice dishes. Bomba and paella rice are medium grain rice. It absorbs up to twice as much liquid as long-grain rice, but without getting sticky, like short-grain rice.

Cooking ratio: 2 1/2 cups water to 1 cup rice.

Rice 101 wild rice

Wild Rice

Many don’t know that wild rice is not true rice. Wild rice is the seed of a grass native to North America. It is chewy, nutty and has a great texture.

Cooking ratio: 3 cups water to 1 cup rice.

Rice 101 black rice

Black Rice

Black rice is also known as forbidden rice. Although hard to find, it’s becoming more available. This is whole grain rice that cooks firm, tender, and loose. It appears almost purple when cooked. It’s used for making porridge, dessert, Chinese rice cakes, bread and noodles.

Cooking ratio: 1 3/4 cups water to 1 cup rice.

Rice 101

If you’ve never made rice, I assure you it is incredibly easy to make, especially in a rice cooker. But if you don’t have a rice cooker, don’t fret! In an upcoming post, Erica is going to tell you how to make rice without a rice cooker.

Rice is the best! One of my favorite quick fix meals is white rice with bacon, pink beans, fried sweet plantains and a fried egg. So, so good. How about you? Do you have any favorite rice dishes?



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