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martes, 13 de diciembre de 2016

Soul-Pleasing by Ree

Soul-Pleasing by Ree

christmasmercI had a wonderful time at The Merc last weekend! Christmas is bustin’ out all over, and it has been so great meeting folks from near and far. I had originally planned not to do too much Christmas decorating at The Merc this year since we just opened at the end of October, but holiday cheer took over and before we knew it, we had little hints of Christmas everywhere.

img_8057Alex got home from college Saturday night, and we had just enough time to hug, pack and get ready to head to Colorado the next morning! Marlboro Man and the boys had taken off to drive Saturday, but since Alex wasn’t expected back until that evening and because I wanted to be at The Merc during the day on Saturday, the girls and I got to fly.

It was a pretty morning! It looked like we were in Antarctica.

img_4997-3We are only here for a few days, but goodness gracious, has it been wonderful. After such a busy summer and fall, we were due for some family time. Alex hasn’t been able to join us in Colorado for the past few times because of college, so the six of us being here in the same place where we’ve been since Alex was probably twelve (and don’t get me started on how old Todd was) has been special. Soul-pleasing. Wonderful.

At the same time, we will be ready to get home to the ranch later this week.

At the same time, I will probably hold on to the nearest Aspen tree when it’s time to go home and yell “No no no no no no no!” Not because I don’t love it at home, but because I’m here with my babies. And even though they’re all old enough to go up on the mountain without any adults around, they still feel like my babies when we’re here in Colorado.

At the same time, I miss Charlie. He’s staying with a friend who succumbs to his emotional manipulation and rubs his belly every night.

In other words, he feels like he’s right at home!


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